Sir Trevor Brooking talking to Gary 2.jpgSir Trevor Brooking talking to Gary 1.jpgCrowd merge.jpg1 Dave Phillips.jpg2 Sign of things to come, the Darts 1st Attack and the Crawley player is holding Carl.jpg3 Carl Rook.jpg4 Charlie gets on the end of Carl's cross......jpg5 ...and there's only 1 result 1-0 Darts!!!!!.jpg6 What a start 10 mins gone, 1 up.jpg7 Ryno gets his sleeve tugged right in front of the official - nothing given.jpg8 Ryno sends the corner over........jpg9's curling......jpg10 looks like the keepers got it......jpg11 ....OH no he hasn't......jpg12 2-0 Darts Ryan looks like he doesn't even care.jpg13 Ryan controls the ball.....jpg14 ...and again.....jpg15 ...and still manages to get the ball over.jpg
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1 Dave Phillips.jpg