1 Sparsely populated Plaza end.jpg2 Jamie heads clear.jpg3Cody sends one past the keeper but it's just wide.jpg4 MOTM Jamie Day lets one fly.jpg5 Cody gets his shirt stretched but the ref doesn't see it..jpg6 Cody foiled by the keeper.jpg7 New guy Adam Gross clears under pressure.jpg8 Andrew tips it over the bar.jpg9 Cody leaves the defender for dead.jpg10 ...gets his shot in but once again the keeper is there.jpg11 Adam gross tries a shot.......jpg12...(slightly blurred ) but to me that looks over the line.jpg13 Rob gets his head to Ryno's ball and its 1-1.jpg13a Rob gets well earned congratulations.jpg14 Cody turns the defender inside out AGAIN but not the keeper AGAIN.jpg15 Unlike Scott Cousins on saturday Cody manages to avoid the keeper.jpg16 Rob tries to get on the end of Cody's flick on.jpg17 Now it was Rob's turn to take the defenders on.jpg
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10 ...gets his shot in but once again the keeper is there.jpg