32-bit Sub-routine Index - Last updated 13-07-2023  

32-bit Sub-routine Index

Name Description
ACMBO$ Add string to GX Combo Box  16.9.2004
ADDAU$ Add  operator to $$AUTH file 14.10.2004
ADDOF$ The ADDOF$ routine is used to return the address of a data item by supplying the symbol name of that data item. 19.9.2003. Updated 7.12.2017
ALERT$ ALERT$ - The ALERT$ routine is used to issue an Application Alert in OneOffice 3000 WorksSpace (OO3KWS). An Application Alert can be used to alert users to a particular issue (e.g. a credit limit has been reached). Added 20/09/2006
ALLOC$ The ALLOC$ routine can be used to allocate a new sub-volume on a domain and is mainly used by installation programs. ALLOC$ will only allocate volumes on a separated sub-unit domain. Added 9.4.2020
ALPHA$ The ALPHA$ merely tests if a character is alphabetic  6.9.2013
ALPHN$ The ALPHN$ merely tests if a character is alphanumeric  6.9.2013
AMBAB$ Advanced Message Box - Add Button  18.11.2003
AMBAC$ Advanced Message Box - Accept  18.11.2003
AMBAI$ Advanced Message Box - Add Icon  18.11.2003
AMBAT$ Advanced Message Box - Add Text  18.11.2003
AMBDAM Advanced Message Box - Add button (32 bit AM) 10.2.2002
AMBIN$ Advanced Message Box - Initialise 18.11.2003
AMACC$ Advanced Menu Handler - Accept  6.9.2004
AMGXDBAM GX read/write BDAM (32 bit AM) 11.2.2002
AMHDR$ Advanced Menu Handler - Send Header  6.9.2004
AMCLR$ Advanced Menu Handler - Clear  6.9.2004
AMCOL$ Advanced Menu Handler - Get Colour Profile  6.9.2004
AMPAG$ Advanced Menu Handler - Send Page  6.9.2004
AMSEQ$ Advanced Menu Handler - Get Sequence  6.9.2004
ANDB$ Logical AND op on single byte values 30.8.2004
ANDD$ Logical AND op on double-word values 30.8.2004
ANDW$ Logical AND op on single word values 30.8.2004
AOTOP$ Define Next GX Window as "Always On Top" 31.8.2004
ASCHK$ ASCHK$ - Check for Duplicate Assignments A subtle problem with the Extended Unit Assignment Tables can occur if applications linked with the pre-V8.1 ASSIG$ routine are used with a GSM V8.1 that has been configured with 1, or more, extra ASSIG$ tables. If the Primary ASSIG$ Table is full then when an application linked with the V8.1 ASSIG$ routine (e.g. the standard Menu Handler) adds a new Unit Assignment (e.g. NLD) that entry will be added into the Extended Table(s). If one, or more units, are then removed from the Primary Table thus creating spare slots in the Primary Table when an application linked with the pre-V8.1 ASSIG$ attempts to add a new Unit Assignment (e.g. NLD) the situation can arise where a Unit Assignment appears in both the Primary Assignment Table and an Extended Assignment Table. Added 9.4.2020
ASSIG$ The ASSIG$ system routine can be used to establish or modify a unit assignment
AUTHA$ The AUTHA$ routine is used to test an authorisation point position for use with the $AUTH32 system of authorisation vetting. Added 9.4.2020
AUTHB$ The AUTHB$ routine is used by the Menu Handler to test an authorisation point position for use with the $AUTH32 system of authorisation vetting. Added 9.4.2020
AUTHM$ The AUTHM$ routine is used by the Menu Handler to test an authorisation point position for use with the $AUTH32 system of authorisation vetting. Added 9.4.2020
AUTHL$ The AUTHL$ routine is used to load the authorisation points without performing any validation of the current user. Added 9.4.2020
B$BACK B$BACK – Display Window Records In Reverse Sequence. This call is used in place of a normal ENTER WINDOW statement, where the window is required to display records in reverse sequence, starting from the top of the window. For example, a window that has a record indexed on order number, may want to start with the most recent order at the top of the screen and for the orders to get older as you page down the list. Added 1.8.2004
B$BAD Database Creation Routine 4.5.2005. Updated 19.12.2005
B$BCKO B$BCKO – Set Window Scroll Direction Reverse This call is used in within a window that has been entered using the B$BACK call, which has subsequently used the B$BCKF routine, to set the window scroll direction from normal to reverse. Added 1.8.2004 1.8.2004
B$BCKF B$BCKF – Set Window Scroll Direction Normal. This call is used in within a window that has been entered using the B$BACK call to set the window scroll direction from reverse to normal. Added 01/08/2004

Convert Global format Speedbase Database 27.6.2005

B$BNC Create new non DBX Pervasive/MS SQL database updated 11.6.2009
B$BND Delete new non DBX Pervasive/MS SQL database updated 11.6.2009
B$BNN Convert existing  non DBX Pervasive/MS SQL database to new generation number  updated 11.6.2009
B$BNP Change path to non DBX Pervasive/MS SQL database updated 11.6.2009
B$BNR Rebuild an existing non DBX Pervasive/MS SQL database updated 11.6.2009

Return Database Record Counts. Added 4.6.2005. Updated 25.7.2022

B$BXCL B$BXCL – Set Current Field Colour to 9 (Lines and Boxes). This call is used to redisplay the current data field using the standard colour 9 (lines and boxes). Added 01/08/2004
B$CDB The B$CDB routine is used to close a Speedbase database previously opened by the B$OPN routine. Added 23/06/2022
B$CPSL The B$CPSL routine converts a 16-bit pointer (PIC SPT) to a 32-bit Pointer (PIC PTR). Added 15/09/2022
B$CSMP Clear Extended SMEM Substituted Channel 3.11.2008
B$CTYP The B$CTYP routine changes the Speedbase Windows Type on the fly 6.9.2013
B$CURR Checks window passed as a parameter to see if a current record is highlit, or if the cursor is on the last line of the screen 16.6.2004

The B$CWMD routine can be used to replace the modes available for a specified window. Added 12.3.2012


Disable/Enable Indexes in Windows for ENQ mode 24.3.2005

B$D-RN The B$D-RN routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-RN(XT) does not perform a useful function. Added 3.6.2023
B$D-2R The B$D-2R routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-2R(NXT) reads a record from the BDAM file. Added 19.7.2022
B$D-2W B$D-2W – Direct File Access Simple Write Next Routine The B$D-2W routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-2W(RITE) writes a record to the BDAM file. Added 19.7.2022
B$D-CH B$D-CH – Direct File Access Check and Close Routine The B$D-CH routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-CH(K) checks for an existing BDAM file and closes the file if it exists. Added 19.7.2022
B$D-CL B$D-CL – Direct File Access Close Routine The B$D-CL routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-CL(OSE) closes an open BDAM file. Added 19.7.2022
B$D-DE B$D-DE – Direct File Access Delete Routine The B$D-DE routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-DE(LETE) deletes an open BDAM file. Added 19.7.2022
B$D-IN B$D-IN – Direct File Access Return File Information Routine The B$D-IN routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-IN(FO) returns information about the current open BDAM file. Added 19.7.2022
B$D-OL B$D-OL – Direct File Access Open Old Routine The B$D-OL routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-OL(D) opens an old BDAM file. Added 19.7.2022
B$D-OP B$D-OP – Direct File Access Open New Routine The B$D-OP routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-OP(EN) opens a new BDAM file, deleting an existing file, if necessary. Added 19.7.2022
B$D-PO B$D-PO – Direct File Access Set Current File Position Routine The B$D-PO routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-PO(SITION) sets the current file position for the next read or write operation on the current open BDAM file. Added 19.7.2022
B$D-UN B$D-UN – Direct File Access Set Unit Routine The B$D-UN routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-UN(IT) establishes the Unit field used for a subsequent open or check operation. Added 19.7.2022
B$E-CL B$E-CL – Direct File Access Extra Close Routine The B$E-CL routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$E-CL(OSE) closes an open BDAM file. Added 19.7.2022
B$E-GE B$E-GE – Direct File Access Get Record Length Routine The B$E-SE routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$E-GE(T-RLEN) returns the Record Length field in the internal FD. Added 19.7.2022
B$E-RN B$E-RN – Direct File Access Simple Read Block Routine The B$E-RN routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$E-RN(XT) reads a block from the BDAM file. Added 19.7.2022
B$E-SE B$E-SE – Direct File Access Set Record Length Routine The B$E-SE routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$E-SE(T-RLEN) establishes the Record Length field used for a subsequent operations. Added 19.7.2022
B$E-ZE B$E-ZE – Direct File Access Set File Address to Zero Routine The B$E-ZE routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$E-ZE(RO-PFFAD) sets the File Address field in an internal FD to zero. Added 19.7.2022
B$D-WR The B$D-WR routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. B$D-WR(ITE) writes a Speedbase channel to an open BDAM file. Added 3.6.2023
B$FDIO The B$FDIO routine calls the entry-point of an Access Method via the FDPTR pointer field within the FD. Added 15.9.2022
B$FRER The B$FRER routine returns the number of free records in a Speedbase database record set. Added 22.7.2022
B$BXCL B$BXCL – Set Current Field Colour to 9 (Lines and Boxes). This call is used to redisplay the current data field using the standard colour 9 (lines and boxes). Added 01/08/2004
B$DBXC Create a new Pervasive SQL or Microsoft SQL format DBX Speedbase database updated 11.6.2009. Updated 11.2.2022
B$DBXD Delete an existing Pervasive SQL or Microsoft SQL format DBX Speedbase database updated 11.6.2009

