1 Webmaster-commentator-mediatype person.jpg2 The chairman of vice or should that be Vice-chairman.jpg3 I didn't think the pitch was THAT wet.jpg4 For some reason the Media area had few occupants this week.jpg5 The Mascots arranged in Height.jpg6 Come on Ref get on with it....jpg7 Pre-kick off pic showing the Comic relief ball.jpg8 The choir were sadly NOT in good voice today.jpg9 How many regulars can you name.JPG10 Rob climbs to meet the ball and flick it on for Craig......jpg11 ...the defender manages to hold Craig off enough for the keeper to come out and claim the ball.jpg12 A quick 1-2 between Craig and Brendon.......jpg13 ...Craig shows Brendon where he wants the ball.....jpg14 ...Brendon duely obliges......jpg15 ...but Craig is forced out and it comes to nothing.jpg16 The keeper is too tall for Brendon.jpg17 Lee takes the shot.....jpg18 ...but the keeper palms it back out.......jpg
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6 Come on Ref get on with it....jpg