37 Jon Wallis is denied.jpg38 Paul gets a head to the ball.....jpg39 ...it drops for Tom.....jpg40 ..he shoots....jpg41 ...Charlie tries to flick it in....jpg42 ..but somehow the keeper manages to stop the ball with his knee and pick it up.jpg43 Elliot Bradbrook.jpg44 The keeper is out of position so Charlie shoots......jpg45 ...somehow the no5 manages to get back to head it off the line.jpg46 Adam throws his arms up in despair.jpg47 The keeper collects the corner under pressure from Paul.jpg48 Richard Graham.jpg49 Jon Wallis.jpg50 Richard shoots......jpg51 ...but it's just too high.jpg52 Elliot is clear with a choice of players to pass to.jpg53 Andy tries to punch clear above Tom (Champion's) head.jpg54 ...but the ball falls to the Bromley player who fires it home 1-1.jpg
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47 The keeper collects the corner under pressure from Paul.jpg