Load pre DBX Database to New 30.3.2005

B$DBXN Convert an existing Pervasive SQL or Microsoft SQL format DBX Speedbase database to a new Generation Number updated 11.6.2009. Updated 11.2.2022
B$DBXP Change the path details of an existing Pervasive SQL or Microsoft SQL format DBX Speedbase database updated 11.6.2009
B$DBXR Rebuild an existing Pervasive SQL or Microsoft SQL format DBX Speedbase database updated 11.6.2009
B$DIC2 The B$DIC2 routine is used to return the record-id details from a DBX Data Dictionary. Added 1.4.2022. Updated 25.7.2022
B$DICT The B$DICT routine is used to return the record-id details from a pre-DBX Data Dictionary. Added 1.4.2022. Updated 25.7.2022
B$DLRN Return the current record number of I/O channel 16.6.2004. Updated 25.4.2008
B$DRGN Return the current generation number of I/O channel 16.6.2004. Updated 25.4.2008
B$DSC The B$DSC routine clears the baseline by removing any characters displayed on the baseline using the ACCEPT or DISPLAY verbs. Added 23/06/2022
B$DXCP The B$DXCP routine can be used to build a Copy Library from a DBX Data Dictionary. Added 30/03/2020. Updated 9.2.2022
B$FRER B$FRER – Return Number of Free Records. Added 25/07/2022
B$FFUL When ever a file full error is detected in standard Global 3000, this routine should be invoked immediately afterwards. It returns information about the record and database in which the error occurred Added 16.6.2004. Updated 24.3.2023
B$GDCT The B$GDCT routine can be used to build a Pervasive SQL or Microsoft SQL format DBX Speedbase dictionary from an appropriate meta-dictionary. Added 30/06/2015. Updated 28.6.2022
B$GTIO The B$GTIO routine is available to return a sanitized version of the internal Speedbase I/O control block for a specified record. Added 24.4.2020. Updated 7.5.2020. Updated 18.5.2020. Updated 19.5.2023
B$GTWK Get Window Control Block Added 17.3.2005. Updated 4.6.2008
B$GV2 The B$GV2 routine returns the version of the Speedbase Gateway and the version of the Pervasive SQL or Microsoft SQL server. Added 25.7.2022
B$GVER The B$GVER routine returns the version of the Speedbase Gateway and the version of the Microsoft SQL server. Added 22.7.2022.
B$GX-7 Enable U-7 "Interrupt" Button - Added 30.7.2015
B$INIR This routine is used to initialise a speedbase record area to low values. This has the effect of setting all numeric fields on the record to zero 16.6.2004
B$OPN The B$OPN routine is used to open a Speedbase database. Added 24.06.2022
B$PATH The B$PATH routine can be used to obtain the Server Name and BDCF path-name for a Pervasive SQL or Microsoft SQL database. Added 3.1.2014
B$PFUP The B$BFUP routine allows some parameters in an Extended Printing PF block to be changed “on the fly”. Updated 6.9.2013
B$PFU2 The B$BFU2 routine allows some parameters in an Extended Printing PF block to be changed "on the fly". 6.9.2013
B$PLPB This routine clears an internal field held within the BA$XPF DLM. Use of this routine can avoid a STOP 25385 that may be generated in the BA$XPF when massively complex combinations of PFs are used to generate a PDF report file.. 7.12.2017
B$POPI The B$POPI routine is used to display an iconic buttons pop-menu. Added 29/12/2005
B$PRC The B$PRC routine closes the print-file opened by a previous PRINT or MOUNT statement. Added 23/06/2022
B$PROI The B$PROI routine opens a PF, allowing an Error Intercept Routine (EIR) and a Message Intercept Routine (MIR) to be supplied 21.7.2004
B$QFT This routine intercepts file I/O operations and allows the programmer to detect when an invalid record is found and perform a direct fetch to get the next record rather than reading all the intervening records suppressing them from the display (which is slow) 16.6.2004. Updated 21.4.2020
B$RBG The B$RBG routine is used to rebuild a Global format Speedbase database. 29.4.2005
B$RBL The B$RBL allows the indexes of a single or all record types to be rebuilt. The rebuilding process is functionally identical to a partial database rebuild as performed by the database rebuild utility $BARBL. This system routine may be run from time to time to re-organise indexes following heavy processing such as mass deletions or insertions in order to optimise performance. The routine has the advantage that only a selected record type need be re-built, thus potentially saving unnecessary re-building time of other record types. 29.4.2005. Updated 13.1.2014

The B$RBX allows the indexes of a single or all record types to be rebuilt. The rebuilding process is functionally identical to a partial database rebuild as performed by the database rebuild utility $BARBL. This system routine may be run from time to time to re-organise indexes following heavy processing such as mass deletions or insertions in order to optimise performance. The routine has the advantage that only a selected record type need be re-built, thus potentially saving unnecessary re-building time of other record types. Added 29.4.2005. Updated 29.6.2022

