Change of admission 20/03/2024

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Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by rick » ... he-season/

Dartford Football Club prides itself on being a community club with its fan base made up of all different demographics. Whilst it was necessary to take action over the minority that were not adhering to the Club’s principles, it is noticeable that there have not been many issues of late. Consequently, the Club will trial for the remainder of the season lifting the requirement for Youths (age 13-17) to either be accompanied by an adult or be a member of the Youth Membership Scheme. We look forward to welcoming all the Youth in the locality to Princes Park free of charge to make some noise and show their support during our last 4 home fixtures alongside new amended admission prices for all age groups. We want as many people as possible to come and get behind the players in the last few home games to try and get the wins we require.

See you Saturday!!

New admission prices for remainder of 23/24 season will be:

Adults £10

Concession £5

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Sleightly Deceptive
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Sleightly Deceptive »

Very generous gesture. Thanks DFC. I’m wondering if the Yoof can be bothered though. But we certainly need em back! Could prove to be a masterstroke by the board. Time to up the ante!
Last edited by Sleightly Deceptive on Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tony H
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Tony H »

Good move! 👏👏
Mark Sweet
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Mark Sweet »

Fantastic move from all in charge, I've been critical of late but this is a step in the right direction
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Park Life
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Park Life »

A fantastic initiative by the club and if succesful, one that could be tried on a regular basis.

Let's all spread the word and cheer the lads on to try and get the points we need.

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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Spike »

Great that we are trying something different. Hopefully word will get around quickly and we'll have a decent attendance and great atmosphere for these final few crucial games.
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by MickW »

Given the number of yoof at the last 2 Maidstone games I thought the rule had been relaxed already.
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by KingKong »

About time. Amazing it took the board so long to realise what everyone else did.
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Ozytalksbull »

Excellent for the local kids, well done 👍
Bagdhad Billy
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Bagdhad Billy »

Amazing news! Has someone on the board realised the club isn’t
anything without the fans? Let’s hope it isn’t after the horse has bolted and we can turn around this car crash of a season and create an atmosphere again at the stadium 🥳🥳🥳
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The Duke
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by The Duke »

Good Commercial decision to let the U18S infor FREE as plenty of room at PP and when there likely to purchase food and drink additional revenue and they make loads of noise and are the FUTURE FANS when us Oldies have long departed . The ONLY other thing is to get a couple of Stewards to " eek out the odd troublemakers and NOT pretend they didnt see anything !!!

Nest season we should be doing a cheap deal for regular U18S and give 200 tickets FREE to local Schools , cause even IF we do well next season there will be still be spaces available [ in most games] at PP !!!!

Ist time of positivity ????????????
Tall Dart
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Tall Dart »

Master stroke from the board. Well done!
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by rambo »

The penny has finally dropped. Well done to the Board
I was planning to suggest under 18s should be let in free for the first 10 games next season as a trial but this decision for the remainder of the season is excellent
Let’s hope we are rewarded with home wins for the rest of the season
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Harry »

Brilliant decision, well done to those that made it.

I would estimate we get around 1, 250 - 300 for a game that may have only attracted around 900 - 1, 000 without this offer.

Would fully expect at least another 200 - 300 on Saturdays gate now.
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Grassbank »

I welcome this decision and hope that it helps to improve the atmosphere at the ground for the critical remaining fixtures. We have to get behind all eleven players on the pitch throughout the match, whether they are favourites of ours or not. It is likely that there will be major changes in the playing staff at the end of the season, so give these guys your support to help us stay in this league and not face the dreaded drop down a division.

I am not able to attend on Saturday, but expect to be at the other three matches. Come on Dartford, we can do this!
Hitchin Dart79
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Hitchin Dart79 »

Well done the club good decision!
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by KentC »

Good decision
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by KentC »

I don’t do many social media platforms, have we as a club let the local community know this brilliant news. We’ve gotta reach out with this because it obviously would make a huge difference with a decent crowd.
Bagdhad Billy
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Bagdhad Billy »

Mission 2k!

We should as a club be aiming to attract 2000 people per game and the club financially will be a lot better off with better bars sales and spend in general! Plus the glaringly obvious thing that has been missing for a year which is an atmosphere…

No coincidence our form has been poor since the yoof were spurned
Ajaxman DFC
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Re: Change of admission 20/03/2024

Post by Ajaxman DFC »

The company who rent the bar facilities from Dartford FC must be making a profit otherwise they wouldn't be there.
Aren't we missing a trick here?