19 ...strikes it hard......jpg20 ...but the 'stones no 4 blocks it with his body.jpg21 Elliot gets to the byline and crosses......jpg22 ...but Ryno can't get to it.jpg23 Tiny shoots from the edge of the area.........jpg24 ...forcing a good save from the keeper.jpg25 Lee gets the ball........jpg26 ...hits it.......jpg27 ...the keeper can't get to it.......jpg28 ....1-1.jpg29 The Smile is a mile wide.jpg30 Time to celebrate with the crowd.jpg31 Lee again with the shot.....jpg32 ...but the keeper puts it over  the bar.jpg33 Ryno crosses........jpg34 ....Lee shoots......jpg35 ...keeper saves......jpg36 ....Elliot shoots......jpg
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30 Time to celebrate with the crowd.jpg