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Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:48 pm
by ozymandias
Poor performance from the Stewards, Police, Dartford FC and Maidstone. They should have had 7. Our performance was littered with poor passing, a few out there need a god kick up the arse. You play them off the park in the FA Cup and then play twaddle like this. For Dartlion's imformation, THIS is the pasting I was talking about It's been building up over recent games.
We were awful. If it hadn't been for off the pitch antics I probably would have left early. That and the fact Stones may have scored another. Not bothered whether we beat Cray Wanderers or not next weekend, I'm more worried about Ebbsfleet coming up.
A day to forget, but somehow I can't.

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:53 pm
by ozymandias
Also I was a bit disappointed by Jack Brabhams antics. I for one was a tad disappointed when he left the Darts. He'd do well to remember that. But he did his best to make the situation in the crowd worse.
Nice lad but a complete and utter arsehole. Grow up son.

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 7:12 pm
by Ajaxman DFC
This isn't the first time. Maidstone have had previous including I believe against Weymouth, which lead to them segregating games.

It's quite clear the club are unable to control their supporters. They've repeatedly failed to provide a safe environment for spectators and what they are paying their stewards for God only knows.
Gross incompetence all round.

A hefty points deduction wouldn't go amiss now.

Otherwise, someone will end up getting seriously injured.
Preferably in the form of one of their infantile cretins getting a bloody good hiding.

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 7:26 pm
by Tony H
Three words - Hardy’s not happy! I’m not going to elaborate my thoughts on our teams performance, the behaviour of both sets of fans, the apparent ineptitude of those that are meant to manage off-field affairs. All that I will say is the best team win today. That is all from me!

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 7:49 pm
by The Duke
There must have been at least 20 Coppers there today and " IT WAS AGAINST HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR THEM TO GO INTO THE MAIDSTONE FANS " is it any wonder that the Publics view of the Police is so poor as they are a lily livered bunch of posers , bet they had time to complete their [ double time] overtime sheets for today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF the Police are frightened to do anything what chance do [ amateur] Stewards have ?????

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 7:51 pm
by Park Life
BRASSNECK wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:28 pm Maidstone as a club has always lacked any class.
I think their players showed a lack of class today with their goal celebrations and reaction at full time, why they would not want to go to their own fans and celebrate with them instead of their whole team heading straight to the very few DFC fans left and goading them is beyond me. Sure they're entitled to give a bit of stick back but in light of the bad feeling between the fans which is significantly growing every game i cannot see how their conduct will help and whilst we did celebrate the cup victory there it was in no way as inflammatory as what i witnessed today.
I was also really surprised by Jack Barhams goal celebration in front of us as he has never got any stick from us and was liked when at DFC, not the best idea imo. Their No. 4 was also at the centre of most of the wind ups again as i'm sure he did the same thing when injured walking across the pitch at HT previously, can't see how this helps especially after the incidents being reported in and outside of the stadium. Yes you can say it goes both ways but i feel they overstepped the mark today.

I actually witnessed the stewards behaviour and him being ejected, i just couldn't believe what i heard and saw. The stewarding was poor again and there was another incident involving one of them (only witnessed the last bit) where his actions were questionable to say the least.
Add to that coins and objects coming over again and it was almost as if they were waiting for our fans to react so they could blame us, yes some did react to the provocation and i don't condone it but at the end i'd had enough as well.
I spent the first 15 minutes of the second half calming our fans down who were sick and tired of complaining to the police and stewards about the missiles coming over and nothing being done. We've played them twice now and it's taken 150 minutes (90 mins first game and 60 mins today) before any significant police/steward presence actually stood in between the fans.

It was reported that they were increasing the gap from 10 metres to 22 but it barely looked any larger and as for banning some of their fans this has also been questioned by their own supporters. I don't think fans from either club want to be next to each other in that stand but they continue to do it so it seems it may be just a bit of lip service as they have done or learnt absolutely nothing, remember it is not only against us they have had problems it's been going on for a while.

This is in no way an excuse for our performance as M*******e deserved their victory, but they have serious problems at their club and need to address them.

After today it is absolutely 100% certain our home game against them will be segregated.

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:11 pm
by Tall Dart
I witnessed a few bottles being thrown back, I cant blame them, I blame your irresponsible club for not being able to control these little wannabe thugs masked as maisdstone fans.

you obviously have a history of this and you learn nothing.

now crawl back to your own forum and report how delusional we are, dreamer

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:15 pm
by Park Life
Jay wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:06 pm Oh dear oh dear . . U dartford fans have short memories. . When husain scored the third goal in the fa Cup he ran nearly the whole pitch to celebrate to the maidstone fans . . Now our players react back in this game . . Coins where thrown BOTH ends to . . So stop sulking and worry how bad your team has got since we played u !!
Yes he did run nearly the full length of the pitch but stopped about 5 yards outside the penalty area and didn't stand literally right in front of your fans making gestures, quite a difference and feel free to watch the video again. I did, great game :lol: :lol:

Oh by the way it wasn't Husin :lol: :lol:

No complaints from any Darts fans, on the day you deserved the win as we did in the cup.

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:19 pm
by Park Life
Forgot about MOTM.

