1 Pre-match relaxation watching Arsenal v Liverpool.jpg2 Teddy signs.jpg3 Andy collects.jpg4 Elliot is brought down - penalty.jpg5 Charlie steps up......jpg6 ...Keeper one-way ball the other - 1-0 Darts.jpg7 Celebrations.jpg8 Ryan's corner comes over high and deep.....jpg9 ....Paul is there to knock it back under pressure,,,,.jpg10 ...and it falls to Elliot......jpg11 ...who makes no mistake 2-0 Darts.jpg12 I think he's happy.jpg13 Charlie creates all sorts of problems for the defender.jpg14 Jon takes the free kick from the side line.....jpg15 ...the keeper flaps at it - and misses.....jpg16 ..but it doesn't fall to Ryan.jpg17 Ryan's clear.....jpg18 ..and shoots.....jpg
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12 I think he's happy.jpg