19 ..and it's 2-1 Darts_wm.jpg20 Andy catches confidently_wm.jpg21 89th minute - Andy is blocked from geting to the ball as the Horsham player gets his head to it...._wm.jpg22 ..and that's the equaliser_wm.jpg23 The Horsham player hits the ball hard......._wm.jpg24 ...Andy watches it carefully....._wm.jpg25 ...almost misses it....._wm.jpg26 ....but gets enough on it to put it over the bar_wm.jpg27 Andrew catches well under pressure_wm.jpg28 Andy tries to punch clear - unsuccessfully......_wm.jpg29 ...the ball falls to the Hosham No12 who puts it in 3-2 Horsham_wm.jpg
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23 The Horsham player hits the ball hard......._wm.jpg