I want an option for the copper who chucked out their steward :lol: :lol:

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:35 pm
by Park Life
Steve's Radio Kent Post Match Interview (at 9:35 mins):-

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:51 pm
by Pedro
Dartford did not compete and made too many (unacustomed) mistakes at the back and got punished by a buzzing home side.

Near-full bottle of water was a near miss and crazy considering the Scum already had a comfortable lead.

I am not going to blame the stewards (well except one) or the cops, the problem is the segregation if it wasn't there then I am convinced there wouldn't be half as much trouble. The supporters would pick and end and that would be that.

Onwards and upwards, no better time to up our game than after that.


Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:00 pm
by Park Life
Pedro wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:51 pm the problem is the segregation if it wasn't there then I am convinced there wouldn't be half as much trouble. The supporters would pick and end and that would be that.
Normally i'd agree mate but not in this case. That is the home end and i believe the vast majority of them stay there all game so if we were kicking that way it could be full of unsegregated fans and that will never work now with the bad feeling between the two clubs.

Would be easier though for them to throw stuff at us because we'd be right next to them........

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:03 pm
by Top Cat
If we were “crap” last week , SKs interview would be well worth a listen 🤔🤣

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:04 pm
by Undercover Elephant
Give them 50 tickets shut them in the corner at PP and 10 seats that’s all they deserve and then we don’t have to worry about policing them!

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:09 pm
by Park Life
Hakan Hayrettin Post match Interview:-

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:39 pm
by Davedart
Lets not get sidetracked by the coin/bottle throwing yobs and the over the top goal celebration by them.
Our team today we're outclassed, outfought, outplayed and very easily beaten, they were fired up from the very start, they were sharper, quicker, looked fitter and made us look more like a relegation side than a playoff contender they could have scored 7 or 8. We were poor in every area, the defence was like school boy defending, after realising our fast they were closing us down we still tried to play it around the back constantly giving it away and the non existent midfield is another matter, what on earth does the ever so slow murtagh offer? A once talented player who now moves like a snail and makes plenty of mistakes and constantly gives the ball away.
You would think against the stones our players would be up for it, but the only ones that turned up today was the suffering fans ripped off with booking fees, body searched and bombarded with missiles.
As someone else said since the Sudbury game we have not been playing to the same standard, currently 16th in the form table, we've gone from a championship winning side to a mid table side based on recent matches dropping points at home, poor last week against Billericay and playing some awful football away to Dorking, Concord and again today.
With Cray next week they will certainly fancy there chances against us, and with our main rivals coming up over xmas, unless we can return to our earlier form I fear the worst, and that's being realistic on our current form.
Come on kingy kick some arse, our players are better than this!.

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 10:54 pm
by Babylon
As I posted much earlier....
What the hell has gone wrong???
Yes, since Sudbury we have not been anywhere near the team that started the season.
I did.not go to Maidstone .but from what I hear I did the right thing.
Our forwards have stopped scoring , our midfield no longer seems to dominate and our defence no longer has a "they shall.not pass" attitude .
I have faith in Kingy but action is needed soon otherwise our season over sooner rather than later.

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 12:02 am
by dartLion
ozymandias wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:48 pm ... For Dartlion's imformation, THIS is the pasting I was talking about It's been building up over recent games.
We were awful...
Ozy, ok I can only take my hat off to you and concede over your earlier prediction. You obviously have an eye for the finer points of the game. I still stand amazed at this turn around since our last visit to the Gallagher, just what has changed to cause such a reduction in performance? At least I got the weather forecast about right earlier in the week!! Unforunately I didn't get to the Gallagher today due to a family medical emergency so can't comment on the perfomances either on or off the field. But all round it sounds one to forget.
PS Ozy, can you pm me next weeks winning Lotto numbers? Cheers COYD

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 9:06 am
by tommytollbooth
It was fairly obvious there was going to be trouble when I was walking down from the high street and the little hard men were marching down to the ground, oh why couldn't their parents have used contraception. I don't like standing behind the goal so I went through the home turnstiles where the stewards were searching the little brats and warning them to behave or they could get Maidstone FC into trouble. But are they really football supporters?. The game itself was even until they scored their first goal which looked offside to me and then sadly we lost discipline and collapsed. How can Ronnie Vint not get into that defence. Ebbsfleet must be looking forward to their visit.

Re: Maidstone v Dartford Sat 11 Dec 2021

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 9:07 am
by Sleightly Deceptive
I said to Tony H in the Dragoon pub before the game that I feared a heavy thrashing today. I’m just relieved that it was only 0-4. It could, and should, have been many more. It was a total shit day out and I will not be wasting any of my hard-earned on that place again. I dislike them with a passion and they do nothing for the game. Classless, useless club. BUT, they played with fire in their bellies and tore us a new one! Them and Oxford are the best sides I’ve seen in this league, apart from us in the first 8 games. We’ve gone missing since Tom’s sending off and 1-0 up at Sudbury. Sadly, the slide has begun and will continue if we keep up these lack-lustre performances. I’m now dreading similar in the two games against Ebbsfleet. Come on Dartford, come on Kingy, we are better than this!