1 An early scare as the BW player has a free shot but grazes the post.jpg2 Lee Burns uses his skill.......jpg3 ...and fires.....jpg4 ...but the keepers there..jpg5 Goalmouth scramble but Tiny boots it clear.jpg6 Andy punches the ball away from the BW player.jpg7 One again Andy punches clear.jpg8 So that's how we power the floodlights.jpg9 Tiny has a helping hand from the BW as he jumps for the corner.jpg10 The keeper gets to the ball before Elliot can.jpg11 Rob imitating Ryno......jpg12 ...but the low ball across the area is cut out by the defender.jpg13 The No5 out jumps Tiny and gets to the ball.......jpg14 ...and it's too wide for Andy 1-0 BW.jpg15 It takes 2 BW players to block Lee's shot.jpg16 Danny goes to head the ball on......jpg17 ...and Lee's there to put it away 1-1.jpg18 Celebration time.jpg
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10 The keeper gets to the ball before Elliot can.jpg