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Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 7:27 pm
by KentC
Spike wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 6:02 pm There's a few critical comments on here where the posters talk about "happy clappers" and expecting to be "shot down", but I don't think that's likely because when it comes to Dowse and the squad, for the most part we are all on the same page. I don't believe there ARE any happy clappers, although I would consider many people like myself and Park Life as maybe UNHAPPY clappers. No boycotts for us, we are still going to be there cheering for our team home and away most every week, but that doesn't mean we are HAPPY with how things are on the pitch. The way I see it, we are a bog average side playing unattractive football in front of a dwindling crowd in a near silent stadium brimming with apathy. Of course that isn't good enough!

What I would say though, is that when Dowse was appointed to take over it was (putting the arguments about Steve King's derparture to one side) generally perceived as a good decision. I don't remember there being hordes of people on here complaining that it wasn't and I think the overwhelming majority thought the board had made a good choice. The fact that we have subsequently fallen from perennial contenders to mid-table nonentities is obviously disappointing to us all, but the appointment seemed sound at the time and it's easy to be wise after the event. It was a genuine decision made with the best of intentions and having made it, to some extent the club has to live with it, especially since Dowse came 2nd last season and though it seems unlikely, the play-offs are still within reach this term. There are also people's livelihoods, contracts and club finances to consider, so my expectation is that we will have to see how this season plays out, desperately hoping there's a dramatic turnaround and things suddenly fall into place. Next year? Who knows.

I'm setting off tomorrow for a few days in the west country, ahead of the Truro game at Plymouth on Saturday, but regardless of the result, I can't see us posing any sort of a challenge this season.
Personally I liked king but the club sacked him and gave their reasons so I moved on. Dowse came in and it was clear he had good pedigree. He banged on about the community so I thought great , go for it.
When we got 2nd last season I thought there were a few games towards the end where we struggled and we’re putting in poor performances but other teams around us kept dropping points and the objective was second and we got it, no one praised the team and manager more than me.
As for the playoffs I think we were unfortunate and played well enough on the day.

As we stand it’s completely different.
This is now his team and he kept and recruited who he wanted, he’s criticised the supporters more than once and the style of play is so bad that if you don’t win it feels awful.
The crowds are down, you don’t need stats to prove anything as the season ticket holders are automatically counted but we can see it in the terraces every week. There is no doubt about that.
His interviews are a horror show and as for the community, well he alienates people he certainly doesn’t bring them together.
I have no idea what he’s done in the community to reach out to the endless potential of supporters from all ages in this town.
They don’t come to PP that’s for sure. Not anywhere near that could.

The criticism now is based on what been happening, no one would
be unhappy with his arrival and 2nd was bloody fantastic, but there’s nothing wrong with welcoming him and wanting him to do well and praising him when he does but that doesn’t make him immune if things go tits up in so many ways like they have and it’s not unreasonable to criticise him even if you welcomed his appointment at the time.

As for not attending out of protest, I’ve never done that in fact I think that’s not very bright. I’m not attending at the moment because plain and simply I just don’t want to. I have no desire to.
I’ve supported Dartford for just over 20 years what is nowhere near what some of you guys have been I know, but never have I felt like I just don’t want to go, and quite frankly it makes me sad and disappointed I don’t have that buzz anymore, I wish I did.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:05 pm
by Darren

Just after 7 mins in. The ref had his back to the incident and only blew up for a foul just inside our own half. There’s no way he could’ve identified Harvey

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:20 pm
by Lennylenny
Still no word on the pitch invader, I hope if a home fan does it he is now treated equally. Shambles.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:34 pm
by DA Mikey
There’s also no way Harvey can get in trouble for that. He obviously caught Jenkins hence the claret, but if intentional he has certainly made it look otherwise. I’d love to hear the referee’s reasoning for issuing a red card.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:42 pm
by rambo
KentC wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:15 pm
rambo wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:06 pm Fairly decent first half and I think we just about deserved to be in front at half time but it was not to be. Could easily hzvd been 2-0 up on 43 minutes following fine football from coulson and altintop with their keeper saving a decent effort but 20 seconds later it was 1-1
We came out for the second half looking half dead and at 2-1 down and one man off we may as well have all gone home and with 15 left that’s exactly what I did.
The antics of thd chelmo fan that got on the pitch twice was a disgrace. He should be banned from football grounds
Definitely a wasted evening
There must have been 300 chelmo fans so that makes about 600 darts fans for a Chelmsford game, that us horrendous
Motm between Beeney and Rooney so I chose Beeney

Out of that 600 darts there would be season ticket holders not attending included in that total as they are counted in. It’s worse than you think.
Agree with you 100% KentC and the worse the attendance’s get makes if more difficult for the club to turn round the spiral of doom
As I walk round the ground all I can see is a dads army of fans and that is not the way forward

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:54 pm
by Hitchin Dart79
Just wondering from those in the know if we have any youngsters who we could potentially blood? Sometimes a couple of young lads playing with freedom and without fear can galvanise a team in the doldrums. Still looking for that leader on the pitch as well!!

