Borough Green (Home) 9-0 Report (06)

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Borough Green (Home) 9-0 Report (06)

Post by TonyDart »

Match Report No 6 – Dartford FC Women's Development 9 Borough Green 0

Sunday 18th September 2022, k/off 2.30pm on the 3G Community pitch, Princes Park Stadium.
Weather: sunny intervals, overcast, stiff wind blowing north to south

Manager: Rhys Terry; asst-coach: George Kingdon

GK Stevie-Marie Reece
Back four: Annie White, Chloe Hall, Brittani Rumble, Kirsty Cameron
Centre midfielders: Alex Fagan, Emily Woodhouse,
Forwards: Aimee Ascott, Lizzie Nugent, Georgia Culpitt, Alex Foulds
Subs: Robyn Smitherman, Anna MacDonald, Tilly Rowsell, Lauren Bullen, Lauren Owen

The Darts kicked away from the Stadium-end with a keen wind at their backs. The first goal of the game was scored in the first minute. Aimee Ascott received the ball on the right, placed a beautiful cross which was met by Alexandra Foulds who fed it into Georgia Culpitt who found Lizzie Nugent in open space and with a one-on-one with the goalkeeper, calmy opened the scoring.
In the 7th minute, Alex Foulds suddenly found herself in space and calmly placed it out of the reach of the ‘Borough’ goalkeeper for Darts’ second.

Two minutes later, Georgia Culpitt played Emily Woodhouse through but her shot unluckily hit the post.

Darts’ were searching for their next goal when Alex latched onto a long diagonal pass from Annie White. She made strides into the penalty area and with the goalkeeper coming off her line, slipped the ball past her only to see it go agonisingly close, hitting the far post and rebounding for the keeper to gather the ball safely.

Borough Green did try hard to get some passes together and some momentum into the game, but the Darts midfield and defence stuck firmly together and Stevie Reece had little to do but for a couple of long breakaways where she was needed to come smartly to the edge of her penalty area to smother the attacks.

On 18 minutes Emily Woodhouse ran on to a beautiful through-ball and confidently fired it past the keeper for Darts’ 3rd goal.
Borough made a rare incursion into the Darts half after 35 mins, but was broken up and cleared by Annie to Kirsty Cameron who passed to Alex Foulds, she found Emily Woodhouse but the move ended with a close offside decision against Lizzie. But the passing was a joy to watch.

The Dartford team were playing good controlled football with Annie, Chloe and Alex Fagan commanding the middle of the park, Kirsty and Georgia feeding Alex on the left wing, and Emily and Brittani feeding Aimee on the right, with Lizzie always a constant danger through the middle.

A couple of minutes before the interval Emily Woodhouse sent over a long high corner to the back post and a great effort by Georgia was saved just under the bar – excellent goalkeeping keeping this one out.

Within a minute Aimee Ascott raced away down the right wing passed inside to Georgia Culpitt who calmly added goal number 4.
Alex Foulds had a chance to make it five on the stroke of half-time but after rounding the keeper, shot for goal but was denied by a brilliant last-ditch block on the goal-line by a defender.

HT 4-0

The second-half was much the same as the first, more-or-less one-way traffic. Borough Green still found no let-up from the Dartford forwards and only provided a couple of rare attacks even though they had the stiff breeze at their backs.
It was a good opportunity in giving other players some game time and Robyn Smitherman, Anna MacDonald, Tilly Rowsell, Lauren Bullen, all gelled nicely as a team with Lauren Owen taking over from Stevie in goal.

52nd minute – A through ball to Georgia Culpitt finds herself with a one-on-one situation which the goalie blocks well, but the ball goes to Alex Foulds who plays the ball back into the 6-yard box where the goalie is misplaced and the ball is taken over the line by Lizzie Nugent. 5-0

Within a few minutes, another excellent through ball down the right for Tilly to chase and passes to Robyn, then on to Emily, with a final pass to Alex Foulds who shoots from about 8-yards out, but this time hits it straight at the keeper.
Then Georgia Culpitt received another great through-ball and her fierce shot rattled the crossbar.

Still Dartford chased goals and Georgia Culpitt passed up the left wing to Alex Fould, who passes to Anna Macdonald but her shot was saved by the keeper, but only at the second attempt.

Annie White and Lauren continually cut out any midfield threats that Borough Green tried to offer.
60th minute Tilly Rowsell fed the ball to Emily Woodhouse who cut into the box where the ball ran loose to Lizzie who took her shot well and beat the goalkeeper with ease to make it 6-0

Aimee Ascott took Lizzie’s place now and immediately Emily Woodhead beat her ‘man’ on the half-way line, pushes forward and played a beautiful long ball for Aimee Ascott to run onto. She cut inside and sent in a terrific shot which the goalie saves brilliantly, onto the crossbar and is finally cleared.

65th minute – Emily Woodhouse takes the corner, a very high one met first time by Lauren but just misses her target which gives a little relief to the constantly, overrun Borough defenders.

70th The goalie came way out of her area and collided with her own number 2, and Emily Woodhouse picked up the pieces and scored into the empty net. 7-0

Chloe Hall and Alex Fagan return to the play and only a few minutes later Anna Mcdonald played a long ball out to left wing, Alex Foulds cuts inside the area and hits a beauty 8-0

There was a rather poor goal kick which was pounced upon by Tilly, who played to Robyn who passed inside to Aimee Ascott whose shot was saved at point-blank range by the keeper who redeemed herself for the initial error.

Darts won a series of throw-ins on the right, All Taken by Brittani and the third of these found Robyn who had three players around her, but the ball found its way to Alex Foulds who swept in Darts’ 9th goal.

Borough Green had very rare possession consisting of more than a couple of passes, and either Annie, Chloe, Alex Fagan or Lauren repeatedly broke up their play.

The midfield linked well with feeding the three-angles of threats in equal doses; i.e. down the centre, and plenty of passes reaching both wingers. However, there was a lot more to Dartford’s win than just an easy victory over lesser opponents. They all played their part in an excellent passing game and some excellent through balls, which is what inevitably swept Borough Green away. The match was played in good spirit and was well refereed.

Just a quick mention for Lauren in goal in the second half, where she kept the goal-posts company while Borough Green offered very little in practice for her.

Summary: Scorers: Alexandra Foulds (3 goals in the 7th, 77th 88th minutes), Lizzie Nugent (3 goals in the 1st, 52nd, 60th minutes), Emily Woodhouse (2 goals in the 18th 70th minutes) Georgia Culpitt 44th minute.

Report by Tony Brown