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Undercover Elephant
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Post by Undercover Elephant »

Sorry not been at the last few games so cannot comment on the performances.
But I don’t get why all of a sudden there is so much negativity about this squad yes we started off like a rocket train, but can anyone who has half a brain cell believe we could go all season unbeaten? I certainly didn’t for one minute so let’s get back to reality!
Fans of the club and have been following Dartford for many years, Parklife, Spike, The Duke, Jonty, Trev B and the 5 searcher have seen it all.

The great Bill Shankly said this of Liverpool “If you can't support us when we lose or draw, don't support us when we win”!

We have some big games coming up, and we need to the 12th Man, the club need us all more than ever at the moment!

Definition of keep the faith
: to continue to believe in, trust, or support someone or something when it is difficult to do so The team has been playing poorly, but its devoted fans have kept the faith. (Sorry parklife had to add that in!)
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Park Life
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Re: Negativity

Post by Park Life »

Of course everyone is entitled to their say but recently some of it has become personal and imo way over the top and I just can't see how this helps OUR team. I'm sure Steve and the players can take constructive criticism but imo don't deserve some of the recent comments.

I mentioned it on another thread recently that nobody went overboard when we had the unbelievable start so don't think the opposite is warranted when performances have not been as good.

Since Steve has come to the club what he and the players have done is remarkable and the first time we hit a bit of an indifferent period unfortunately a few seem to want to have a pop.

Whether we agree on performances, tactics, team selection etc we are all DFC fans (except the odd troll on here) and all want the best for our club so surely now more than ever we should be supporting Steve and the players as I'm confident they will come good again.

So come on guys and girls, let's show our support and help turn things around. We have a lot of home games coming up and can play such a big part in this so let's make sure we do our bit.

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Re: Negativity

Post by JCJ »

I agree the negativity is over the top , we are nearing the halfway mark of this league and are 5th at the start of the season who would have not be happy with that,

I have supported the Darts since 1976 and seen some really poor teams ( and some great ones) over the years but always supported the team no matter what, at this moment in time we have a great team but results have not gone our way all teams go through these periods including the big boys in the premiership and I’m sure the teams around us in the league at the moment will hit a few rocky periods,

We have a run of home games coming up as mentioned before we need to be that 12th Man in these games show the players and management we are behind them, one thing I’m certain off is we have the best manager at this level and if things are wrong he will put them right.
Top Cat
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Re: Negativity

Post by Top Cat »

There are a few negative comments on here agreed , but mainly I feel fans are more or less just disappointed with our recent form of late having seen what we were producing earlier on in the season .
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Re: Negativity

Post by MickW »

I agree with Topcat - its all about disappointment.
Expectations were set so high at the start of the season and we all want our team to shine.
There's more negativity heard as you walk round the ground at home matches than on here - loads of old geysers (I can say that as I'm over 70) love nothing more than a good moan - its why their wives send them out on a Saturday afternoon!
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The Duke
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Re: Negativity

Post by The Duke »

I wasnt at the match yesterday so have no comments , on the question of " Negativity " I dont believe that the majority of real Darts fans are being negative but[ including me] do NOT understand how we have gone from being very very good in our 1st 8 matches to being mediocre .Whist I totally understand that we will lose matches we certainly have NOT performed recently and surely everyone has the right to be disappointed in losing to our main rivals [ at the top ] Dorking , Maidstone and now the Fleet . Of course our season is NOT over and we have every chance of finishing in the Play Ofs IF we can return to something like the form of the 1st 8 games but IF we continue with our last 10 games then there's every chance we will we will not . St eve King is the Manager and based on his pedigree then I have every reason to believe that he will get us back on track , HOW ??? thats his job NOT mine , all Darts fans can do is support the team as best as we can

I look forward to seeing Kingy making positive decisions on achieving a [ a minimum] play off position so as we can all watch [the long awaited ] National League football next season
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Re: Negativity

Post by terrydfc »

totally agree
we have to get behind the darts thru good and bad times
ive only been a fan of Dartford for 12 years but we all go thru bad times
we have plenty of home games to come over the next few months
let us get behind the darts and hope form can change and we at least get second spot for the advantage of home games in the play offs


happy new year to all that no me
Tony H
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Re: Negativity

Post by Tony H »

Keep the faith guys! In it together!
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Re: Negativity

Post by Kebabus »

The incredible start we made elevated fan expectation massively. We have had some bad times at DFC over the years, this is NOT one of them. I’m really hurting though, need a pick me up after losing to Maidstone and now Ebbsfleet.

Best way to win people round is to win a few games. Hope there’s not an issue in the squad muddying the waters.

Yes always keeping faith but reserve the right to vent here and there.
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Re: Negativity

Post by dartLion »

Agree with most of what's said here, but for me the doom and gloom portrayed by some posters should be saved until relegation is confirmed! Only joking, that won't happen, but the gloom, please save until promotion is mathematically impossible. Our early season burst gave us a solid foundation for a promotion challenge. As others have said most teams have wobbles, some more than once during the course of a long campaign. In our case it may be that our 'wobble' seems a bit longer now than others including the slow starters, perhaps we are taking time to adjust to winter conditions, but in SK we trust to find an answer and steer us upwards again.
Whilst our current form is mediocre, to be saying at the halfway point the play-offs, or even the title are beyond us I view as negative.
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Re: Negativity

Post by Babylon »

First game march 1958, so like Trev B , I have seen good,bad, boring ,indifferent , exciting and frustrating seasons. Yes It has been disappointing since the Sudbury disaster but we are not Man City or Liverpool..
Where has it all gone wrong..???....
I simply don't know but even a small child knows that you have to score more goals than the oppo to win a match.
It is mystery tor me as to why we have stopped scoring and why we have started to.leak goals
This is a good squad but I have to admit that if we don't get back on track this soon then mid table mediocrity is a certainty..
I have faith in Kingy.but whatever is wrong Steve please find the answers soon!!
Tall Dart
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Re: Negativity

Post by Tall Dart »

darts fans will not come on here to simply be negative, they are just concerned at out drop in form, as we all want to progress, and no one likes losing face to our rivals, so that doesn't help either.

The team is still the same group of players that started so well, and were playing some of the most entertaining football seen at PP for some time. I have faith they will find their way again soon.

This is a sounding board for all of us, and unless you are some sad troll, comments are welcome. It's very easy to be a keyboard warrior, but as in life you dont need to take up every difference of opinion with those around you, discuss and move on.

Now forget the negative, hoping to be making an appearance on Saturday and to cheer on the lads. We need an early goal in the game and I feel that's what has been missing. Hopefully PP can become a fortress for the remainder of the season. COME ON YOOUU DARRRTSSS!

God save the King.
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