Alan Dowson sacked

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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Spike »

Lennylenny wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 6:10 pm Everyone going well done board for being brave and sacking him , but who is getting sacked on board for giving him a two year contract?
Perhaps you would be kind enough to explain who and why someone should be sacked by sharing your in-depth knowledge about the exact terns of the contract and how much the club paid, that led you to this conclusion. It's always good to hear informed sources giving their incite..
Ajaxman DFC
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Ajaxman DFC »

Alan Dowson tried his best, the players tried their best, Flanagan & Coyle tried their best, Steve King tried his best and the board tried their best. Everyone's accountable. Everyone's under pressure in the modern game. If not then they're in the wrong job.That's the nature of the beast. Football is what it is. A results business and you either live or die by those results irrespective of what's gone on behind the scenes.
Under Tony Burman there were never any challenging decisions to be made. He was unsackable. Equally that loyalty was returned as Burman would never have allowed another club to turn his head no matter how much money was on the table. He had one of the safest seats in the semi-pro game.
The decision was always his to decide when it was time to step down.
The board are firmly under the spotlight now. Three managerial appointments and we're nowhere near where we should be. It hasn't been good apart from the play-off final. And that's only provided you can forget that infamous embarrassing penalty shoot-out, which is near impossible. Apart from that the post Burman era is best remembered for dwindling attendances and disastrous cup runs.
For the nostalgic, the brand of football under Burman wasn't always palatable to watch but he knew how to get results. The remit for the remainder of the season is to secure National League South football at Princes Park for next season, no matter how it's achieved.The new manager will then hopefully be hired in good time for pre-season.
The board must get it right this time.
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Babylon »

We need a settled team not 3/4 changes every week.
Welcome back TB all be it only temporary .
I was glad when Dowse came in and I am very glad now that he has gone.
Maintaining our membership.of the NLS is the priority obviously.