1 Danny Harris.jpg2 Jamie Climbs to meet Ryno's corner......jpg3 ..but Danny cannot get a touch to it before the keeper gathers it.jpg4 Lee cuts inside......jpg5 ...and shoots.... that's the equaliser.jpg6 Danny Harris just cannot get his head to the corner.jpg7 Jay May.jpg8 Ryno gets his shirt pulled - how is that NOT a penalty.jpg9 Danny Harris fires it towards goal.....jpg10 ...forcing the keeper full length to push it wide.jpg11 Danny Dafter rises to meet the corner......jpg12 ...and heads it goalward.....jpg13 ...and once again the keeper is there.jpg14 Lee Noble.jpg15 Danny Dafter finds something amusing.jpg16 Danny D.jpg17 A truly acrobatic save from the Ashford Keeper.jpg18 Another Ryno 'special' straight from the corner kick into the net 2-1 Darts.jpg
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8 Ryno gets his shirt pulled - how is that NOT a penalty.jpg