37 This time it's Charlie who's surrounded.jpg38 How can Charlie possibly jump when the 'Heed player has him almost in a bear hug.jpg39 Charlie sends it in low and Hard for Jon.......jpg40 ...but the 'Heed no6 does just enough to stop Jon getting a boot to it.jpg41 Jon gets a boot between the shoulderblades.jpg42 Ryno sends a trademark ball over......jpg43 ..Danny races in to meet it but cannot get enough on it to guide it home.jpg44 It's 50-50 between Danny and the keeper.....jpg45 ..but the keeper bravely gets there to punch clear.jpg46 Even in the dying minutes Jon was still full of running.jpg47 Andy is beaten for the third goal.jpg48 The fans never stopped singing.jpg49 The fans applaud the team at the final whistle.jpg50 The team come together after the final whistle.jpg51 Then come over to show their appreciation of the fans.jpg52 The players appreciation of the fans who made the trek oop north 1.jpg53 The players appreciation of the fans who made the trek oop north 2.jpg54 The players appreciation of the fans who made the trek oop north 3.jpg
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40 ...but the 'Heed no6 does just enough to stop Jon getting a boot to it.jpg