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:01 pm
by DartfordHero
Well with the Wall red card, now Harvey suspended and Nembhard going off with injury we may be short on some numbers in vital roles for the upcoming games too.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:13 pm
DartfordHero wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:01 pm Well with the Wall red card, now Harvey suspended and Nembhard going off with injury we may be short on some numbers in vital roles for the upcoming games too.
Alex and Harvey both available for Saturday.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:35 pm
by Paulcanary
rambo wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:42 pm
KentC wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:15 pm
rambo wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:06 pm Fairly decent first half and I think we just about deserved to be in front at half time but it was not to be. Could easily hzvd been 2-0 up on 43 minutes following fine football from coulson and altintop with their keeper saving a decent effort but 20 seconds later it was 1-1
We came out for the second half looking half dead and at 2-1 down and one man off we may as well have all gone home and with 15 left that’s exactly what I did.
The antics of thd chelmo fan that got on the pitch twice was a disgrace. He should be banned from football grounds
Definitely a wasted evening
There must have been 300 chelmo fans so that makes about 600 darts fans for a Chelmsford game, that us horrendous
Motm between Beeney and Rooney so I chose Beeney

Out of that 600 darts there would be season ticket holders not attending included in that total as they are counted in. It’s worse than you think.
Agree with you 100% KentC and the worse the attendance’s get makes if more difficult for the club to turn round the spiral of doom
As I walk round the ground all I can see is a dads army of fans and that is not the way forward
Glad it’s not just me with these views 😞 the buzz of PP has gone - we so need the youngsters back. In 1981 I recall sone of us back then getting 15 plus lads up to see the Darts from Hextable and when we had the legendary 2012 side it was great to see all the youth but now ……gone …. Totally gone 🤔😔

I so hope the club can turn things around

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:03 pm
by Spike
KentC wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 7:27 pm As for not attending out of protest, I’ve never done that in fact I think that’s not very bright. I’m not attending at the moment because plain and simply I just don’t want to. I have no desire to.
Boycott was probably a poor choice of word on my part. I totally get where you are coming from and more and more people are making similar comments. I'm still going to home and away games but it's more about the day out with my mates rather than the football. We are not good, we are not awful, but we are aggressively mediocre.

Travelling down to the west country is an excuse to visit a friend who lives down that way and take a little break with my wife. That way, when the football lets me down it hasn't ruined the whole weekend.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:42 pm
by Park Life
The match highlights are interesting....

Clearly confirms none of the officials saw the incident between Bradbury and their No. 12 and they've just guessed at what happened. The ref only stopped play quite a while after and that was when their number 19 gave Moussa a nudge into Joash which resulted in him getting a nasty injury.

Also pretty much confirms the pitch invader knew the No. 12 and therefore Chelmsford must know who he is as well and should take the necessary action.

Based on that video evidence Bradbury may have a decent case for an appeal.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:59 pm
by Mark Sweet
Looks to me like their 12 has run into Bradbury and forced the contact, rather than Bradbury swing a wild arm.

We should appeal, and the referee and linesman need punsihing.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 11:41 pm
by Pedro
Park Life wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:42 pm
Also pretty much confirms the pitch invader knew the No. 12 and therefore Chelmsford must know who he is as well and should take the necessary action.
I dare say the CCTV will have picked him out and could be shared with Chelmsford to identify if he was a fan, official or in the squad.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 12:10 am
by MickW
I wonder why Coulson went over to see their injured player? It directly led to everyone else getting involved in the handbags - the ref didn't look that interested until then.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:38 am
by tommytollbooth
Did seem a strange thing for Luke Coulson to do, it did kick off the pushing and shoving and I suspect made the Referee GUESS at what had happened though the highlights seem to show Harvey swing an elbow. A great save from their keeper to keep out Max Statham's header.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 8:19 am
by Lars Resort
I thought their keeper was a bit of a 🤡. He dropped almost everything he came for and the one save from under the bar was his only spectacular moment.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 8:30 am
by Lars Resort
Where as our keeper was a one man supershow. The 50/50 tackle outside the box was excellent to keep control after as well.

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:00 am
by ozymandias
Looks like the 'supporter' who ran onto the pitch didn't know what to do once he got out there, probably so surprised he got as far as he did. And then had a little chat with one of their players.
Happy days. :D

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 11:02 am
by Fred OLness
To fail when doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity!

Re: Dartford v Chelmsford City Tue 7 Nov 2023

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 1:12 pm
by Tony H
Mark Sweet wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:59 pm Looks to me like their 12 has run into Bradbury and forced the contact, rather than Bradbury swing a wild arm.

We should appeal, and the referee and linesman need punsihing.
That is exactly what I saw from fairly close quarters and stated earlier in this thread!