Mascot puts Eddie thru his paces (Large).jpgThe Brentwood captain fancies John Guest's shirt. (Large).jpgJamie's header is cleared off the line (Large).jpgJay tries for the flick on for Brendon (Large).jpgRyno tries to bend one around the defence.. (Large).jpgand almost catches the keeper out (Large).jpgRyno's cross is just too far for Brendon and jay (Large).jpgJay challenges the keeper (Large).jpgRyno sends one across the area... (Large).jpgThe keeper misses it but Brendon can't get a touch (Large).jpgNo room for Adam's head here (Large).jpgFor the 2nd week on the Trot Alex tries his luck (Large).jpgJay's header hits the bar (Large).jpg
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Ryno tries to bend one around the defence.. (Large).jpg