IMG_0066 mod (Large).jpgIMG_0068 mod (Large).jpgIMG_0069 mod (Large).jpgIMG_0073 mod (Large).jpgCharlton go close (Large).jpgTony puts it out for a corner (Large).jpgTony gets there first (Large).jpgRyno sends the cross over (Large).jpgToo low for the Dartford Players (Large).jpgTommy and James White team up to deny the attacker (Large).jpgLee Noble forces the Charlton player to boot it into touch (Large).jpgHaworth climbs and knocks it down to Noble (Large).jpgButterworth races onto Nobles thru ball (Large).jpgHaworth goes close (Large).jpgHaworth goes for a ball and manages to pull it back (Large).jpgTony is called into action again (Large).jpgButterworth gets to the ball but cannot get any direction on it (Large).jpgButterworth beats 2 defenders and gets his shirt pulled for it (Large).jpg
Click for large image

Tony puts it out for a corner (Large).jpg