37 ...a despairing dive by the keeper and it's 2-2.jpg38 Cue the celebrations.jpg39 The Angels free kick is on it's way......jpg40 ..it dips wickedly but Andy is there to put it over the bar.jpg41 Another free kick........jpg42 ...an Angels header......jpg43 ...and another fine save from Andy.jpg44 Danny tidies up calmly in the area.jpg45 Craig out wide on the left.......jpg46 ...he beats one defender.....jpg47 ...and hits it from the edge of the area.....jpg48 ...forcing a superb save from the Angels keeper.jpg49 Danny heads the corner on.....jpg50 Bradley tries to gets a foot to it, but doesn't.jpg51 Jamie Day cut inside the defender......jpg52 ...the twat in black makes it difficult for him.....jpg53 ...but the shot somehow gets through.......jpg54 ...and forces another superb save from the Angels keeper.jpg
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40 ..it dips wickedly but Andy is there to put it over the bar.jpg