1 TB.jpg2 Lee Burns.jpg3 Lee Noble.jpg4 Injured Danny Dafter.jpg5 Danny gets to the ball but cannot get it down - it's over the bar.jpg6 Lee N shoots but there's no power and the keeper gets it.jpg7 Jamie D shoots........jpg8 ...forcing a superb save from the Chip's keeper.jpg9 Lee Burns 2.jpg10 Jay jumps helping out the defence.jpg11 ...and clears.jpg12 Ryno in his usual position sending the ball over.......jpg13 ...Jay gets there but elects to kick it rather than head it.......jpg14 ...but it's too high.jpg15 Jay races onto the ball with only the keeper to beat......jpg16 ...the keeper spreads himself and gets a foot to  the ball to force it out.jpg17 Jamie Day looks odds on to get to this ball first......jpg18 ...but the keeper comes out bravely and manages to get to it.jpg
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6 Lee N shoots but there's no power and the keeper gets it.jpg