B$RCNV The B$RCNV routine is used to convert one Speedbase record set to another Speedbase record set 20.1.2003
B$SMP Attached Extended SMEM Substituted Channel Added 11.6.2009. Updated 30.3.2020
B$ST The B$ST routine returns database status information for DBX databases. B$ST can be considered the replacement for B$STA, B$STB, B$ST2 and B$ST2N for DBX databases. For GSM SP-15, and later, B$ST returns a B$STA compatible control block if the database is non-DBX Added 25.7.2022
B$ST2 The B$ST2 routine returns extended database status information for a specified record type. Added 23/06/2022. UPdated 27/07/2022
B$ST2N The B$ST2N routine returns non-DBX database status information. For GSM SP-17, and later, B$ST2N includes an option to check the amount of free space in each of the records set within a database. Added 25.7.2022
B$STA The B$STA routine returns database status information for a specified record type and, optionally, status information for the entire database that contains the specified record type. Added 23/06/2022. Updated 25/07/2022
B$STB The B$STB routine returns database status information for a specified record type and, optionally, status information for the entire database that contains the specified record type. Added 25/07/2022.
B$STNC The B$STNC routine returns database status information for DBX databases. B$STNC is a Leicesterian hybrid of B$STB and B$ST. Added 25/07/2022.
B$SYNC The B$SYNC routine synchronises the GX type-ahead buffer, effectively clearing the internal character buffer maintained by the GX client. Added 07/12/2017
B$TYP The B$TYP routine returns the Speedbase Database type. Added 25/07/2022
B$WLJ The B$WLJ routine causes a field accepted within a window to be left-justified. This is useful when processing fields which may be numeric or character, depending on customisation. Added 23/06/2022
B$WOD The B$WMOD routine can be used to replace the modes available for a specified window. Added 26/03/2009
B$WRJ The B$WRJ routine causes a field accepted within a window to be right-justified. This is useful when processing fields which may be numeric or character, depending on customisation. Added 23/06/2022
B$XCL The B$XCL routine is used to gain exclusive access to a Speedbase database previously opened by the B$OPN routine. Added 23/06/2022
B$XPAT The B$XPAT routine allows the modification and addition of attributes of the current Style block between opening and closing a report being printed using the extended printing method Added 5.10.2009. Updated 26.10.2012
B$XPC The B$XPC routine closes the printer for extended printing. Added 24/07/2007
B$XPO The B$XPO routine opens the printer for extended printing. Added 1.4.2020. Updated 7.5.2020
B$XSH The B$XSH routine is used to release exclusive access to a Speedbase database previously locked by the B$XCL routine. Added 23/06/2022
BACK$ The BACK$ routine can be used to copy all files from one Windows folder to another Added 3.1.2014. Updated 31.3.2020
BAS32$ The BAS32$ routine can be used to convert a block of binary data to an ASCII string by translating it to a Radix-32 representation. 9.4.2019
BAS64$ The BAS64$ routine can be used to convert a block of binary data to an ASCII string by translating it to a Radix-64 representation. 12.7.2018. Updated 9.4.2019
BIF2$ The BIF2$ routine allows the top-bit (#80) of the $$BIF2 System Variable to be changed. Added 01.08.2022
BLDWF$ The BLDWF$ routine builds a Windows path name from a Global Filename and extension field. Added 12.08.2022
BNKAD$ The BNKAD$ routine creates an XML address file using the Postcode Anywhere web site. To use this routine you will need a Postcode Anywhere account number and license key.25.5.2006
BO$RFI Specialised Routines (not for general use) 15.8.2018
BOOL$ The BOOL$ routine can be used to test if a string, normally read from the registry, is a valid Boolean setting. 23.11.2004
BREXEC BREXEC - Execute 16-bit Reporter Report from 32-bit Although a 16-bit program can simply execute a 16-bit Reporter Report a special technique must be used by a 32-bit program to execute a 16-bit Reporter Report. The BREXEC routine provides this functionality. Added 9.4.2020
BTICN$ The BTICN$ routine is used to set, or update, the icon associated with a GX "Icon Button" 28.4.2005. Updated 22.10.2013. Updated 14.11.2014
CACHE$ The CACHE$ routine is used to enable either a read-cache or a read/write-cache on a GX BDAM FD. 28.10.2004
CACND$ The CACND$ routine is available to obtain the Console Controller Code. Added 9.4.2020
CAL16$ CAL16$ - Execute 16-bit Program from 32-bit Although a 32-bit program can simply EXEC another 32-bit program a special technique must be used by a 32-bit program to execute a 16-bit program. The CAL16$ routine is one of a family of sub-routines that provide this functionality. Added 9.4.2020
CAMEL$ The CAMEL$ routine converts a text-string to Camel Case. Updated 6.9.2013
CCMBO$ Clear GX Combo Box 30.7.2004
CCXML$ The CCXML$ routine is used to write a data string together with its tag to the Report XML file previously opened using the COXML$ routine. Added 04/07/2006
CFFGS$ The CFFGS$ routine copies the contents of a file from Global System Manager to the host operating system 1.12.2005
CFTGS$ The CFTGS$ routine copies the contents of a file from the host operating system to Global System Manager 1.12.2005. Updated 7.5.2020
CHK$E$ CHK$E$ - Check if $E Can be Run It may be necessary to determine if a partition is in a state that will allow the $E command to be executed successfully from that partition. The CHK$E$ routine provides this function. Added 9.4.2020
CLFD$ CLFD$ - Close Loader’s FD To optimize program loading the Program Loader does not normally close the current Program Library. Under some conditions (e.g. for all Command Programs) it is necessary to close the Open FD for the current Program Library. Added 9.4.2020
CLOSE$ The CLOSE$ routine must be used to close an FD opened by the OPEN$ or OPENS$ function. CLOSE$ is typically used after a directory has been processed with multiple LIST$ (or ELIST$) calls. Added 29.4.2020
CLTTA$ This routine clears the server-side type-ahead buffer which is maintained by the Console Executive. 7.12.2017
CMNDX$ The CMNDX$ routine is provided as an alternative to the 16-bit CMND$ 27.6.2002
CMPIP$ The CMPIP$ routine uses a combination of HOSIP$ and GETIP$ to compare the IP addresses of the Host computer (running GLOBAL.EXE) and the PC running GX client. 17.7.2018
CONCA$ CONCA$ is used to concatenate two fixed length strings resulting in a single zero-terminated string. Added 31.3.2020
COPYP$ COPYP$ - Copy Password Protected File The traditional COPY$ sub-routine, described in the File Management Manual, cannot copy a file that has been password protected. The COPYP$ routine, functionality equivalent to COPY$, does not suffer from this restriction. Added 9.4.2020
COPYQ$ The COPYQ$ routine can be used to copy a Windows file on the server running the Global Client. 14.5.2009 Updated 3.1.2014
COPYS$ COPYS$ - Copy Open Shared File The traditional COPY$ sub-routine, described in the File Management Manual, cannot copy a file that is Open Shared. The COPYS$ routine, functionality similar to COPY$, does not suffer from this restriction. Added 9.4.2020
COPYX$ The COPYX$ routine can be used to copy a Windows file on the server running the Global Client. 14.5.2009 Updated 3.1.2014
COXML$ The COXML$ routine is used to create a new XML file for use with Crystal Reports. It also opens the accompanying style sheet, which must be available. Added 04/07/2006
CPM$ CPM$ - Read User Details From Contract Protection Message. The CPM$ routine is used to obtain the User Details from the global.lic file 28.8.2004
CPROC$ The CPROC$ routine provides a method for a Speedbase program to initiate a program running on the Windows operating system. 27.1.2019
CPTR$ The AUTHL$ routine is used to load the authorisation points without performing any validation of the current user. Added 9.4.2020
CRDAS$ The CRDAS$ routine is reserved for use by the Speedbase Window Manager to save/restore any changes made to the depth of the Record Display Area (RDA) of a Speedbase scrolled window. Added 9.4.2020
CRYPT$ The CRYPT$ routine can be used to calculate a hash-sum using the Microsoft CryptAPI. Added 25.11.2013. Updated 27.7.2018
CTRLG$ The CTRLG$ routine is used to display a special window containing single button that returns a <CTRL G> response 21.8.2004
CUSTX$ The CUSTX$ sub-routine attempts to emulate the 16-bit CUST$ sub-routine as documented in the System Subroutines Manual. Note that the entry-point CUST$ is not available for 32-bit programs. Added 9.4.2020
CWDAT$ The CWDAT$ routine is used to write a data string together with its tag to the Report XML file previously opened using the COXML$ routine. Added 04/07/2006
CWETG$ The CWETG$ routine is used to write an end tag to the Report XML file previously opened using the COXML$ routine. Added 04/07/2006
CWTAG$ The CWTAG$ routine is used to write a tag to the Report XML file previously opened using the COXML$ routine. Added 04/07/2006
DBANC$ DBANC$ - Map Finder Attribute Name to Code The DBANC$ routine can be used in conjunction with the BOS/Finder Access Method to map an Finder Attribute Name to a numeric Attribute Code. Added 21.4.2020
DBACN$ DBACN$ - Map Finder Attribute Code to Name The DBACN$ routine can be used in conjunction with the BOS/Finder Access Method to map a numeric Finder Attribute Code to an Attribute Name. Added 21.4.2020
DCMBO$ The DCMBO$ routine is used to display a GX Combo Box Added 30/07/2004
DEC64$ The DEC64$ routine can be used to convert a Base64 ASCII string back to a block of binary data. 12.7.2018
DENAT$ The DENAT$ routine can be used to delete a file on the server (i.e. the computer running GLOBAL.EXE or GlobalClientService.EXE for GSM (Windows) configurations). 5.11.2009
DENAX$ The DENAX$ routine can be used to delete a file on the server (i.e. the computer running GLOBAL.EXE or GlobalClientService.EXE for GSM (Windows) configurations). 5.11.2009
DCMBO$ The DCMBO$ routine is used to display a GX Combo Box 19.12.2007
DELEP$ DELEP$ - Delete Password Protected File The traditional DELE$ sub-routine, described in the File Management Manual, cannot delete a file that has been password protected. The DELEP$ routine, functionality equivalent to DELE$, does not suffer from this restriction. Added 9.4.2020
DHMSD$ Convert Internal Format Date/Time to Display Format 6.9.2013
DI-DL$ The CCXML$ routine is used to write a data string together with its tag to the Report XML file previously opened using the COXML$ routine. Added 03/07/2006
DI-DS$ The DI-DS$ routine converts an ISO-8601 International date to a System Manager short date. Added 04/07/2006
DI-DT$ The DI-DT$ routine converts an ISO-8601 International date to a System Manager internal date. Added 03/07/2006
DIFEX$ Test if File Exists 6.9.2013
DIGEN$ The DIGEN$ routine can be used to obtain the Generation Number of either a DBX or non-DBX data Dictionary 26.11.2004
DL-DI$ The Dl-DI$ routine converts a System Manager long date to an ISO-8601 International date.
DLMM$ DLMM$ - Read/Write DLM Index File The DLMM$ routine is available to read or write the entire contents of a DLM Index File (normally $$DLM0 or $$DLM1). The functionality of the DLMM$ routine is encapsulated in the $DLMMAIN system utility. Added 21.4.2020
DLMX$ The DLMX$ routine is available to maintain a DLM Index File (normally $$DLM0 or $$DLM1). Some of the functionality of the DLMX$ routine is encapsulated in the $DLMMAIN system utility. Added 7.5.2020
DS-DI$ The DS-DI$ routine converts a System Manager short date to an ISO-8601 International date. Added 30/03/2020<
DSFMT$ The DSFMT$ routine is used to convert a data area to a displayable format 19.9.2002
DT-DI$ The DT-DI$ routine converts a System Manager internal date to an ISO-8601 standard international date. Added 03/07/2006
DTSY$ The DTSY$ routine is used to amend the $CUS ‘synchronise date/time with server flag’ which synchronises the Global System Manager date and time with that of the host operating system. Added 19/10/2007
EAGCA$ Get One, or More, Extended Attribute Colours 16.7.2012
EARCA$ Reset Extended Attribute Colours 16.7.2012
EASCA$ Set One, or More, Extended Attribute Colours 16.7.2012
EASTR$ The EASTR$ routine can be used to obtain the date of Easter Sunday for any year between 1700 and 2299, inclusive. Added 15.6.2021
ECOMM$ ECOMM$ - Test for an E-Commerce User The ECOMM$ routine can be used to test if the current user is connected as an E-Commerce User. Added 21.4.2020
EDTTX$ The EDTTX$ routine is available to display a Text Edit Dialogue Box on a GX window. 10.11.2004. Updated 7.12.2017
ELIST$ The ELIST$ routine is available to obtains details of the first or next file present in a GSM directory previously opened using the OPEN$ or OPENS$ routine. The ELIST$ routine returns extra information that is not available with LIST$. Added 29.4.2020
ELOCK$ The ELOCK$ routine provides an alternative to the standard LOCK verb as described in Global Development File Management Manual. Whereas the standard LOCK verb allows multiple locks from a user on a particular Lock Region, the ELOCK$ routine will return an exception if a user attempts to lock a Lock Region that is already locked by that user. Added 29.4.2020
EMAIL$ The EMAIL$ routine allows you to send electronic mail to one, or more, recipients. 18.4.2011. Updated 15.5.2017
EMAIX$ The EMAIX$ routine is an extended version of the more familiar EMAIL$. It allows you to send electronic mail to a virtually unlimited (up to 32767) number of recipients, CCs, BCCs; and allows up to 32767 attachments 7.10.2014
ENVNO$ ENVNO$ - Return 32-bit Stacked Environment Number The ENVNO$ routine is used to return the number (depth) of the Stacked Environment created by the NEWEV$ routine. Added 21.4.2020
EX-RS$ The EX-RS$ routine is available to export a GSM Relative Sequential file to a Windows file. Added 7.5.2020
EX16C$ EX16C$ - Execute 16-bit Program from 32-bit Although a 32-bit program can simply EXEC another 32-bit program a special technique must be used by a 32-bit program to execute a 16-bit program. The EX16C$ routine is one of a family of sub-routines that provide this functionality. Added 9.4.2020
EX16S$ EX16S$ - Execute 16-bit Program from 32-bit Although a 32-bit program can simply EXEC another 32-bit program a special technique must be used by a 32-bit program to execute a 16-bit program. The EX16S$ routine is one of a family of sub-routines that provide this functionality. Added 9.4.2020
EXCEL$ The EXCEL$ routine returns the version of Microsoft Excel that is running on the PC running GX.EXE. 12.3.2012
EXTRA$ EXTRA$ - Provide Extra Functionality 8.3.2019. Updated 28.4.2020
FADEL$ The FADEL$ routine can be used to display a "File Already Exists" style dialogue box on GX 6.5.2002
FDCRE$ The FDCRE$ routine returns the Creation Date field (FDCRE) from a 32-bit FD. Added 28.4.2020
FDOCT$ The FDOCT$ routine returns the Open Count field (FDOCT) from a 32-bit FD. Added 28.4.2020
FDOFL$ The FDOFL$ routine returns the Open Flag field (FDOFL) from a 32-bit FD. Added 28.4.2020
FFORM$ The FFORM$ routine is used to obtain information for a specific field in a Speedbase data Dictionary 19.9.2002
FILBR$ The FILBR$ routine is available to generate a File Browse dialogue box. This function can be used by both Speedbase and Cobol programs. Added 28.4.2020
FINFO$ The FINFO$ routine is available to return information for a specified file. Added 28.4.2020

Test if Files will fit on a Sub-Volume 6.6.2005

FMESS$ The FMESS$ routine can be used to convert a Windows error number into a formatted, verbose error message 27.2.2004. Updated 21.4.2020
FMES0$ The FMES0$ routine can be used to convert a Windows error number into a formatted, verbose error message. Added 21.4.2020
FNDME$ The FNDME$ routine can be used to find a Menu File (i.e. to check if the specified Menu File exists). Added 28.4.2020
FREE2$ The FREE2$ routine can be used to allocate a Temporary 32-bit Data Page. All Data Pages allocated by FREE2$ will be automatically de-allocated when the next STOP RUN occurs. Added 28.4.2020
FREEX$ The FREEX$ routine can be used to allocate a Temporary 32-bit Data Page. All Data Pages allocated by FREEX$ will be automatically de-allocated when the next STOP RUN occurs. 17.6.2003. Updated 8.3.2019. Updated 28.4.2020
FWILD$ The FWILD$ routine extends to the traditional LIST$ routine to allow a Wildcard Filename to be specified to filter out unwanted files from the list returned by LIST$. Added 11.5.2020
GETIP$ GETIP$ - Get IP Address of GX Client PC - Updated 12.3.2012
GETWF$ Get Windows Folder from Global Unit-ID 6.9.2013
GRAPH$ The GRAPH$ routine can be used to display a graph, in a wide variety of formats, on GX 12.4.2002
GRINI$ The GRINI$ routine can be used to initialise the (massively complex) GRAPH$ control block 12.4.2002
GRPLT$ The GRPLT$ routine is used within a GRAPH$ Call-Back routine to plot a data item on the graph 12.4.2002
GRXAX$ The GRXAX$ routine is used within a GRAPH$ Call-Back routine to set an X-axis label 12.4.2002
GRZAX$ The GRZAX$ routine is used within a GRAPH$ Call-Back routine to define an item on the Z-axis 12.4.2002
GX80$ Set GX Window Zero width to 80 wide 31.8.2004
GX132$ Set GX Window Zero width to 132 wide 31.8.2004
GX192$ Set GX Window Zero width to 192 wide 31.8.2004
GXAHG$ The GXAHG$ routine can be used to alter the position and number of characters automatically highlighted on the next GX accept operation 29.3.2006
GXAPV$ The GXAPV$ routine is available to set the GX Application Version Text, as displayed by the Help/About box 19.9.2002
GXARC$ The GXARC$ routine can be used to display a "File Archive" Dialogue Box on the PC that is running the current GX session 7.1.2005

