19 Jon gets the ball just outside the area......jpg20 ...shoots.....jpg21 ...the keeper blocks it, but the ball is loose......jpg22 ...for Elliot to hit home......jpg23 ...Braindead players lying all over the area...1-0 Darts.jpg24 It took 4 Braindead players to try and keep Jon and Lee quiet - without success.jpg25 Danny heads it out.jpg26 Paul gets to the corner first......jpg27 ...and Elliot hooks it clear.jpg28 Elliot in the centre of the defence this time.jpg29 Tom Champion tries to lob the ball into the net with the keeper prostrate on the edge of the area...but it's wide.jpg30 Top of the league, they're having a laugh.jpg31 The players acknowledge the supporters.jpg32 The smiles say it all.jpg33 Comparing headwounds perhaps.jpg
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24 It took 4 Braindead players to try and keep Jon and Lee quiet - without success.jpg