1 Henno gives Rob Whitnell and Hussein Isa some last minute advice.jpg2 Ossie receives his award for 250 appearances for the club from Chairman Dave Skinner.jpg3 John guest receives his bottle of Bubbly for 100 club appearances from Chairman Dave Skinner.jpg4 2 mins gone and it's 1-0 Angels.jpg5 Motm Jamie Day gets a crucial boot in......jpg6 ...forcing Andy to put it wide.jpg7 Craig pushes the ball forward.......jpg8 ....Bradley reacts fast......jpg9 ...Bradley hits it..........jpg10 ...an awkward bounce for the keeper.....jpg11 ...and that is an excellent way to open your account for the Darts 1-1 Bradley Woods-Garness.jpg12 I do believe he's quite happy about it.jpg13 Jay tries to control the ball in the area.jpg14 Seconds later Bradley was brought down in the area.......jpg15 ...up steps Ossie to take the penalty.....jpg16 ..but the keeper guesses right and goes full length to save it..jpg17 Jamie Day's freekick goes through the wall......jpg18 ...but the keeper sees it early.jpg
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15 ...up steps Ossie to take the penalty.....jpg