It takes 2 to stop Tom (Large).jpgthe keeper cuts out the cross (Large).jpgan early chance goes just wide (Large).jpgReece in full flight (Large).jpgDenied by the keeper (Large).jpgThe keeper holds on to the ball (Large).jpgLast ditch lunge denies the Darts (Large).jpgnow if I can get this thru the defenders..... (Large).jpg..but there's the defender in the way (Large).jpgTommy unleashes one but the keeper puts it over (Large).jpgHere comes an equaliser (Large).jpgNow if I try for the left top corner..... (Large).jpg..perhaps the keeper will save it (Large).jpgHere comes another equaliser 3-3 (Large).jpgSean's the first to celebrate (Large).jpg
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The keeper holds on to the ball (Large).jpg