18 get in there.....jpg19 I think they might just be happy about that.jpg20 Elliot somehow manages to hook the ball back goalward......jpg21 ...the keeper fumbles......jpg22 ...tries to recover.....jpg23 ....where's the ball.....jpg24 ...oh there it is......jpg25 ....who's kicking what here......jpg26 ...Danny's still got the ball.....jpg27 ...The definition of a goalmouth scramble.....jpg28 ...but it's in the back of the net to restore the Darts 2 goal advantage on aggregate.jpg29 Luke celebrates as the 'Stoke players berate the ref.jpg30 they're still at it......jpg31 That looks dangerous......jpg32 ...oh dear it's in......jpg33 ...they're celebrating.......jpg34 ...but the ref has dissallowed it.jpg35 it's too much for 1 'tStoke fan who fancied a word with the ref  - but didn't get i.jpg
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27 ...The definition of a goalmouth scramble.....jpg