Tony is a bit cut up (Large).jpgI think their singing Can't take my eyes off of you (Large).jpgAlex and Adam don't like Ryno's Calvin Kleins (Large).jpgoops (Large).jpgThanks Alex (Large).jpga lot of 'coke' was drunk (Large).jpgThe chairman and Patrons (Large).jpgSuper Jeremy (Large).jpgHeroes of 73 74 (Large).jpgThe GrassBank trophy goes to....... (Large).jpg..John Guest (Large).jpgThe trophy presentation (Large).jpgshhh don't tell the boss I'm drinking (Large).jpgCaptain Fantastic says a few words (Large).jpgCHAMPIONS (Large).jpg
Click for large image

I think their singing Can't take my eyes off of you (Large).jpg