Alan Dowson sacked

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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by MickW »

So it's over - thank God.
Let's hope we have fewer mindless rants about the board now and all the stay away protesters return to swell the ranks supporting our club.
TB is rightly a club legend both as a player and as a manager - someone who has always been ready to stand up when needed. I hope that it goes well for him as he had many detractors at the end of his last stint as manager - we need to provide all the support we can to get back to where we should be.
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by JCJ »

It is always sad when someone loses his Job, but unfortunately it is the correct decision and In my mind should have been done earlier.

Dowse had the attitude that everything that was going wrong was not his fault but the players the board the budget even the supporters, I believe he thought he was bigger than the club, He was also brought in the untie the club as the previous manager (Just like to add he is out of work :lol: )but the divide is even bigger between the supporters and the club now than it was.

TB I believe with a little luck get us into the paly-offs, Wonder if Paul Sawyer will return as well, I feel sorry Christian I think he will make a good coach, I assume all the backroom staff have gone as well,

I also would like to see Charlie Sheringham involved in some part, When players have been interviewed the majority have said Charlie was the biggest influence in dressing room and I believe he loves the club. I was also thinking Tom Bonner to be involved but just for sentimental reasons which might be wrong as that didn't work with F&C, but do wonder if TB can get Tom back as a player, it will also be interesting how many of the injured players are available again.

also is Harvey's old man still available?
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Park Life »

I have to be honest and say im really pleased with this decision. It had got to the stage where i didn't really want to go to the games anymore. I can't make Truro and had pretty much decided i wasn't going to Bath but now im looking forward to it.
Time now for us fans to get behind TB and the team and i've said a few times i believe these players are capable of more, we will hopefully now see how much.
I don't for one minute believe the decision is just about results, he would still be in a job imo but for comments made and constant moaning about the club, fans and everything else. I said numerous times LAST season the comments he makes would eventually be a major factor in him losing his job and i believe that to be the case. I was in disbelief at times that someone who has spent so long in the game can say the things he said, week after week, month after month.
So imo it was 100% the right decison as ive never experienced such a poor atmosphere at the club ever before, he alienated virtually the entire fanbase.
We all want our manager to do well regardless of who it is but he burnt so many bridges and you only have to read this topic and see old posters back on already and overwhelming support for the decision to see its the right move. No question it was the right appointment at the time but unfortunately it just never worked out.

So looking ahead, TB in to steady ship before a new manager comes in. I don't think TB would want to take over full time and i think it would be the wrong move anyway, he achieved so much before he deserves to live off all those great memories and success.
Next manager?? Dont know but some of the names being put forward by people are laughable, this is DFC not the Dog & Duck. Im confident we will get plenty of good applicants and the club may have their eye on some so happy to wait and see. The last two appointments the board made were very good at the time and met with overwhelming support and we have so much to offer as a club, that as long as we don't sell ourseleves short im confident we will get some quality applicants.
Im excited and looking forward to the FOOTBALL again.
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Ozytalksbull »

Pencilled in for the next game
Burman is back hello hello
A first class statement from the board that is very well written and to the point
Hope this is the turning point for the darts

Tony Burman for the rest of the season
And then appoint , possibly as said within the club
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by The 5th Searcher »

rambo wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:41 am Simply well done The Board, good riddance to a group that were not good enough and welcome back and good luck Tony

Just my pennies worth on a new manager. I put forward the name of Charlie Sherringham who I believe has his coaching badge and I assume he intends to go into management. I hope the Board speak to him , it would be a shame for us if he made it as a manager and bypassed DFC especially as this is a little history of a DFC/ Sherringham connection
Rambo, Charlie has a lot of personal problems as I think a family member is ill so Charlie can’t commit to anything.
This is why he’s not been around or playing for the club as he’s had to take a lot of time out.

As for the big decision all I can say is bloody well done to the board for finally making the big & possibly difficult decision for them. I am so glad that Dowse & his band of merrymen have gone as they was doing so much harm to this great club of ours and had lost so many players.
Dowse got the sack from Woking & now he’s got the sack from us, he’s not the great manager he seems to think he is. The only one I feel a bit sorry for is Christian Jolly as he seemed to be a nice guy and could do well but he needs to get away from Dowse.
Now we’ve got the great & loyal TB at the helm albeit on a temporary basis but he is certainly likely to bring out the best in these players, hopefully we’ll start getting the real DFC feel back again.

