65 A united defensive front.jpg66 Jamie takes the corner in front of the Radio Kent commentators......jpg67 ....Jamie Coyle gets to the ball first.....jpg68 ...but somehow they manage to block it and kick it clear.jpg69 NOW THAT's what we like to see......The Dartford score on the big TV in the bar.jpg70 The bar after the game.jpg71  Jeremy is pleased his prematch prayers were answered.jpg72  A selection of the Match Sponsors + Mascot present John Guest with his MOTM award.jpg73  The bar thinned out a little for the Karaoke.jpg74  Malcolm doing it HIS way.jpg75  Gary enjoying Malcolm's singing.jpg76 An appreciative audience applaud Malcolm.jpg77 Custard proves he is not worthy.jpg78 Malcolms singing reduced Custard to tears.jpg
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66 Jamie takes the corner in front of the Radio Kent commentators......jpg