1 Tony Garrod.jpg2 Connor Essam.jpg3 Tony flicks the ball on.jpg4 Connor heads clear.jpg5 Matt gets to the by-line but his pull back is blocked.jpg6 Danny Harris.jpg7 The Loanee keeper collects before Tony cvan get his head to the ball.jpg8 A splendid turnout from the Darts fans.jpg9 Jon lets fly.........jpg10 ...and the keeper is happy to watch it go wide.jpg11 Jamie tries to curl the free-kick round the wall........jpg12 ....but Louis is there to collect safely.jpg13 Lee Clarke takes the penalty.......jpg14 ...Louis almost gets a hand to it.....jpg15 ...but it's in 1-0 Welling.jpg16 Tony controls as 3 Wing's players close in.jpg17 Tom (B) climbs to head the ball......jpg18 ...but it's wide.jpg
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13 Lee Clarke takes the penalty.......jpg