Set GX Accept Timeout 26.10.2004

GXAUT$ The GXAUT$ routine is available to send the Authorisation Level, $$AUTH, to GX 31.8.2004
GXBAR$ The GXBAR$ routine is used to display, or remove, a Progress Bar on GX windows. Between the initial display and the removal of the Progress Bar it is expected that the GXBRU$ routine would be called, repeatedly, to update the contents of the Progress Bar 18.6.2005. Updated 22.4.2020
GXBCO$ Change Window Background Colour 6.9.2013
GXBMP$ The GXBMP$ routine is used to set the GX Bitmap. 10.4.2002
GXBOX$ The GXBOX$ routine allows boxes and/or lines to be drawn within the current window. Added 6.4.2020
GXBRU$ The GXBRU$ routine is used to update a Progress Bar on GX windows. Furthermore, GXBRU$ will return an exception if the optional Cancel button has been pressed 29.8.2003
GXBRW$ The GXBRW$ routine can be used to display a standard File or Directory browse Dialogue Box on the PC that is running the current GX session. The file or directory path selected by the operator is returned to the application Updated 6.9.2013 and 20.3.2014
GXBSB$ The GXBSB$ routine is available to define the next window as Button Style Scroll Bar (BSSB) window. A BSSB window has the familiar scroll bar replaced with a set of buttons 31.8.2004
GXBTT$ The GXBTT$ routine is used to return the pathname of a file that has been transmitted to the PC running GX via the Bluetooth interface, typically after the standard Microsoft FSQUIRT.EXE utility has been used to transfer the file to the GX PC from a mobile device. Added 22.4.2020
GXCFE$ The GXCFE$ routine is available to check if a file exists on the PC that is running GX (or on another computer that can be accessed from the PC that is running GX) 7.1.2005
GXCFN$ The GXCFN$ routine allows the Customisation File Tag Name to be changed. Added 6.4.2020
GXCMD$ The GXCMD$ routine can be used to execute a Windows command on the PC that is running the current GX session. 26.1.2010
GXCOP$ The GXCOP$ routine can be used to copy a Windows file between the Global Client PC and the PC that is running the current GX session Updated 6.9.2013
GXCPH$ The GXCPH$ routine is available to set the GX Contract Protection Message Help Text, as displayed by the Help/About box 19.9.2002
GXCPM$ The GXCPM$ is available to display the GX Contract Protection Message. This routine is only used by $STARX 31.7.2002

The GXCPO$ routine is available to override the standard GX window caption 14.10.2004

GXDCF$ The GXDCF$ routine is used to disable the automatic clearing of a field in a window that is already displayed. This routine is typically used to prevent a field with a TXT option displayed in a different attribute from being automatically cleared in ENQ mode 14.2.2005
GXDCM$ GXDCM$ - Suppress Menu Clear Normally when a Speedbase window is displayed as a result of a menu selection, the menu is cleared from the screen. Under some circumstances (e.g. when entering a window that prompts for a password) it may be required to leave the menu on the screen. The GXDCM$ routine suppresses the menu clear function that normally precedes the window display. Added 6.4.2020
GXDEL$ The GXDEL$ routine can be used to delete a file on the PC that is running the current GX session 7.1.2005
GXDEX$ The GXDEX$ routine can be used to delete a file on the PC that is running the current GX session 7.1.2005
GXDOM$ The GXDOM$ routine is used to disable Overstrike mode on the next field accepted by GX 8.4.2002
GXDSO$ The GXDSO$ routine is available to disable, and re-enable, the GX toolbar. Added 2.4.2020
GXDTR$ The GXDTR$ is available to obtain the value of the GX “Translator Flag”. Added 2.4.2020
GXEQQ$ The GXEQQ$ routine is used to simulate the ERROR "" functionality on GX 8.4.2002
GXERC$ Change GX Error Message Caption 23.11.2012
GXEWC$ The GX thin-client includes an algorithm to decide if a field is displayed with a clickable hyperlink (e.g. a text string of the format “www.global3000.co.uk” will be displayed with a clickable hyperlink). The GXEWC$ routine allows the GX algorithm to be overridden to either force or suppress a hyperlink on a displayed field. Added 1.5.2020. Updated 7.5.2020
GXFDT$ The GXFDT$ routine is available to obtain the Last Modification Date/Time of a Windows file that is currently open using the GX DBAM Access Method Updated 21.2.2012
GXFHP$ By default, GX automatically generates the current Help File Name and context-sensitive Help Tag from the current Frame Name and Window-id. The GXHLP$ routine can be used to override the default, auto-generated file name and tag 1.11.2002
GXFIC$ The GXFIC$ routine is used to close the file handle created by a successful call to GXFIF$ (and used by subsequent calls to GXFIN$). 22.6.2017. Updated 7.12.2017
GXFIF$ The GXFIF$ routine is used to find the first file in a folder on the PC running GX. Added 22.6.2017. Updated 7.12.2017
GXFIN$ The GXFIN$ routine is used, after a previous successful call to GXFIF$, to find the next file in a folder on the PC running GX. Added 22.6.2017. Updated 7.12.2017
GXFOL$ The GXFOL$ routine is available to return the GX folder i.e. the current Windows folder for the running GX executable. Added 25.1.2019
GXFON$ The GXFON$ routine is available to display the standard GX Font Selection Dialogue. Added 15.6.2021
GXFSH$ The GXFSH$ routine is used to flush the type-ahead buffer maintained by GX 8.4.2002
GXFSZ$ The GXFSZ$ is available to obtain the size of a file set the GX Status Bar Message Text 1.8.2002
GXFVC$ The GXFVC$ is available to override the default numeric format of the next field accepted by GX. Added 2.4.2020
GXGBP$ The GXGBP$ routine can be used to hide, show and change the text of a Group Box. 18.7.2004. Updated 27.10.2016
GXGCN$ The GXGCN$ routine can be used to obtain the Windows computer name from the GX PC 2.9.2004
GXGCR$ The GXGCR$ routine can be used to obtain the Computer Reference setting from the GXHOSTS.INI file 2.9.2004

The GXGD1$ routine is available to return a Device Manufacturer string from the PC running GX - Added 14.5.2019


The GXGD2$ routine is available to return a Device Model string from the PC running GX - Added 14.5.2019

GXGIP$ The GXGIP$ routine is available to return an IP Address string from the PC running GX. 8.3.2019
GXGIS$ The GXGIS$ routine is available to obtain an INI File setting from GX 19.9.2002
GXGLR$ The GXGLR$ routine can be used to obtain the Location Reference setting from the GXHOSTS.INI file 2.9.2004
GXGKN$ The GXGKN$ routine is available to return a Computer Name string from the PC running GX. 8.3.2019
GXGOS$ The GXGOS$ routine is available to return a Windows O/S string from the PC running GX. 8.3.2019
GXGPD$ The GXGPD$ routine can be used to retrieve DDE data that has been passed to GX (when it acts as a DDE Server) from a 3rd party DDE Client module. Added 01/08/2006
GXGSS$ The GXGSS$ routine is available to return a Screen Size string from the PC running GX. 8.3.2019
GXGTZ$ The GXGTZ$ routine is available to return a Time Zone string from the PC running GX. 8.3.2019
GXGUN$ The GXGUN$ routine can be used to obtain the Windows user name from the GX PC 2.9.2004
GXGWS$ The GXGWS$ routine is available to return a Window Size string from the PC running GX. 8.3.2019
GXGWV$ The GXGWV$ routine can be used to obtain the Windows version from the GX PC. 4.6.2007
GXHLP$ By default, GX automatically generates the current Help File Name and context-sensitive Help Tag from the current Frame Name and Window-id. The GXHLP$ routine can be used to override the default, auto-generated file name and tag 28.10.2003

Reset Linked Field Index 23.10.2004

GXLNG$ The GXLNG$ routine is used to obtain the GX Translation Language Code. See Technical Note IN345 for full details of the GX Translation mechanism. Added 11/01/2018
GXMAC$ The GXMAC$ routine is available to return a string of MAC Addresses from the PC running GX. Added 8.3.2019. Updated 12.7.2018
GXMOD$ The GXMOD$ routine can be used to obtain the current GX Operating Mode. Added 2.4.2020
GXMKD$ The GXMKD$ routine is available to create a new directory on the PC that is running GX. Added 7.1.2005. Updated 12.7.2018
GXMPW$ The GXMPW$ routine is used to display a Media Play window within the GX window. The Media Player window can be used to display/play a wide variety of file types (e.g. .BMP, .JPG, .MOV etc.). Unlike IMAGE$ and IMAG2$, GXMPW$ is not restricted to static images. Added 5.2.2019
GXMRZ$ GXMRZ$ is an internal routine called by the BA$XPF DLM to copy a Backdrop Image file from the server to a GX client. It is of limited general use and is documented for completeness only. Added 31.3.2020
GXMSG$ The GXMSG$ routine can be used to display a simple message box that does not require a response from the operator 25.7.2005
GXMWS$ The GXMWS$ routine is used to minimise the size of the next window by removing blanks areas to the right of, and below, the last field/button displayed 15.5.2002
GXNBT$ The GXNBT$ routine is used to prevent GX from adding the default "OK" and "Cancel" buttons to a "button-less" window (i.e. a window that does not contain any BTN fields) 31.8.2004
GXNFW$ The GXNFW$ routine can be used to identify a window as "Numeric Field Window" 31.8.2004
GXOPI$ The GXOPI$ routine is available to set the GX Operator-ID text as displayed in the GX Status Bar 19.9.2002
GXPCE$ The GXPCE$ routine is available to apply a percent encoding interface to a text string. The algorithm converts non-alphanumeric characters into "%nn" where nn is the character code in hexadecimal and passes alphanumeric characters unaltered. An optional exception list string can be supplied which overrides conversion on the specified characters. Added 8.3.2019
GXPHD$ The GXPHD$ routine can be used to preserve the current HEADING text that would otherwise be removed when the current frame terminates, and updated when the next frame executes 12.7.2002
GXPRG$ The GXPRG$ routine is used to specify the range (maximum and minimum) of a progress bar control 30.7.2004
GXRCD$ The GXRCD$ is used by the Speedbase Windows Manager to send the current Record-id to GX. The Record-id is displayed, together with other information, by the GX Help/About/Application option. Added 2.4.2020
GXREN$ The GXREN$ routine can be used to rename a file on the computer running GX. 14.5.2009. Updated 2.4.2020
GXREX$ The GXREX$ routine can be used to rename a file on the computer running GX. Unlike the almost identical GXREN$ routine, which checks that the value of the $$GX System Variable is nonzero to ensure the routine is being executed on a GX client, GXREX$ by-passes the test on the $$GX variable. Avoiding the normal $$GX test is necessary to allow GXREX$ to run under Job Management, which clears the $$GX System Variable while a job is executing. Added 2.4.2020
GXRSF$ The GXRSF$ routine is available to obtain the Remote Session Flag from the GX client. The Remote Session Flag is the indicator that GX is running in Terminal Services session. Added 2.4.2020
GXRST$ The GXRST$ routine is used to reset the GX customisations, or set new customisations, on the next window that is DISPLAY'ed or ENTER'ed 9.5.2003
GXSBC$ The GXSBC$ routine is used to set the text on a button within a specific window. 10.11.2004. Updated 7.12.2017
GXSBM$ The GXSBM$ routine is available to set the GX Status Bar Message Text 19.9.2002
GXSBT$ The GXSBT$ routine is used to set the text on a button within the current window. This routine can also be used to send the Hover Text if the button has been coded as an Iconic Button. 9.7.2002. Updated 7.12.2017
GXSCR$ The GXSCR$ routine can be used to scratch a directory on the PC that is running the current GX session 7.1.2005. Updated 21.4.2020
GXSDF$ The GXSDF$ is reserved for internal use only by the Menu Handler to set the GX documentation folder and documentation filename 19.9.2002
GXSEA$ The GXSEA$ routine can be used to "tag" any one of the 64 Extended GX Field Attributes to a Speedbase field prior to the display of that field using the SHOW verb 14.1.2003 (updated 14.10.2013)
GXSFL$ The GXSFL$ routine is available to override, for a single window, the Small Field Length parameter maintained by GX 31.8.2004
GXSHL$ The GXSHL$ routine can be used to execute a Windows Shell command on the PC that is running the current GX session 7.1.2005

