19 John Whitehouse shows his class......jpg20 ...and holds onto it.jpg21 Now what's the offside rule.jpg22 Another elbow in the back of Charlie that the officials don't see.jpg23 Tom Champion.jpg24 Check Joe's boots for springs.jpg25 Lee somehow manages not to get a boot to the ball.jpg26 Rob and Friends.jpg27 John gets there before the Fleet player can.jpg28 Ryan gets to the goal line but the Fleet defender gets a boot in the way.jpg29 The balls on it's way.....jpg30 ...the Fleet player manges to get his head to it first.....jpg31 ....it's goal bound......jpg32 1-0 Fleet.jpg33 Charlie feeds the ball through.......jpg34 ...to Lee.....jpg35 ...but his shot lacks the power to get past the keepers outstretched hand.jpg36 Lee wonders what he's got to do to score.jpg
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25 Lee somehow manages not to get a boot to the ball.jpg