Player news

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Re: Player news

Post by ozymandias »

Hope Dan's goalkeeping decision isn't a big foot shooting for us as regards Ben re-signing again. Let's hope he does, but if he doesn't then one would hope that Dowse has someone in mind. Throwing young Wray in at the deep end may make the lad or finish him :o . I'm sure he's one for the future.
Coulson's signing is great news. Excellent player. :D
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Re: Player news


BRASSNECK wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:47 pm
Park Life wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:35 pm I posted on Tuesday that people were away on holiday and that's why it went a bit quiet.

Regarding the keeper position, i was also under the impression that Ben had signed for last season and this one?
As for available keepers, didn't the Woking keeper leave at the end of the season the same keeper who played under Dowse before?

Wouldn't be surprised to hear a bit more player news soon now that key people are back from holiday.

Signed so far:-

Luke Allen
Tommy Block
Harvey Bradbury
Sam Odaudu
Marvin Herschel
Lewis Manor
Paul Rooney
Max Statham
Alex Wall
Tom Wray
Jordan Wynter
Luke Coulson
Craig Ross decent Keeper.
Signs for Maidenhead.
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Re: Player news

Post by KentC »

Still waiting for news on a few.
I keep checking regularly with fingers crossed
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Park Life
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Re: Player news

Post by Park Life »

Looks like another good addition and his stats show a versatile player who can play at right back, right mid and centre mid.

Signed so far:-

Luke Allen
Tommy Block
Harvey Bradbury
Sam Odaudu
Marvin Herschel
Lewis Manor
Paul Rooney
Max Statham
Alex Wall
Tom Wray
Jordan Wynter
Luke Coulson
Tyrell Miller-Rodney
Mark Sweet
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Re: Player news

Post by Mark Sweet »

Very good signing on paper, in a position we needed to strengthen.

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The Duke
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Re: Player news

Post by The Duke »

Great signing he is a combatable , hard tackling midfielder with a great win attitude , had a look at comments about him on Havant and Hampton sites and they are very pro him , just the sort of player that Dowse wanted to bring in as he is a leader and will form a tough no nonsense midfield with Rooney/Winter , totally different to [ in Dowses words] to last season when we has a no tackling policy in midfield !!!

Just need a proven centre back to accompany Tom Bonner [ I cant believe he wont sign for us !!] and a quality winger to supply crosses for our 3 big strikers to turn into goals and of course a quality keeper , Dudinski needs to make up his mind or of !!!!!!!
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Re: Player news

Post by Lennylenny »

Now I don’t really care about what people think about me or being friends with Hurley and kingie, I do what I want . Living in dartford and having grandchildren who if charlton are losing want to go somewhere else dartford is the place. Will I buy a season ticket?Not at minute , this leauge is the strongest in 25 years of following non league football, the signings are decent but nothing to excite or even think it’s a t team that will compete with the big boys? Parklife , spur do u agree Dartford need a ex pro or welll known goal scorer ,something to excite .I expect the usual don’t come then or where were u when ten years ago,but the club needs bums on seats and people like myself who spend money , I don’t think it’s wrong now Dowson has a whole pre season to watch what team he’s building as a “ not dartford till I die” person before deciding to invest. Ps my granddaughter up at princess park today as that’s where district train , dartford are in my view excelling as. community club
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Re: Player news

Post by Johndfc2 »

Don’t wish to be churlish ,but we play at Princes park. Although it made more sense than the rest of the post. Personally no idea if new players will excite as I don’t know them any more than you do.
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Re: Player news

Post by DA1 »

Mark Sweet
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Re: Player news

Post by Mark Sweet »

Lennylenny wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:09 pm , the signings are decent but nothing to excite or even think it’s a t team that will compete with the big boys? Parklife , spur do u agree Dartford need a ex pro or welll known goal scorer ,something to excite .I expect the usual don’t come then or where were u when ten years ago,but the club needs bums on seats and people like myself who spend money
Just to pick up on this part of the post "Big names" will cost more money and more often than not just be here for a pay check. Samir has proven that before the season has even started. Whether or not your mate Kingy drained everything he was given and more will never be known, but I'd much rather a sustainable club than one that throws around money, and in Kings case still fail.

Who's to say that some of the newer names that Dowse is bringing in won't go on to become a known name for us?
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Re: Player news

Post by The 5th Searcher »

Seems to be an attacking midfielder according to the Hampton & Richmond FC site where we’ve signed him from.
Some of their fans have said he struggles fitness wise, as long as he can stay fit he could be a good player.
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Park Life
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Re: Player news

Post by Park Life »

Looks like Dowse has worked with Brandon before and he can play wide which is what we need so a warm welcome to Brandon (and Tyrell).

