46 A good tackle in the area denies Rob.jpg47 Rob climbs high but the keeper punches clear.jpg48 Jamie Day hits it low and hard through the area.......jpg49 ...but the keeper gets down to it.jpg50 2nd half and a Stones flag has appeared - not quite as big as the Darts Flag though.jpg51 Cody jumps but cannot direct the ball goalward.jpg52 Rob thinks anything Cody can do....and rounds the keeper......jpg53 ....the ball runs away from him a bit.......jpg55 ...the balls on it's way and the keeper can do nothing about it.....1-0 Darts (2).jpg55 ...the balls on it's way and the keeper can do nothing about it.....1-0 Darts.jpg56 The joy is evident in the celebrations - as is the dismay on the face of the Stones player.jpg57 About the only player NOT to join in the celebration was Andrew.jpg58 The Choir enjoyed it too.jpg59 The keeper is way out of his area again but Cody cannot turn quick enough to get the ball across.jpg61 The Stones No11 shoots before John Guest can get his boot in the way.....jpg62 ...but Andrew gets a hand onto it and it hits the bar....jpg63 .....it comes down behind him......jpg64 ...but he recovers quickly to sweep the loose ball clear.jpg
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64 ...but he recovers quickly to sweep the loose ball clear.jpg