19 Luke clears.jpg20 James Rogers weighs up his options.jpg21 Louis collects over Tom B.jpg22 The Keeper denies Luke a chance again.jpg23 The ball comes over from Pires to the No10......jpg24 ...who shoots......jpg25 ...over the bar.jpg26 Lee Noble.jpg27 A small Welling wall.jpg28 Elliot waits to head the ball.......jpg29 ...has the keeper got it covered......jpg30 ....yes but it's close.jpg31 James somehow manages to head the ball back across goal.....jpg32 ......forcing a miskick from the Welling player.....jpg33 ....Jacob tries to get on the end of it.....jpg34 ... the ball is still in the air in the area.....jpg35 ....this time the keeper can punch clear.jpg36 James finds a gap into the area.jpg
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31 James somehow manages to head the ball back across goal.....jpg