14 signed so far (this time last season we only had 7):-

Luke Allen
Tommy Block
Harvey Bradbury
Sam Odaudu
Marvin Herschel
Lewis Manor
Paul Rooney
Max Statham
Alex Wall
Tom Wray
Jordan Wynter
Luke Coulson
Tyrell Miller-Rodney
Brandon Barzey
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Re: Player news

Post by KentC »

Mark Sweet.

FFS stop with this Kingy crap and move on.
It didn’t work out for him, the club got rid of him and to their total credit they explained why.
The there’s still comments on him and this utter crap that not sure if he “ drained everything he was given “
and the tripe about wanting a “sustainable club” well who said any different or if the club was at risk.

Stop making up your own shite with no foundation to create a narrative towards someone you don’t like.

Move on it’s sad and pathetic so get a life outside of being sour. For your own sake!
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Re: Player news

Post by KentC »

I like the fact that Dowse is doing regular business.
Have to trust the manager he’ll live and die by his decisions so trust him, no matter who the Manager is and when.

In Dowse we must trust
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Re: Player news

Post by Mark Sweet »

KentC wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:56 pm Mark Sweet.

FFS stop with this Kingy crap and move on.
It didn’t work out for him, the club got rid of him and to their total credit they explained why.
The there’s still comments on him and this utter crap that not sure if he “ drained everything he was given “
and the tripe about wanting a “sustainable club” well who said any different or if the club was at risk.

Stop making up your own shite with no foundation to create a narrative towards someone you don’t like.

Move on it’s sad and pathetic so get a life outside of being sour. For your own sake!
My post was more a comment towards the person making a comment about not signing the known names which was clearly a dig at Dowse's recruitment strategy. I don't have any dislike or ill feeling towards King. As you say the club made the decision and we all have to respect that, whether we liked it or not. My post clearly read that we don't know what King's budget was, and whether he used up that or not. It's a known fact wherever King goes money is spent so that is the assumption.

What I don't like is being called out on twitter by someone who constantly shows no respect to the board and the way the club is run.

That's the last I'm saying on it, let's move on and look forward to the season ahead.
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The Duke
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Re: Player news

Post by The Duke »

History tells us that signing " named " players either on contract or on loan has NOT been a big success and some have only lasted a couple of games before being shipped out having come with a billy big b......ks attitude , we want hungry players who see us as a great opportunity to develop and with the winners attitude and the signings Dowse has retained and recruited ALL fit that spec and I reckon this a much stronger squad than last Season

The squad so far must have Tom Bonner thinking that he wants to be part of that and surely will get him to sign on the dotted line

Squad of 14 so far so I guess room for Tom and 3 others [ incl a No1 Goalkeeper ] and Dowse can bide his time to get the right guys in !!!!!!!!!1
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Re: Player news

Post by The Duke »

No mention of Richard Chin [ the Charlton lad] who did well for us on loan , just maybe he will be Dowse's wild card in mid July ??????
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Re: Player news

Post by Sleightly Deceptive »

The Duke wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:11 am History tells us that signing " named " players either on contract or on loan has NOT been a big success and some have only lasted a couple of games before being shipped out having come with a billy big b......ks attitude , we want hungry players who see us as a great opportunity to develop and with the winners attitude and the signings Dowse has retained and recruited ALL fit that spec and I reckon this a much stronger squad than last Season

The squad so far must have Tom Bonner thinking that he wants to be part of that and surely will get him to sign on the dotted line

Squad of 14 so far so I guess room for Tom and 3 others [ incl a No1 Goalkeeper ] and Dowse can bide his time to get the right guys in !!!!!!!!!1
😢 we had a no1 goalkeeper. I’m going miss his Dad more than him!!
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Re: Player news

Post by Lars Resort »

Must agree with johndfc. That post from Lenny was hard going, normally good posts from him.
Why the call for a big name signing? Dowse is signing his own players. Who had Rooney, Manor, Rodney and Barzey on their list?
Who knew anything about Bonner, Noble and Harris before those players became the legends they are.
Grief, let's get behind Dowse. If he falls on his sword with his signings it's down to him. I'd like to think that Rooney and Rodney know a bit about each other to give us a bit of strength in midfield.
We thought that Carruthers was a good signing, but we wanted players for a season not a guy who faded and then buggered off as soon as he could.
Yes, we have worrys on key positions but now Dowse has time to sort them. And imo we don't need a big name to do it.
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Re: Player news

Post by Lars Resort »

Two big signings for me so far are young Sam and experience of Luke Coulson. The hope we have that Harvey gets someone who supplies him with the chances he needs to continue to bang in the goals that he seems so good at.
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