1 Tom (Bonner) deals with the early Basingstoke pressure.jpg2 Louis climbs highest to collect the ball.jpg3 Jacob controls the ball under pressure.jpg4 Tom (Bonner) heads downward - buit it's just wide.jpg5 Louis goes full length to cut the low cross out.jpg6 Lee (Noble) tries to score from an almost impossible position.jpg7 Luke's header is cleared off the line.jpg8 Lee shoots.....jpg9 ...and goes so close.jpg10 Danny gets the ball.....jpg11 ...takes on the player....jpg12 ...and keeps going....jpg13 ...and shoots.....jpg14 ...and the keeper's beaten 1-0 Darts.jpg15 Danny jumps for joy.jpg16 Champs meets the corner.....jpg17 ...the keeper saves but the ball goes straight up....jpg18... and Danny reacts fastest......jpg
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11 ...takes on the player....jpg