19 ...Elliot tries to hook it in.jpg20 The Keeper catches before it gets to Lee B.jpg21 Andy seems to be impeded as he goes for the ball,,,,.jpg22 ...but he still gets the punch in.jpg23 Danny H heads it goalwards whilst Lee B is being held.....jpg24 ... and Danny D tries to guide it in.jpg25 ...but the keeper's there.jpg26 Ryno is hacked down.jpg27 Danny H provides the flick on this time.....jpg28 ...but it's a defenders head that gets there first.jpg29 Everyone claims for the handball, but the twat in black waves play on.jpg30 Another foul in the area right in front of the twat in black and he doesn't see it.jpg31 Billy's shot is just over the bar.jpg32 Almost a Ryno special from the corner, but it hits the bar.jpg
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30 Another foul in the area right in front of the twat in black and he doesn't see it.jpg