1 The Dartford supporters were well spread out around the ground.jpg2 Tony watching carefully.jpg3 The keeper gets between Jamie and Jay to get his punch in.jpg4 Andrew goes down bravely and forces the ball wide into the side netting.jpg5 Butter's corner kick reaches Craig........jpg6 ...who hits it......jpg7 ..but it's easy for the keeper to catch it.jpg8 Craig leaves the defender floundering.......jpg9 ...and brings it into the area before being sandwiched.jpg10 Craig sends the ball over......jpg11 .....Bradley gets his head to it........jpg12 ...but the keeper catches it under the bar.jpg13 Butters sends the free kick in.....jpg14 ..Bradley flicks it on.....jpg15 Jay climbs to the ball......jpg16 ...Bradley races for it.....jpg17 ...gets a boot to it.....jpg18 ...Now how is that ball not over the line.jpg
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13 Butters sends the free kick in.....jpg