1 Lee dummies the free kick for Ryno to take......jpg2 ...Ryno drills the freekick low and hard through the wall but the keeper gets down to it..jpg3 Jay has a Dover defender in close attendance.jpg4 Ryno mesmerises the Dover player.jpg5 The Defender gets to the ball before Jay.jpg6 Andy punches clear.jpg7 Danny Harris shields the ball.jpg8 Danny H gets ready to send the ball across the area......jpg9 ...but it's just too hard.jpg10 Danny Harris.jpg11 Andy saves.jpg12 Jay shoots and scores.....jpg13 ...and celebrates.jpg14 A packed penalty area but it's a Dover player who gets his head to the ball.jpg15 Ryno in his usual position prepares to send the ball over,,,,,.jpg16 ...again  it's a Dover head to the bal,l this time behind for a corner.jpg17 Danny's clear......jpg18 ...he heads it and that's 2-1 Darts.jpg
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9 ...but it's just too hard.jpg