1 The Darts Faithful welcome the team.jpg2 Louis Wells is called into action early in the game.jpg3 Adam shoots but it's blocked.jpg4 The defender makes a very timely intervention.jpg5 Lee burns crosses......jpg6 ....Jacob gets to it ......jpg7 ...but cannot get enough power into the shot, and it's an easy collect for the keeper.jpg8 Louis in action again.jpg9 Jacob gets to know the keeper.jpg10 Jon takes the free-kick.....jpg11 ....and it somehow gets through and that's 1-1.jpg12 Defence in depth.jpg13 Tony coaches from the stands - a better view than from the dugout.jpg14 Louis punching clear.jpg15 James goes low to deny the attacker a shot.jpg16 Flagzilla made an appearance.jpg17 Louis uses the fist again.jpg18 Lee Noble.jpg
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13 Tony coaches from the stands - a better view than from the dugout.jpg