The GXSHT$ routine is used to set the hover-text on a button within the current window. This button can be either an Iconic Button or a traditional Text Button - Added 25.7.2019

GXSHX$ The GXSHX$ routine can be used to execute a Windows Shell command on the PC that is running the current GX session 10.4.2002
GXSIS$ The GXSIS$ routine is available to write a new setting to the GX.INI file. Added 1.4.2020. Updated 2.4.2020
GXSLA$ The GXSLA$ routine is used to set the attributes of a "Dynamic Label" in a window 12.7.2004
GXSPI$ The GXSPI$ routine transmits a Printer Index Number to GX. This routine should only be used internally by the BA$XPF DLM. Added 1.4.2020
GXSSA$ The GXSSA$ routine can be used to "tag" any one of the 64 Extended GX Field Attributes to the current Speedbase field 15.5.2002 (updated 14.10.2013)
GXSPT$ The GXSPT$ routine is used to update the Program Title text on the current window 10.12.2012
GXSSC$ The GXSSC$ routine is used to set the Screoll Cell Offset for the next window 31.8.2004
GXSUS$ The GXSUS$ routine is used to inform GX that the application is about to enter a Suspend Mode (i.e. by executing a SUSPEND N statement). This will result in GX sending the next character immediately to the host, to terminate the SUSPEND, rather than waiting for the next Accept-type operation 8.4.2002

The GXSWC$ routine is available to set the GX Window Caption Text. Updated 8 years later 11.12.2012

GXSWS$ The GXSWS$ routine can be used to enable or disable the saving of the GX window settings after they have been modified by the user. Added 02/12/2004
GXTAB$ The GXTAB$ routine allows a crude Tabbed Window to be created by associating a window with a button. Added 1.4.2020
GXTBI$ The GXTBI$ routine is used to modify the icon of a GX Toolbar Button 30.10.2003
GXTBT$ The GXTBT$ routine is used to modify the text of a GX Toolbar Button 30.10.2003
GXTBW$ The GXTBW$ routine is used to define the next window as a "Tab Button Window" 15.5.2002
GXTRN$ The GXTRN$ routine can be used to translate a text string using the GX Translation mechanism. See Technical Note IN345 for full details of the GX Translation mechanism. Usually text strings are translated automatically by GX and the Printer sub-system and there is normally no need for the application to attempt any translation of its own. However, this sub-routine is available for application use. Added 04/06/2007
GXVER$ The GXVER$ routine can be used to obtain the version of GX.EXE 2.9.2004
GXVEX$ The GXVEX$ routine can be used to obtain the version and creation date of either GX.EXE or GXIO.EXE. This routine can also be used to obtain the Windows screen resolution of the computer running GX 2.9.2004
GXWFM$ The GXWFM$ routine can be used to mask out any of the Speedbase functions in the current window. Updated 23/06/2022
GXWHA$ The GXWHA$ routine is used to return the Windows "Window Handle" of the current Speedbase window 7.4.2002
GXWIN$ The GXWIN$ routine is available to set various options on the next window displayed by GX 3.9.2004
GXWTM$ The GXWTM$ routine can be used to update the timeout parameters in a window timeout label. See also gxtimeout.pdf Added 23.2.2006 

The HASH$ routine can be used to calculate a simple Hash Total for a Global or Windows file - Added 12.3.2012. Updated 31.3.2020


The HASHE$ routine can be used to calculate a simple Hash Total for a Global or Windows file - Added 12.3.2012. Updated 31.3.2020

HASHX$ The HASHX$ routine can be used to calculate a simple Hash Total for a Global or Windows file. Added 31.3.2020
HHMST$ The HHMST$ routine converts an external PIC X(12) time of the form hhhhhh.mm.ss internal format PIC 9(9) COMP field containing the time in seconds. Added 12/05/2008

HOSIP$ - Get IP Address of GSM Server - Updated 12.3.2012


Close Communications with HTTP Server 14.1.2005


Set HTTP Server Request Header 14.1.2005 Updated 12.3.2019


Open Communications to HTTP Server 14.1.2005. Updated 10.8.2020

HTTPS$ The HTTPS$ routine is used to send a message to an HTTP server, then wait for and accept the status information and the result text. Added 14.1.2005. Updated 27.1.2019

Converts a text-string to a pseudo Camel Case 6.9.2013


The JPG$ routine can be used to obtain the Pixel Height and Width from a .JPG file - Added 12.3.2012

IM-RS$ The IM-RS$ routine is available to import a GSM Relative Sequential file from a special format Windows file created by the EX-RS$ routine. Added 7.5.2020

Display .JPG Image File 20.7.2015


Display .JPG Image File 20.7.2015


Import CSV File 11.4.2007

INACT$ The INACT$ routine is used to return the number of minutes that a user on the current Global execution has been inactive. Added 30/03/2020
INIT$ The INIT$ routine initialises a Control Block, setting computational and date fields to binary zero; display numeric fields to SPACES, pointer fields to HIGH-VALUES and character fields to a specified Initialisation Character 1.11.2003
JULIA$ The JULIA$ routine converts an internal-date to a Dublin Julian Date (i.e. a count of days started with the beginning of the year 1900 as used in Microsoft Excel and Lotus-123. Do not confuse this computing Julian Date with the conventional/astronomical Julian Day Number (JDN) which starts from January 1, 4173 BC. Added 15/03/2016
LASTI$ The LASTI$ routine can be used to identify the Interrupt button that triggered the most recent interrupt. See the documentation for the B$GX-7 routine for full details of the Interrupt buttons. Added 30.7.2015
LCASE$ The LCASE$ routine converts a string containing alphabetic characters to lower case. Added 1.1.2016
LIBI$ The LIBI$ system routine is used to read the Library Index containing the names and starting positions of the books in a Global Cobol copy library. The $COPLB development utility is used to append a Library Index to the text of a Copy Library file - added 5.10.2010
LIBR$ The LIBR$ system routine is used to build an index of the names and starting positions of the books in a Global Cobol copy library. Subsequently individual books can be accessed using the text file access method by performing a READ statement followed by READ NEXT statements - added 5.10.2010
LIBRA$ The LIBRA$ system routine is used to build an index of the names and starting positions of the books in a Global Cobol copy library. Subsequently individual books can be accessed using the text file access method by performing a READ statement followed by READ NEXT statements - added 5.10.2010
LINFO$ The LINFO$ system routine is used to return the details of a standard Program Library (i.e. a Program Library created and maintained using the $LIB system utility) - Updated 12.3.2012
LINFX$ The LINFX$ system routine is used to return the details of an Extended Program Library (i.e. a Program Library created and maintained using the $LIBX system utility). - Updated 12.3.2012
LCASE$ The LCASE$ routine converts a string containing alphabetic characters to lower case. 1.1.2016
LIST$ The LIST$ routine is available to obtains details of the first or next file present in a GSM directory previously opened using the OPEN$ or OPENS$ routine. Added 29.4.2020
LOWER$ Convert Text-string to Lower Case 6.9.2013. Updated 1.1.2016

The Line Text Access Method (LTAM) provides line-orientated access to Windows or Unix text file. When reading from a text-file LTAM returns the body of a text-line, excluding any CR or LF characters. When writing to a text file LTAM adds the appropriate or
End-Of-Line (EOL) characters to the end of the text-line. The actual EOL character(s) are normally dependent on the host operating-system but can be overridden when opening the Windows (or Unix) file - Added 6.2.2020

MBOX$ The MBOX$ routine can be used to display a simple Windows Message Dialogue Box with standard Microsoft buttons. The dialogue box is displayed using the standard Windows MessageBoxEx API call 8.11.2003
MBOXX$ The MBOXX$ routine can be used to display an extended Windows Message Dialogue Box with non-standard Microsoft buttons 8.11.2003

