19 He is happy.jpg20 The ref blows up......jpg21 ...for an infringement in the area - Penalty.....jpg22 ...Collin steps up to hit the penalty.....jpg23 ...Andy guesses the right way but cannot keep it out, 2-2.jpg24 Jamie Coyle heads clear.jpg25 The Dover keeper gets to the ball before Danny can.jpg26 Ryno sends the ball in........jpg27 ...Danny Harris (I think) gets to the ball.jpg28  8 Dover players 4 Darts says it all....jpg29 Danny gets to it but cannot direct it..jpg30 Danny races clear and looks for some support.jpg31 Andy saves at full stretch.jpg32 Danny Harris cannot shake the Dover player.jpg33 Ryno floats the ball into the area.....jpg34 ...both Danny and Jay go for it, but the keeper manages to push it wide.jpg35 The ball somehow manages to get through to the unmarked Dover player......jpg36 ...who has time to compose himself.....jpg
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22 ...Collin steps up to hit the penalty.....jpg