19 Billy B winds up for a long throw....jpg20 ...Danny H meets the ball and it's in the back of the net 1-0 Darts.jpg21 Formation celebration.jpg22 The ball's chipped into the area.......jpg23 ...the Havant no6 gets his head to the ball before Joe B can get there.....jpg24 ..but Andy Young has it covered.jpg25 Lee Burns.jpg26 MIchael Shinn heads clear.jpg27 The Havant penalty is on it's way......jpg28 ....Andy guesses right but cannot get a hand to it 1-1.jpg29 The H&W player tries a back header....jpg30 ...but Andy's there to shepherd it wide.jpg31 Danny H tries his luck under considerable pressure.jpg32 Andy Young was kept busy.jpg33 Handbags......jpg34 The Havant no9 gets the ball goalward.....jpg35 ...forcing a good save from Andy Young.jpg36 Danny Harris.jpg
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35 ...forcing a good save from Andy Young.jpg