1 DP chatting before the game.jpg2 You said the flag was HOW big......jpg3 OB.jpg4 Supporters and Flag - before they changed ends.jpg5 Straight fromt he kick off Lee feeds the ball to Bendon.....jpg6 Brendon tries to take on the defender.jpg7 Tommy uses his head.jpg8 Lee sets up the free kick bu tit swerves away from the goal.jpg9 Tony - not happy.jpg10 The Margate freekick is wide.jpg11 The keeper punches clear before John can get his head to it.jpg12 Points for artistic merit anyone.jpg13 The Margate no 6 heads it across the goal while Andy watches....jpg14 ...Danny tidies up.jpg15 A packed penalty Area but Andy collects the header.jpg16 The keeper does his best to put Steve off.jpg17 Andy has the ball headed out of his hands.jpg18 The defender beats Rob to the ball.jpg
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14 ...Danny tidies up.jpg