MCUS$ - Customise Menu File 11.10.2002

MENUX$ The MENUX$ routine is used to display various menus styles 3.11.2002
MH$ Advanced Menu Handler 10.11.2002
MKDIR$ The MKDIR$ routine is available to create a new directory on the server that is running GLOBAL.EXE. 12.7.2018
N-ORG$ The N-ORG$ routine is available to convert a 2-character, displayable mnemonic File Organisation to a numeric value. Added 01/05/2020
NCLOS$ The NCLOS$ routine is used to close the directory on the host operating system (normally Windows) previously opened using the NOPEN$ routine. Added 13.5.2020
NECLS$ The NECLS$ routine is used to close the directory on the host operating system (normally Windows) previously opened using the NEOPN$ routine. Added 4.5.2007. Updated 13.5.2020
NELI2$ The NELI2$ routine is used to list the contents of the directory on the host operating system (normally Windows) previously opened using the NEOPN$ routine. NELI2$ is a “more correct” version of the NELIS$ routine (see the description of the DETYPE field). Added 13.5.2020
NELIS$ The NELIS$ routine is used to list the contents of the directory on the host operating system (normally Windows) previously opened using the NEOPN$ routine. Added 4.5.2007. Updated 13.5.2020
NEOPN$ The NEOPN$ routine is used to open a directory on the host operating system (normally Windows) so that the NELIS$ routine can then be used to list the directory contents. Added 4.5.2007. Updated 5.2.2014. Updated 13.5.2020
NEWEV$ NEWEV$ - Create New 32-bit Stacked Environment The NEWEV$ routine is used to create a new 32-bit Stacked Environment (Universe). This allows a program to run another program(s) in a completely new Global System Manager Environment. This environment is created by saving and restoring a number of System Variables around a NEWEV$ call. Note that the new Global System Manager Environment created by NEWEV$ is not the same as the different environment provided when running a program in a different partition. Consequently, NEWEV$ should be used with great care. Added 21.4.2020
NLIST$ The NLIST$ routine is used to list the contents of the directory on the host operating system (normally Windows) previously opened using the NOPEN$ routine. Added 13.5.2020
NLIS2$ The NLIS2$ routine is used to list the contents of the directory on the host operating system (normally Windows) previously opened using the NOPEN$ routine. NLIS2$ is a “more correct” version of the NLIST$ routine (see the description of the DETYPE field). Added 13.5.2020
NOPEN$ The NOPEN$ routine is used to open a directory on the host operating system (normally Windows) so that the NLIST$ routine can then be used to list the directory contents. Added 13.5.2020
NXCLS$ The NXCLS$ routine is used to close the directory on the host operating system (normally Windows) previously opened using the NXOPN$ routine. Added 13.5.2020
NXLIS$ The NXLIS$ routine is used to list the contents of the directory on the host operating system (normally Windows) previously opened using the NXOPN$ routine, returning all files with the name *.dlm. Added 13.5.2020
NXOPN$ The NXOPN$ routine is used to open a directory on the host operating system (normally Windows) so that the NXLIS$ routine can then be used to list the directory contents to return all files with the name *.dlm. Added 13.5.2020
OPCLS$ The OPCLS$ routine is used to close the user file opened previously be a call to OPOPN$. Added 31/08/2006
OPEN$ The OPEN$ routine is available to open a GSM directory for subsequent processing by the LIST$ and ELIST$ functions. Added 29.4.2020
OPENS$ The OPENS$ routine is available to open a GSM directory for subsequent processing by the LIST$ and ELIST$ functions. Unlike the related OPEN$ routine, OPENS$ will not return an exception if the directory is a spool unit. Added 29.4.2020
OPIDX$ The OPIDX$ routine provides a replacement for the traditional OPID$. OPIDX$ is used to return operator-id information for a particular user on a particular computer. Added 1.5.2020
OPOPN$ The OPOPN$ routine opens the user file for use by to OPLIS$ routine to return the users signed-on to Global System Manager. Added 31/08/2006
ORB$ The ORB$ routine is available to perform a Logical Inclusive OR operation on single byte values 30.8.2004
ORD$ The ORD$ routine is available to perform a Logical Inclusive OR operation on double-word values 30.8.2004
ORG-N$ The ORG-N$ routine is available to convert a numeric File Organisation value to a 2-character, displayable mnemonic. Added 1.5.2020
ORW$ The ORW$ routine is available to perform a Logical Inclusive OR operation on single word values 30.8.2004

The PAS32$ routine can be used to test if an Operator-ID/Password combination is valid by interrogating the $$AUTHEX file. The $$AUTHEX file is maintained by $AUTH32 and used when $AUTHEX is configured ($CUS) as the Authorisation Program - Added 15.5.2019

PCADR$ The PCADR$ routine returns the addresses in the XML file created by PCODE$ 25.5.2006
PCFDR$ The PCFDR$ routine returns the formatted version of an address in the XML file created by PCODE$. To use this routine you will need a Postcode Anywhere account number and license key 19.6.2006
PCODE$ The PCODE$ routine creates an XML address file using the Postcode Anywhere web site. To use this routine you will need a Postcode Anywhere account number and license key. 25.5.2006
PRIFN$ The PRIFN$ routine can be used in conjunction with the GSM (Windows) DOSPrint and DOS.PRI printer controllers to change the name of the Windows file created in a pseudo spool directory 11.3.2005
R$B-SA R$B-SA – Direct File Access Save Address of Current Record The R$B-SA routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. R$B-SA(VE) saves the file address of the current record. Added 19.7.2022
R$B-WR R$B-WR – Direct File Access Rewrite from Saved File Address The R$B-WR routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. R$B-WR(ITE) rewrites a Speedbase channel at the last saved file address. Added 19.7.2022
R$B2WR R$B2WR – Direct File Access Rewrite from Saved File Address The R$B2WR routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. R$B2WR(ITE) rewrites a record at the last saved file address. Added 19.7.2022
R$PFSC R$PFSC – Direct File Access Check For Free Space The R$PFSC routine is one of a family of sub-routines that are reserved for use by the G-3000 Middleware DLMs. R$PFSC(HK) checks the amount of free space available in a BDAM file. Added 19.7.2022
RADIO$ The RADIO$ routine can be used to replace an entire set of Radio Buttons within a Speedbase window. Note that only a complete set of radio buttons can be updated – it is not possible to update a single element in a Radio Button set. Added 28/01/2016
RCHTX$ The RCHTX$ routine is available to display a Rich-text Edit Dialogue Box on a GX window.. Added 06/12/2017
RECDS$ The RECDS routine can be used to display a number of fixed length records within a GX window 28.7.2004
REGAS$ The REGAS$ routine can be used to add a new registry string setting immediately below the Global\Client key of the Windows registry. Added 13.9.2021
REGRS$ The REGRS$ routine can be used to read a string setting from immediately below the Global\Client key of the Windows registry. Added 23.11.2004. Updated 13.9.2021
REGRV$ The REGRV$ routine can be used to read a value setting from immediately below the Global\Client key of the Windows registry. Added 5.6.2006. Updated 13.9.2021
REGWS$ The REGWS$ routine can be used to write an existing registry string setting immediately below the Global\Client key of the Windows registry. Added 31.3.2020 Updated 13.9.2021
RENAT$ The RENAT$ routine can be used to rename a Windows file on the server running the Global Client. 14.5.2009
RENAX$ The RENAX$ routine can be used to rename a Windows file on the server running the Global Client. 14.5.2009
REPAS$ The REPAS$ routine can be used to generate a Reseller Password. Added 23/06/2022
RES$ The RES$ routine can be used to restart, disconnect or cancel a user. The routine must be used with great care as restarting a user may cause data corruption if the user is active. Added 07/01/2019
RCHTX$ The RCHTX$ routine is available to display a Rich-text Edit Dialogue Box on a GX window. 7.12.2017
RLZDD$ RLZDD$ - Remove Leading Zeroes from Dotted-Decimal IP - Updated 12.3.2012
RUN$ The RUN$ routine effectively replaces the 16-bit RUN verb, allowing another program to be executed without returning control to the calling program. Added 9.4.2020
RUN$E$ The RUN$E$ routine runs $E, returning an exception if the partition is in a state that will prevent $E from executed successfully. This provides an alternative to running $E under Job Management (using JOB$) when it is not possible to trap the condition if $E fails. Added 9.4.2020
RUNME$ This subroutine send the contents of the run menu file, $$RUNMAIN, to GX. Added 03/12/2007
RXLAT$ The RXLAT$ is available to read the Console Executive Translation Table. Added 30.4.2020

Return Type of Speedbase Database 27.4.2005 - updated 12.3.2012

SCON$$ Concatenate Two Strings 23.3.2015
SDATA$ The SDATA$ routine can be used to allocate a Temporary or Permanent 32-bit Data Page. A Temporary Data Page will be automatically de-allocated when the next STOP RUN occurs. A Permanent Data Page will remain resident, and accessible, until the user runs $E, or is restarted. Both types of 32-bit Data Page can be explicitly de-allocated using the UNLO$ sub-routine 17.6.2003
SERVE$ The SERVE$ routine can be used to test if a Global Server is responding without executing a file or database operation that would otherwise result in a NETWORK ERROR. This call can be used to test if an RPC Client-Server connection is still reliable 1.6.2002
SHCMD$ The SHCMD$ routine provides a method for a Speedbase program to initiate a program running on the host operating system. The host o/s command may be specified explicitly or indirectly, via a Schema File. Added 26.1.2010. Updated 17.7.2018. Updated 22.4.2020
SIZOF$ The SIZOF$ routine is used to return the size (length) of a data item by supplying the symbol name of that data item 10.12.2017
SLJ$$ Left Justify a Text String 20.3.2015
SOUND$ The SOUND$ routine can be used to play a sound on the PC running GX 7.4.2002
SRJ$$ Right Justify a Text String 20.3.2015
ST1ST$ The ST1ST$ routine returns the index of the first significant characters in a text string. Added 23.11.2020
STCAT$ Concatenate Two Zero-terminated Strings 20.3.2015
STCON$ The STCON$ routine can be used to concatenate up to 10 fields into a single output string 10.2.2002. Updated 20.3.2015

Return Number of Characters in Text String 20.6.2005. Updated 20.3.2015. Updated 23.11.2020

STMRG$ Merge Two Fixed Length Strings 20.3.2015
STREP$ The STREP$ routine can be used to replace a sub-string in a text-string by another sub-string. STREP$ can also be used to remove a sub-string from a text-string. Added 13.9.2021
STRM$$ Terminate string with a character 20.3.2015
STRM$ Move fixed length string 20.3.2015
STRML$ The STRML$ routine can be used to move a zero-terminated (i.e. LOW-VALUE terminated) string to a destination area and returns the length of the string just moved 10.2.2002. Updated 20.3.3015
STRMX$ The STRMX$ routine can be used to move a zero-terminated (i.e. LOW-VALUE terminated) string to a fixed-length destination area and optionally returns the length of the string just moved. 5.6.2006. Updated 20.3.2015
STRS$$ Terminate string with a character (sic)

The STSIG$ routine returns the number of significant characters in a text string 20.6.2005. Updated 20.3.2015. UPdated 23.11.2020


Extract Sub-String from String 23.3.2015


The SUBS$ routine retrieves the size of a domain sub-volume and the maximum space available to allocate a new sub-volume.18.11.2009


High Resolution Suspend 9.7.2005


The SYMBO$ routine is used to return the address of a data item by supplying the symbol name of that data item. 7.12.2017

