19 Lee challenges for the ball.jpg20 Carl tries to get there before the keeper.jpg21 ...but the keeper gets there.jpg22 Elliot crosses the ball.....jpg23 ....Billy gets his head to the ball......jpg24 ...but it's wide.jpg25 Elliot controls the ball in the corner.jpg26 Billy needs someone to come closer.jpg27 Adam G sends the ball upfield......jpg28 ...Elliot heads it into the area....jpg29 ...both Danny and Carl race to get on the end of it.....jpg30 ..but the keeper beats both of them to it.jpg31 The crowd were ugly.jpg32 Elliot sees his shot saved by the keeper.jpg33 Carl races for the ball.jpg34 ..he even has time to check where everybody is....jpg35 ..and then slams on the brakes.....jpg36 Tiny sends the cross over.jpg
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27 Adam G sends the ball upfield......jpg