1 The expectant crowd - soon to be dissappointed.jpg2 The no 7 finds some space.........jpg3 ...and shoots......jpg4 ...but Andy gets down to it.jpg5 This time it's the No9 with room to shoot.......jpg6 ...but once again Andy Young is up to the challenge.jpg7 Elliot climbs to head the corner clear.....jpg8 ...but it's straight up....jpg9 ...but the wind takes it goalward forcing Andy to punch clear under pressure.jpg10 Andy and Tiny jump for the same ball.jpg11 The keeper steers the ball just wide of the post.jpg12 Billy heads the ball on........jpg13 ...for Lee B to nod in.....jpg14 ...and that's 1-0 Darts.jpg15 The keeper uses his hands to deny Danny H.jpg16 The balls loose in the area but it's hooked clear by a 'riccay defender.jpg17 The keeper jumps with Jamies and misses the ball.jpg18 The keeper was having trouble with the aerial balls.jpg
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2 The no 7 finds some space.........jpg