SYSRQ$ This subroutine executes a ‘Run Menu’ program held in the $$RUNMAIN file on $M. Added 16/11/2007
TDHMS$ The TDHMS$ routine converts an internal format PIC 9(9) COMP field containing the time in seconds to an external PIC X(14) time of the form ddddd.hh.mm.ss. Added 12/05/2008
TESTF$ Test Windows File (non-blocking) 1.12.2005
THHMS$ The THHMS$ routine converts an internal format PIC 9(9) COMP field containing the time in seconds to an external PIC X(12) time of the form hhhhhh.mm.ss. Added 12/05/2008
TRACE$ The TRACE$ routine writes application trace information to a specified trace log file. Added 24/07/2007
TX-LI$ The TX-LI$ routine is used to extract lines of text from a text-block returned by the EDTTX$ routine 22.6.2004
TXGUI$ The TXGUI$ routine is available to generate a Windows-style Comment/Text Editor dialogue box. This function can only be used by Speedbase applications. Added 28.4.2020
TYPU$ The TYPU$ allows you to place Speedbase function into the type-ahead buffer of the current partition where it will be retrieved by a subsequent GX input operation. The function is put at the front of the type ahead buffer before any outstanding type-ahead from the operator. Added 01/05/2020
UAD$ The ASSIG$ system routine can be used to check if a unit-id is valid. 19.2.2013
UCASE$ The UCASE$ routine converts a string containing alphabetic characters to upper case. 1.1.2016
UNLO$ The UNLO$ routine can be used to de-allocate a Temporary or Permanent 32-bit Data Page that has been allocated using the SDATA$ routine 15.6.2003
ULOCK$ The ULOCK$ routine can be used to perform a "partial reset" for the current user. All file locks for the user are removed but any open files will remain open. Added 1.5.2020
UNZAP$ The UNZAP$ routine is available to un-apply a zap (i.e. an encoded patch) from a file. Added 30.4.2020
UPPER$ Converts a text-string to upper case 6.9.2013. Updated 1.1.2016
USERM$ The USERM$ routine provides an alternative to USERX$ that only checks for users in the User File ($$USER). Added 1.5.2020
USERX$ The USERX$ routine provides a replacement for the traditional USER$. USERX$ is used to find whether a specified operator is signed on to the system and, if so, returns the appropriate user information. Added 1.5.2020
USTAT$ The USTAT$ routine retrieves the size of a domain sub-volume and the maximum space available to allocate a new sub-volume. Added 1.5.2020
VBNKD$ The VBNKD$ routine creates an XML bank details file using the Postcode Anywhere web site validating the bank sort code and account number supplied. To use this routine you will need a Postcode Anywhere account number and license key. Added 25.5.2006
VCHAR$ The VCHAR$ routine can be used to validate a string for characters that are valid in a Windows filename. 13.9.2021
VEXTN$ The VEXTN$ routine can be used to validate the extension of a Windows filename. Added 15.6.2021. Updated 12.10.2021
VIEW$ The print file viewing routine, VIEW$, allows you to enter an inspection mode on a print file at the end of printing the report. The operator can use the inspection facility to move around the report, gathering whatever data he needs, before finally exiting and allowing the report to be completed. The VIEW$ sub-routine is used by the Global print spooler. Added 17/08/2004
WDFNO$ The WDFNO$ is available to return the number of a field within a Speedbase window. Added 30.4.2020
WIBMP$ The WIBMP$ routine can be used to display a bitmap file over a label field location in a window 3.12.2002
WINOP$ The WINOP$ routine provides a sanitized shell around the low-level SVC-61 interface 19.9.2002
WINOX$ The WINOX$ routine provides a sanitized shell around the low-level SVC-88 interface 19.9.2002
WINPC$ The WINPC$ routine can be used to open a Windows Print device that has previously been opened by the WINPO$ routine. This direct printing interface may be preferable to classical print functions using an RSAM FD or Speedbase PF statement when non-paged-based data (e.g. labels) are being printed. Added 2.3.2010
WINPO$ The WINPO$ routine can be used to open a Windows Print device. This direct printing interface may be preferable to classical print functions using an RSAM FD or Speedbase PF statement when non-paged-based data (e.g. labels) are being printed. Added 2.3.2010
WINPW$ The WINPW$ routine can be used to write a block of unformatted data to a Windows Print device. This direct printing interface may be preferable to classical print functions using an RSAM FD or Speedbase PF statement when non-paged-based data (e.g. labels) are being printed. Added 2.3.2010
WOYR$ The WOYR$ routine is available to convert an internal date to a Week Number (where the Week Number is defined in ISO-8601). Added 30.4.2020
WOYRX$ The WOYRX$ routine is available to convert an internal date to a Week Number (where the Week Number is defined in ISO-8601). WOYRX$ is an extended version of WOYR$, allowing the first day of the week to be specified. Added 30.4.2020
WSCR$ TThe WSCR$ routine is available to scratch a Windows folder on the server running the Global Client (Global.exe or GlobalClientService.exe). Added 14.5.2020
WTIME$ The WTIME$ routine obtains the current time directly from Windows. Added 15.6.2021
WWW$ The WWW$ routine is available to invoke an Internet Browser with a URL on the PC running the GX (or GSMWIN32.EXE) thin-client. Added 30.4.2020
WWW2$ The WWW2$ routine is available to invoke an Internet Browser with a local file on the PC running the GX (or GSMWIN32.EXE) thin-client. Added 30.4.2020
WXLAT$ The WXLAT$ is available to write the Console Executive Translation Table. Added 30.4.2020
XFER$ The XFER$ routine can be used to export an RSAM file to a Windows file; and re-import the Windows file back to an RSAM file. The Import function is not a generic Windows to GSM file copy but can only be used to re-import the fixed-format Windows file created by the Export option. Added 12.3.2012. Updated 30.4.2020. Updated 7.5.2020
XORB$ The XORB$ routine is available to perform a Logical Exclusive OR operation on single byte values 30.8.2004
XORD$ The XORD$ routine is available to perform a Logical Exclusive OR operation on double-word values 30.8.2004
XORW$ The XORW$ routine is available to perform a Logical Exclusive OR operation on single word values 30.8.2004
ZAP$ The ZAP$ routine is available to apply a zap (i.e. an encoded patch) to a file. Added 30.4.2020



