19 Andrew goes up for the ball....._wm.jpg20 ...after palming it away Andrew collects the loose ball._wm.jpg21 The Tooting keeper gets above Rob to claim the ball_wm.jpg22 Andrew jumps under pressure_wm.jpg23 ..and comes down with the ball_wm.jpg24 Andrew absorbed a fair (or should that be unfair) bit of punishment_wm.jpg25 The flick on comes from the Tooting corner...._wm.jpg26 ..but Andrew claims it_wm.jpg27 A comfortable viewing position_wm.jpg28 New Guy Craig Carling just cannot get to the ball first_wm.jpg29 John Guest tidies up_wm.jpg30 The Chairman & Nicola receive the new Defibrilator from the first responders_wm.jpg31 All smiles with the new Defib machine_wm.jpg32 Ryno only lasted 6 minutes before he went off - but he scored!_wm.jpg33 Tiny (Suspended) and Danny (Injured)_wm.jpg34 Rob gets to the ball first again......_wm.jpg35 ...but Jamie Coyle cannot get to it first_wm.jpg36 That's scary Mr Irving_wm.jpg
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25 The flick on comes from the Tooting corner...._wm.jpg