Tony Burman’s Black & White Army, Come On You Darts.
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Craybank »

If he’s willing TB may have to do this season AND THE NEXT while the board, having paid off Dowse, rebuilds the club’s budget for his eventual successor!
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Park Life »

Knowing TB and how he feels about the club I'd be surprised if he's asked for anything. So carry on paying our previous manager his notice period (i would suspect theres an agreement in place as with all managers) and no problems. One thing our club does better than most is balance the books so I don't see any financial issues.
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by rambo »

The 5th Searcher wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2024 2:15 pm
rambo wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:41 am Simply well done The Board, good riddance to a group that were not good enough and welcome back and good luck Tony

Just my pennies worth on a new manager. I put forward the name of Charlie Sherringham who I believe has his coaching badge and I assume he intends to go into management. I hope the Board speak to him , it would be a shame for us if he made it as a manager and bypassed DFC especially as this is a little history of a DFC/ Sherringham connection
Rambo, Charlie has a lot of personal problems as I think a family member is ill so Charlie can’t commit to anything.
This is why he’s not been around or playing for the club as he’s had to take a lot of time out.

As for the big decision all I can say is bloody well done to the board for finally making the big & possibly difficult decision for them. I am so glad that Dowse & his band of merrymen have gone as they was doing so much harm to this great club of ours and had lost so many players.
Dowse got the sack from Woking & now he’s got the sack from us, he’s not the great manager he seems to think he is. The only one I feel a bit sorry for is Christian Jolly as he seemed to be a nice guy and could do well but he needs to get away from Dowse.
Now we’ve got the great & loyal TB at the helm albeit on a temporary basis but he is certainly likely to bring out the best in these players, hopefully we’ll start getting the real DFC feel back again.

Tony Burman’s Black & White Army, Come On You Darts.
Oh dear sorry to hear about Charlie’s family member. I hope it all works out better for them soon. Thanks for saying , it stops me sending more messages on the subject 👍
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Babylon »

At last, I have nothing personal against .but Dowson we have been going downhill.for months
Far too many average players signed for this level and questionable tactics, nice enough bloke but this is a results business and for months now we have been an awful watch.
I will.dust my season ticket off and hope that win, lose or draw I can ENJOY watching my
Darts again.
We have changed the jockey but it is the same horse so let's get behind the team under TB and start climbing the table.
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by dartfordknight »

This should have happened a couple of months ago , the style of football has been awful all season and fans were disappearing week on week.
Glad Tony has taken over , if he gets 50% extra out of the players we have then that will tell its own story.
I have said it before this has been the worst Dartford Team i have ever seen , glad its over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Lennylenny »

Don’t get anyone going well done Dowse it’s sad it ended this way . He was brought in to unite a club( which was already United ) what did he do , destroy morale, get season ticket holders to stop coming and make the players so scared to touch the ball , they didn’t want to as be singled out in bizzare interviews. Did he increase attendance s , no made them so poor that those in attendance laughed when attendance announced. Did he build his own team, have no revolving door policy , use the bar ? No , all things King got sacked for . What good in anything was his right hand man Martyn Tyler, I can commentate a game , I can’t teach players, skills and tactics. So was he a nice guy ? Rumours of swearing at fans at Tonbridge and my one and only meeting with him suggests not ,he has taken this club back three , four years before king took us from relegation to a penalty shot out defeat in the final. Will fans come back , I hope so but the club has some serious PR to do to undo the damage that he’s done. Football is a entertainment buisness , men , women and children on a Saturday pay to be entertained, I like Danny Bloor , wouldn’t moan about him getting the job , but in reality we all know the man for the job( he’s hated because he’s successful) he’s arrogant and up his own arse , but he’s proven and would excite us once again on a Saturday .Before everyone goes he’s your mate not spoke to him for ages , but that don’t bother me just want to watch attacking football back at dartford.
Last edited by Lennylenny on Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by ozymandias »

I must admit I am relieved that Dowson has gone. But it does beg the question, can TB or whoever comes in get us out of the predicament we are in? Can he (whoever) stop the slide?
I wasn't over the moon on Alan's appointment as for me it was a bit out of the blue. He came across as a clown and I certainly didn't enjoy his after match interviews.
Plus that the football was poor, how he lasted so long at Woking in the top non league division is beyond me.
Now we need to get behind the club and the caretaker manager whoever takes it on . But at present we need to get behind the players and TB.
I hope the board go for someone with a bit more gumption and urgency. And someone that we can all look up to.⚽
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by KentC »

