1 Just the Hardcore fans turned up.jpg2 Adam rues an early missed chance.jpg3 How did I miss that.jpg4 Danny shoots low and Hard.....jpg5 ..and that's the net result 1-0 Darts.jpg6. Deren clains the ball.jpg7 Adam races on to the ball.jpg8 Jon nods the ball down to Danny......jpg9 ...Danny passes it to Adam.....jpg10 ... Adam slots it home as the keeper appeals for a non-existent off-side.jpg11 Adam watches as the ball goes under the keeper and hits the post.jpg12 Deren collects under pressure.jpg13 Ryno sends the free kick in......jpg14 ....Adam jumps.....jpg15 A quick check to see if he's offside before he celebrates the goal.jpg
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7 Adam races on to the ball.jpg