  Misc Programming Notes

Updated b$gtio 19/05/2023
Updated b$fful 24/03/2023
Added b$fdio 15/09/2022
Added bldwf$ 12/08/2022
Added bif2$ 01/08/2022
Added b$frer 22/07/2022
Added b$d-2r 19/07/2022
Added b$d-2w 19/07/2022
Added b$d-ch 19/07/2022
Added b$d-cl 19/07/2022
Added b$d-de 19/07/2022
Added b$d-in 19/07/2022
Added b$d-ol 19/07/2022
Added b$d-op 19/07/2022
Added b$d-po 19/07/2022
Added b$d-un 19/07/2022
Added b$e-cl 19/07/2022
Added b$e-ge 19/07/2022
Added b$e-rn 19/07/2022
Added b$e-se 19/07/2022
Added b$e-ze 19/07/2022
Added r$b-sa 19/07/2022
Added r$b-wr 19/07/2022
Added r$b2wr 19/07/2022
Added r$pfsc 19/07/2022
Updated b$gdct 28/06/2022
Added b$opn 24/06/2022
Added b$d-wr 03/06/2023
Added b$d-rn 03/06/2023
Added b$typ 25/07/2022
Added b$stnc 25/07/2022
Updated b$sta 25/07/2022
Added b$stb 25/07/2022
Added b$st2n 25/07/2022
Added b$st 25/07/2022
Updated b$st2 25/07/2022
Added b$gv2 25/07/2022
Updated b$dic2 25/07/2022
Updated b$dict 25/07/2022
Added b$frer 25/07/2022
Updated b$brec 25/07/2022
Added b$gver 22/07/2022
Updated b$rbx 29/06/2022
Added b$cdb 23/06/2022
Added b$dsc 23/06/2022
Added b$prc 23/06/2022
Added b$st2 23/06/2022
Added b$sta 23/06/2022
Added b$wlj 23/06/2022
Added b$wrj 23/06/2022
Added b$xcl 23/06/2022
Added b$xsh 23/06/2022
Added repas$ 23/06/2022
Updated gxwfm$ 23/06/2022
Added b$dic2 01/04/2022
Added b$dict 01/04/2022
Updated b$dbxc 11/02/2022
Updated b$dbxn 11/02/2022
Updated b$dxcp 09/02/2022
Updated regrs$ 13/09/2021
Updated regrv$ 13/09/2021
Updated regws$ 13/09/2021
Updated vextn$ 13/09/2021
Added vchar$ 13/09/2021
Added strep$ 12/10/2021
Added regas$ 13/09/2021
Added eastr$ 15/06/2021
Added gxfon$ 15/06/2021
Added vextn$ 15/06/2021
Added wtime$ 15/06/2021
Added st1st$ 23/11/2020
Updated stlen$ 23/11/2020
Updated stsig$ 23/11/2020
Updated httpo$ 10/08/2020
Updated b$gtio$ 18/05/2020
Added wscr$ 14/05/2020
Updated necls$ 13/05/2020
Updated nelis$ 13/05/2020
Updated neopn$ 13/05/2020
Added nclos$ 13/05/2020
Added neli2$ 13/05/2020
Added nlist$ 13/05/2020
Added nlis2$ 13/05/2020
Added nopen$ 13/05/2020
Added nxcls$ 13/05/2020
Added nxlis$ 13/05/2020
Added nxopn$ 13/05/2020
Added fwild$ 11/05/2020
Added im-rs$ 07/05/2020
Updated gxewc$ 07/05/2020
Updated xfer$ 07/05/2020
Updated b$gtio$ 07/05/2020
Updated b$xpo 07/05/2020
Updated cftgs$ 07/05/2020
Added dlmx$ 07/05/2020
Added im-rs$ 07/05/2020
Added ex-rs$ 07/05/2020
Added gxewc$ 01/05/2020
Added n-org$ 01/05/2020
Added opidx$ 01/05/2020
Added org-n$ 01/05/2020
Added ulock$ 01/05/2020
Added userm$ 01/05/2020
Added userx$ 01/05/2020
Added ustat$ 01/05/2020
Added n-org$ 01/05/2020
Added typu$ 01/05/2020
Updated xfer$ 30/04/2020
Added rxlat$ 30/04/2020
Added unzap$ 30/04/2020
Added wdfno$ 30/04/2020
Added woyr$ 30/04/2020
Added woyrx$ 30/04/2020
Added www$ 30/04/2020
Added www2$ 30/04/2020
Added wxlat$ 30/04/2020
Added zap$ 30/04/2020
Updated b$ctyp 29/04/2020
Added close$ 29/04/2020
Added elist$ 29/04/2020
Added elock$ 29/04/2020
Added list$ 29/04/2020
Added open$ 29/04/2020
Added opens$ 29/04/2020
Updated freex$ 28/04/2020
Updated gxbar$ 22/04/2020
Updated shcmd$ 22/04/2020
Added fdcre$ 28/04/2020
Added fdoct$ 28/04/2020
Added fdofl$ 28/04/2020
Added filbr$ 28/04/2020
Added finfo$ 28/04/2020
Added fndme$ 28/04/2020
Added free2$ 28/04/2020
Added txgui$ 28/04/2020
Updated extra$ 28/04/2020
Added b$gtio 24/04/2020
Added gxbtt$ 22/04/2020
Added envno$ 21/04/2020
Added ecomm$ 21/04/2020
Added fmes0$ 21/04/2020
Updated fmess$ 21/04/2020
Added newev$ 21/04/2020
Added dbanc$ 21/04/2020
Added dbacn$ 21/04/2020
Added dlmm$ 21/04/2020
Updated b$qft 21/04/2020
Updated gxscr$ 21/04/2020
Added clfd$ 09/04/2020
Added copyp$ 09/04/2020
Added copys$ 09/04/2020
Added cptr$ 09/04/2020
Added crdas$ 09/04/2020
Added custx$ 09/04/2020
Added delep$ 09/04/2020
Added run$ 09/04/2020
Added run$e$ 09/04/2020
Added alloc$ 09/04/2020
Added ex16c$ 09/04/2020
Added ex16s$ 09/04/2020
Added cal16$ 09/04/2020
Added aschk$ 09/04/2020
Added chk$e$ 09/04/2020
Added autha$ 09/04/2020
Added authb$ 09/04/2020
Added authm$ 09/04/2020
Added authl$ 09/04/2020
Added brexec 09/04/2020
Added cacnd$ 09/04/2020
Added gxdcm$ 06/04/2020
Added gxbox$ 06/04/2020
Added gxcfn$ 6/04/2020
Added gxdtr$ 2/04/2020
Updated gxsis$ 02/04/2020
Added gxfvc$ 02/04/2020
Added gxrsf$ 02/04/2020
Updated gxren$ 02/04/2020
Added gxrex$ 02/04/2020
Added gxmod$ 02/04/2020
Added gxrcd$ 02/04/2020
Added gxdso$ 02/04/2020
Added b$xpo$ 01/04/2020
Added gxsis$ 01/04/2020
Added gxspi$ 01/04/2020
Added gxtab$ 01/04/2020
Added conca$ 31/03/2020
Updated back$ 31/03/2020
Added gxmrz$ 31/03/2020
Added hashx$ 31/03/2020
Updated hash$ 31/03/2020
Updated hashe$ 31/03/2020
Added regws$ 31/3/2020
Updated b$smp 30/03/2020
Added ds-di$ 30/03/2020
Added b$dxcp 30/03/2020
Added inact$ 30/03/2020
Added ltam 6/2/2020
Added gxsht$ 25/7/2019
Added pas32$ 15/5/2019
Added gxgd1$ 14/5/2019
Added gxgd2$ 14/5/2019
Added bas32$ 9/4/2019
Updated bas64$ 9/4/2019
Updated httph$ 12/3/2019
Added repas$ 23/06/2022
Added gxgkn$ 08/03/2019
Added gxgos$ 08/03/2019
Added gxgss$ 08/03/2019
Added gxgtz$ 08/03/2019
Added gxgws$ 08/03/2019
Added gxmac$ 08/03/2019
Added gxpce$ 08/03/2019
Added gxgip$ 08/03/2019
Updated freex$ 08/03/2019
Added extra$ 08/03/2019
Added gxmpw$ 05/02/2019
Added bas64$ 25/01/2019
Added bo$rfi 25/01/2019
Added cmpip$ 25/01/2019
Added cproc$ 25/01/2019
Updated crypt$ 25/01/2019
Added dec64$ 25/01/2019
Added gxfol$ 25/01/2019
Updated gxmkd$ 25/01/2019
Updated https$ 25/01/2019
Added mkdir$ 25/01/2019
Updated shcmd$ 25/01/2019
Added res$ 07/01/2019
Added gxlng$ 11/01/2018
Added sizof$ 10/12/2017
Updated addof$ 7/12/2017
Added b$plpb 7/12/2017
Added b$sync 7/12/2017
Added clrta$ 7/12/2017
Updated edttx$ 07/12/2017
Updated gxfic$ 07/12/2017
Updated gxfif$ 07/12/2017
Updated gxfin$ 07/12/2017
Updated gxsbc$ 07/12/2017
Updated gxsbt$ 07/12/2017
Added rchtx$ 07/12/2017
Added symbo$ 07/12/2017
Added rchtx$ 06/12/2017
Added gxfic$ 22/6/2017
Added gxfif$ 22/6/2017
Added gxfin$ 22/6/2017
Updated email$ 15/5/2017
Updated gxsbc$ 03/03/2017
Updated gxsbt$ 03/03/2017
Added julia$ 15/03/2016
Added radio$ 28/01/2016
Updated lower$ 01/01/2016
Added ucase$ 01/01/2016
Updated upper$ 01/01/2016
Added lcase$ 01/01/2016
Added lasti$ 30/7/2015
Added b$gx-7 30/7/2015
Added image$ 20/7/2015
Added imag2$ 20/7/2015
Added b$gdct 30/06/2015
Added scon$$ 23/03/2015
Added ssub$$ 23/03/2015
Added slj$$ 20/03/2015
Added srj$$ 20/03/2015
Added stcat$ 20/30/2015
Updated stcon$ 20/03/2015
Updated stlen$ 20/03/2015
Added stmrg$ 20/03/2015
Added strm$$ 20/03/2015
Added strm$ 20/03/2015
Updated strml$ 20/03/2015
Updated strmx$ 20/03/2015
Added strs$$ 20/03/2015
Updated stsig$ 20/03/2015
Updated bticn$ 14/11/2014
Added emaix$ 07/10/2014
Updated gxbrw$ 20/03/2014
Updated neopn$ 5/2/2014
Updated b$rbl 13/01/2014
Updated copyq$ 3/1/2014
Updated copyx$ 3/1/2014
Added back$ 3/1/2014
Added b$path 3/1/2014
Added crypt$ 25/11/2013
Updated bticn$ 22/10/2013
Updated gxsea$ 14/10/2013
Updated gxssa$ 14/10/2013
Added alpha$ 6/9/2013
Added alphn$ 6/9/2013
Added b$ctyp 6/9/2013
Added b$pfu2 6/9/2013
Updated b$pfup 6/9/2013
Updated camel$ 6/9/2013
Added dhmsd$ 6/9/2013
Added difex$ 6/9/2013
Added getwf$ 6/9/2013
Added gxbco$ 6/9/2013
Updated gxbrw$ 6/9/2013
Updated gxcop$ 6/9/2013
Added hump$ 6/9/2013
Added lower$ 6/9/2013
Added upper$ 6/9/2013
Added b$pfup 18/3/2013
Updated gxbrw$ 7/3/2013
Added uad$ 19/2/2013
Updated gxswc$ 11/12/2012
Updated gxspt$ 11/12/2012
Added gxspt$ 10/12/2012
Added gxerc$ 23/11/2012
Updated b$xpat 26/10/2012
Added b$cpsl 15/09/2022
Added b$csmp 14/8/2012
Added b$smp 14/8/2012
Added imcsv$ 14/8/2012
Added eagca$ 16/7/2012
Added earca$ 16/7/2012
Added easca$ 16/7/2012
Updated getip$ 12/3/2012
Updated hosip$ 12/3/2012
Updated rlzdd$ 12/3/2012
Added b$cwmd 12/3/2012
Added camel$ 12/3/2012
Added excel$ 12/3/2012
Added hash$ 12/3/2012
Added hashe$ 12/3/2012
Added jpg$ 12/3/2012
Updated linfo$ 12/3/2012
Updated linfx$ 12/3/2012
Updated sbtyp$ 12/3/2012
Added xfer$ 12/3/2012
Updated gxfdt$ 21/2/2012
Added getip$ 3/2/2012
Added hosip$ 3/2/2012
Added rlzdd$ 3/2/2012
Updated sbtyp$ 6/10/2011
Updated email$ 18/4/2011
Added linfx$ 11/10/2010
Updated linfo$ 11/10/2010
Added libr$ 5/10/2010
Added libra$ 5/10/2010
Added libi$ 5/10/2010
Added linfo$ 5/10/2010
Added email$ 2/7/2010
Added winpc$ 2/3/2010
Added winpo$ 2/3/2010
Added winpw$ 2/3/2010
Added gxcmd$ 26/1/2010
Added shcmd$ 26/1/2010
Added subs$ 18/11/2009
Added denat$ 5/11/2009
Added denax$ 5/11/2009
Added b$xpat 5/10/2009
Updated b$bnc 11/6/2009
Updated b$bnd 11/6/2009
Updated b$bnn 11/6/2009
Updated b$bnp 11/6/2009
Updated b$bnr 11/6/2009
Updated b$dbxc 11/6/2009
Updated b$dbxd 11/6/2009
Updated b$dbxn 11/6/2009
Updated b$dbxp 11/6/2009
Updated b$dbxr 11/6/2009
Added COPYQ$ 14/5/2009
Added COPYX$ 14/5/2009
Added GXREN$ 14/5/2009
Added RENAT$ 14/5/2009
Added RENAX$ 14/5/2009
Added b$wmod 26/03/2009
Updated b$gtwk 04/06/2008
Added hhmst$ 12/05/2008
Added tdhms$ 12/05/2008
Added thhms$ 12/05/2008
Updated b$dlrn 25/04/2008
Updated b$drgn 25/04/2008
Updated DCMBO$ 19/12/2007
Added runme$ 03/12/2007
Added sysrq$ 16/11/2007
Added dtsy$ 19/10/2007
Added b$xpc 24/07/2007
Added trace$ 24/07/2007
Added gxgwv$ 04/06/2007
Added gxtrn$ 04/06/2007
Added necls$ 04/05/2007
Added nelis$ 04/05/2007
Added neopn$ 04/05/2007
Added alert$ 20/09/2006
Added opcls$ 31/08/2006
Added opopn$ 31/08/2006
Added gxgpd$ 01/08/2006
Added ccxml$ 04/07/2006
Added coxml$ 04/07/2006
Added cwdat$ 04/07/2006
Added cwetg$ 04/07/2006
Added cwtag$ 04/07/2006
Added di-ds$ 04/07/2006
Added dl-di$ 04/07/2006
Added di-dl$ 03/07/2006
Added di-dt$ 03/07/2006
Added dt-di$ 03/07/2006
Added gxwtm$ 24/2/2006
Added b$popi 29/12/2005
Updated b$bad 29/12/2005
Added gxxlt$ 22/07/2005
Added gxsws$ 02/12/2004
Added view$ 17/08/2004
Added b$back 01/08/2004
Added b$bcko 01/08/2004
Added b$bckf 01/08/2004
Added b$bxcl 01/08/2004
Added dcmbo$ 30/07/2004