Lennylenny wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2024 4:56 pm Don’t get anyone going well done Dowse it’s sad it ended this way . He was brought in to unite a club( which was already United ) what did he do , destroy morale, get season ticket holders to stop coming and make the players so scared to touch the ball , they didn’t want to as be singled out in bizzare interviews. Did he increase attendance s , no made them so poor that those in attendance laughed when attendance announced. Did he build his own team, have no revolving door policy , use the bar ? No , all things King got sacked for . What good in anything was his right hand man Martyn Tyler, I can commentate a game , I can’t teach players, skills and tactics. So was he a nice guy ? Rumours of swearing at fans at Tonbridge and my one and only meeting with him suggests not ,he has taken this club back three , four years before king took us from relegation to a penalty shot out defeat in the final. Will fans come back , I hope so but the club has some serious PR to do to undo the damage that he’s done

I don’t disagree with most of what you say, especially the heartily goodbyes?

But as someone who has been sceptical of the boards desire to be promoted, not that they don’t , just how much they want it, it’s only fair to say they’ve done everything really well with Dowse.
Backed him, supported him financially and didn’t knee jerk react to his dismal failures all the while being digged at by him in various interviews about different things.
He showed them ( and everyone else at the club but only they pay him) complete disrespect.
I think they’ve done a brilliant job around him and they deserve loads of credit and thanks.

Now is the time for us all to stick together, we got what most of us wanted , let’s support the manager and support the team with everything we have until the end of the season.
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by KentC »

ozymandias wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:03 pm I must admit I am relieved that Dowson has gone. But it does beg the question, can TB or whoever comes in get us out of the predicament we are in? Can he (whoever) stop the slide?
I wasn't over the moon on Alan's appointment as for me it was a bit out of the blue. He came across as a clown and I certainly didn't enjoy his after match interviews.
Plus that the football was poor, how he lasted so long at Woking in the top non league division is beyond me.
Now we need to get behind the club and the caretaker manager whoever takes it on . But at present we need to get behind the players and TB.
I hope the board go for someone with a bit more gumption and urgency. And someone that we can all look up to.⚽

Get in someone we can all look up to.
Brilliantly put, that’s my thoughts too just couldn’t think how to describe it.
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by The Duke »

There should be no pressure on Tony Burman to get us into the play offs , just get rid of the players who wont figure and sort out the injured ones and bring the correct ethos , eg hard work , discipline , tactics and heart back into the team to consolidate our season , will the current players in 16th place and falling get anywhere near the play offs , unlikely but that would be a bonus ???

With Dowse gone looking forward to getting to PP again but dont expect miracles on the pitch overnight !!!!!!!!!
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Babylon »

A new dawn .
Some have criticised.season ticket holders like me for not coming to games.
I was not enjoying Dowsons teams performances or his excuses and criticism's when we had been defeated yet AGAIN.
I can take defeat but our style of play and the revolving door of players added to his excuses after yet another debacle totally p*ssed me off.
Just like a lot of other regulars......ÀTPATHY crept in.
I will be back now that Dowsons regime has gone and get right behind TB and his team
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Bkev180 »

Into the mix TB till end of season with Ben greenhalgh as assistant or charlie as assistant with them taking over full time next season
Tom bonner I believe has his coaching licence
Let's hope TB can steady the ship
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by KentC »

We need a proven non league manger with potential not internal recruitment with minimal experience. Their time will come.
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by KentC »

Babylon wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:33 pm A new dawn .
Some have criticised.season ticket holders like me for not coming to games.
I was not enjoying Dowsons teams performances or his excuses and criticism's when we had been defeated yet AGAIN.
I can take defeat but our style of play and the revolving door of players added to his excuses after yet another debacle totally p*ssed me off.
Just like a lot of other regulars......ÀTPATHY crept in.
I will be back now that Dowsons regime has gone and get right behind TB and his team

Never saw any criticism of season ticket holders staying away, if there was it’s utter sh*te
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Re: Alan Dowson sacked

Post by Tony H »

Had to be done! Absolutely no criticism from me of Dowse as a person, he was a decent, hard-working bloke. At the end of the day fans opinions have been heard and the Board, who like us are fans, made a difficult but correct decision for the right reasons and for the good of the club. Very well-written statement too!

Good luck to TB and whoever (hopefully Paul Sawyer) going forward and with steadying this ship.