1 Is Tony silently saying a prayer.JPG2 Tony & Paul discuss tactics.jpg3 The Flag was in attendance as usual, but the choir was spread out at the start of the game.jpg4 The Sutton Choir.jpg5 Andy is called into action early in the first half to punch clear.jpg6 Jay jumps for the ball......jpg7 ..heads it down but the keepers there.jpg8 Tony Paul and Steve.jpg9 Jay heads the ball on for Bradley......jpg10 ...who sets himself up.....jpg11 ....hits it......jpg12 ...the keeper just watches it pass him....and hit the post.jpg13 The Sutton player is climbing all over Tiny in front of the blind ref.jpg14 A superb ball finds Craig with space.....jpg15 ...but the defenders close him down.jpg16 Danny sends a looping header in.......jpg17 ...which the keeper sees go over the bar.jpg18 Surrounded by 3 Sutton players Andy still manages to punch the ball clear.jpg
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9 Jay heads the ball on for Bradley......jpg