Development Notes - Last Updated 31-03-2015  

Misc Programming Notes

Name Description
$pcurr Global $PCURR – Valid Window Record in R-START 28.6.2010
$scurr Global $SCURR – Valid Window Record Position 5.7.2010
32bitsystemvariablespart1 Global Development System Notes System Variables Part-1 29.5.2002
advancedmenuroutines Advanced Menu Routines 6.9.2004
advancedmessageboxroutines Advanced Message Box Routines 18.11.2003
back Display window records in reverse sequence 13.3.2001
box-clr Set current field colour to 9 (Lines and boxes) 13.3.2001
box The "BOX" window construct header statement allows you to display up to 8 group boxes within a given window. 4.9.2002
CLEAR_WINDOW_Statement The CLEAR WINDOW statement causes a window or the data in a window to be cleared 1.5.2008
dbxinitialise The INITIALISE verb. This verb causes the target IO channel to be reset to its initial values. 7.6.2003
defactoseatandstadiumplan This document describes a number highly-specialised sub-routines that have been implemented for the DeFacto product. 30.8.2004
deplen Change length of window dependency index 13.3.2001
DISPLAY_WINDOW_Statement The DISPLAY WINDOW statement causes a window to be executed 1.5.2008
echo Re-display updated window field 13.3.2001
Enabling and Disabling Buttons Enabling and Disabling Buttons

When a window is first displayed, all buttons are enabled by default. An Application Button in the range U50-U99 may be disabled or enabled using the ENABLE and DISABLE verbs. A Disabled button is shown greyed out, and cannot be clicked on. Once disabled, the related Function cannot therefore occur. 13.3.2001 Updated 6.9.2010
ENTER_WINDOW_Statement Enabling and Disabling Buttons

The ENTER WINDOW statement causes a window to be executed 6.9.2010
External date popup program requirements Enabling and Disabling Buttons

This note describes the requirements of the date popup program with respect to the interface with GX. The GXCAL.EXE program has been upgraded to adhere to this specification 5.2.2008

Flat style menu INI file parameters

Flat style menu INI file parameters 5.4.2004

gsm32bit Global Development System Manual Version V8.1 (draft copy) 22.5.2001
gsm32dbug Global Development System Debugger Notes 6.6.2001
GX Programming Notes GX Programming Notes Master Class - 7.12.2000
GX Bitmaps

The GX interface allows a bitmap to be displayed within a Speedbase window. 7.6.2003

GX Boxes

The BOX Clause and GX Group Boxes 7.6.2003

GX Editable Combo Box

GX Editable Combo Boxes 30.7.2004

GX Buttonboxes

GX Button-only Group Boxes 7.6.2003


A GX Fixed List Combo Box is implemented by a combination of a special label field and the ACMBO$, CCMBO$ and DCMDO$ sub-routines 30.7.2004

GX Focus

The FOCUS Verb 7.6.2003

GX Iconic Buttons

GX Iconic Buttons 7.6.2003 Updated 5.12.2014

GX Label Identifier

GX Label Identifier 7.6.2003

GX Progress Window

GX Progress Windows 15.9.2004

GX Radio Buttons

GX Radio Buttons 19.12.2007

GX Range Checking

Range Checking in R-FETCH Routines 11.12.2003

GX Search Buttons

GX Search Buttons 29.7.2004

GX Timeout

GX Window Timeout 7.6.2003. Updated 23.2.2006

GX Toolbar

GX Toolbar Customisation 31.10.2003

GX Window Width

GX Window Width Alteration 7.6.2003

hilite Set field colour to 8 (error and warning messages) 13.3.2001
ns-txt Set current field colour to 4 (Non scrolled text) 13.3.2001
popm Pop menu handler 13.3.2001
rlk Detect left or right arrow keys in display mode 13.3.2001
ROUTINES_Section The routines section consists of a number of routines which are called during the various stages of window processing. Each routine is identified by a special label which determines when during the processing cycle it will be executed by the window manager 23.8.2010
s-txt Set current field colour to 3 (Scrolled text) 13.3.2001
setleng Set accept length of window field 13.3.2001
setpmod Change window's permitted modes 13.3.2001
sj140 NOPEN$, NLIST$ & NCLOS$ 6.4.2000
sj139&sj190 Calling Windows (and Unix) programs using SHCMD$ 25.10.2000
sj338 Open GX Direct Access method 9.2.2002
slen Set accept length of window field and reposition 13.3.2001

Speedbase Memory Database Manager (SMDM) 11.3.2004

stcat$-oldformat Global 32-bit Development System System Subroutines Manual 8.1 old form 30.1.2002
template Dummy Template Document
titles Format window heading line 13.3.2001
ufun Detect Function keys in display mode 13.3.2001
WINDOW_Body The window body contains details of the text, fields and buttons that are to be displayed and accepted within the window, and may contain options that control its general layout. It follows the Window Options and is before the optional ROUTINES SECTION 6.9.2010
WINDOW_Options Window options are available to control various aspects of the window. The window options must be coded following the WINDOW statement and the WINDOW body. 7.3.2013
WINDOW_Statement The WINDOW statement introduces the window construct and specifies its target record type 6.9.2010





  32-bit Sub-routine Index

WINDOW_Options.pdf 7.3.2013
WINDOW_Body 6.9.2010
WINDOW_Statement 6.9.2010

gxiconicbuttons 5.12.2014
Enabling & disabling buttons 6.9.2010
gxradiobuttons 19.12.2007