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Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:02 pm
by Park Life
FT 0-2

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:03 pm
by Hitchin Dart79
Can “none of the above” be added to the motm vote??

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:04 pm
by Number Six
What an absolute bloody shambles

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:18 pm
by rick
Hitchin Dart79 wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:03 pm Can “none of the above” be added to the motm vote??
I would have added Park Life again, but he pulled a sickie :lol:

Don't blame him looking at these stats:

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:26 pm
by Sleightly Deceptive
Get well Parky. You picked a fine day. It was a shocker.

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:32 pm
by DartfordHero
Well the board and management team better start looking towards next season. We don’t deserve to stay up and we haven’t got close to the whole season. The players this year have been subpar to put it mildly. We were never going to score today and it could easily been 4/5-0 down today against a team who started the day below us. No one in that team is fit to wear the shirt and I hope to see none of them back next year

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:37 pm
by Mark Sweet
How much abuse will I get for this post I wonder. How anyone can have an ounce of positivity left in them after what I saw today I don't know. That could have been 5-0 we got lucky it was only 2.

Absolutely woeful. Never looked like scoring and MOST of the players simply do not care and aren't good enough. Box the first to clap the fans at the end of the game, Coulson actually made an effort to go over and have a conversation with a group and Rooney always puts in 100% effort despite being played out of his position, which shows those three do care. Other than that the rest of them made it look like an effort to come over and clap us and cannot make a case for any of them actually caring for the shirt they put on.

Pennock on the other hand, what an awful appointment he's turning out to be. We look worse than we ever did under Dowson and Burman. The board should be ashamed in taking 2 months to appoint him. Whatever recruitment process they had in place has clearly been a massive failure. We don't look like scoring, the players don't have any idea what their roles are half the time. There's no off the ball movement, they're too slow in tracking back etc etc I could go on all day.

We seemed to have got another keeper with poppadom wrists. Couldn't catch anything today, no command of his area whatsoever and a massive error for the first. I questioned Beeney at the start of the season, however aside from Sandford he's the best keeper we have had all season.

That's us down. I'll be shocked if we manage a win for the remaining games. Hopefully we have a complete clear out in the summer and that includes the manager.

The board need to take a long hard look at themselves also. They have to take a large part of responsibility for this season.

MOTM Block. None of the rest of them deserve it

Rooney is wasted at Centre Half, he should be playing further forward.

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:41 pm
by Bagdhad Billy
My thoughts for what it’s worth….

Concerned by the manager already and I hate to say that, isn’t playing the best players every game how did Greenidge start the game he was awful ! As much as wall isn’t on form he looks like Messi in comparison to the overweight and sluggish alternative!

Box on the bench really? When we had wall and Box on we looked so much better going forward before that we were playing in essence with 10 men in the biggest game of the season.

Rooney gives his all and leaves it out on the pitch and I thought Coulson had a better game today. We need a captain who can kick the arse of the players who aren’t giving it their all or being sloppy, I like Couls but he is no Bonner and I would have Rooney as captain for the remainder of the season.

We have given AP a contract for next season as well and I think it would have made more sense to have the incentive of a contract next season if he kept us up however it’s not the first time this board have handed out long contracts is it !!!

Personally I would love the board to eat humble pie and at the end of this season if it doesnt get any better go have a chat with a certain King fellow who should never have been sacked in the first place….

We are officially playing Ishmian league next year after today even if it’s mathematically possible to stay up it ain’t happening and currently with how this club is being run we won’t be a shoe In for an instant return….

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:45 pm
by The Duke
Whilst only a novice in terms of supporting the Darts [25 years +] I left for the 1st time ever today as its just not worth watching a load of dross and I really hope that at the end of the season only 4 of the current squad stay and the rest depart never to be seen again !!!!

Two home games left , will I bother turning up - very unlikely as the temptation to save petrol money [ 54 mile round trip] and my time on something more enjoyable than watching that shower [ should be easy enough !!]

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:48 pm
by KentC
Mark Sweet wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:37 pm How much abuse will I get for this post I wonder. How anyone can have an ounce of positivity left in them after what I saw today I don't know. That could have been 5-0 we got lucky it was only 2.

Absolutely woeful. Never looked like scoring and MOST of the players simply do not care and aren't good enough. Box the first to clap the fans at the end of the game, Coulson actually made an effort to go over and have a conversation with a group which shows those two do care. Other than that the rest of them made it look like an effort to come over and clap us and cannot make a case for any of them actually caring for the shirt they put on.

Pennock on the other hand, what an awful appointment he's turning out to be. We look worse than we ever did under Dowson and Burman. The board should be ashamed in taking 2 months to appoint him. Whatever recruitment process they had in place has clearly been a massive failure. We don't look like scoring, the players don't have any idea what their roles are half the time. There's no off the ball movement, they're too slow in tracking back etc etc I could go on all day.

We seemed to have got another keeper with poppadom wrists. Couldn't catch anything today, no command of his area whatsoever and a massive error for the first. I questioned Beeney at the start of the season, however aside from Sandford he's the best keeper we have had all season.

That's us down. I'll be shocked if we manage a win for the remaining games. Hopefully we have a complete clear out in the summer and that includes the manager.

The board need to take a long hard look at themselves also. They have to take a large part of responsibility for this season.

MOTM Block. None of the rest of them deserve it

Won’t disagree with any of it, I’d add that Wall, Rooney, Block until he got taken off early and Box all give everything and leave nothing in the pitch.
There are one or two others who put in a shift but there are a few too many who don’t put it in.
But let’s be fair to those that do.
Greenidge needs to take a long hard look at himself, it’s criminal what he can not be bothered to do including regularly just standing off side when the game is going in around him. Jogs, strolls and walks.
Not good enough and is stealing a living and AP is shocking at starting him against Chelmsford and today.
However good people think Wall is or isn’t we definitely improved slightly when he was on, he again puts everything in and never gives up.

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:48 pm
by Bagdhad Billy
Mark Sweet wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:37 pm How much abuse will I get for this post I wonder. How anyone can have an ounce of positivity left in them after what I saw today I don't know. That could have been 5-0 we got lucky it was only 2.

Absolutely woeful. Never looked like scoring and MOST of the players simply do not care and aren't good enough. Box the first to clap the fans at the end of the game, Coulson actually made an effort to go over and have a conversation with a group which shows those two do care. Other than that the rest of them made it look like an effort to come over and clap us and cannot make a case for any of them actually caring for the shirt they put on.

Pennock on the other hand, what an awful appointment he's turning out to be. We look worse than we ever did under Dowson and Burman. The board should be ashamed in taking 2 months to appoint him. Whatever recruitment process they had in place has clearly been a massive failure. We don't look like scoring, the players don't have any idea what their roles are half the time. There's no off the ball movement, they're too slow in tracking back etc etc I could go on all day.

We seemed to have got another keeper with poppadom wrists. Couldn't catch anything today, no command of his area whatsoever and a massive error for the first. I questioned Beeney at the start of the season, however aside from Sandford he's the best keeper we have had all season.

That's us down. I'll be shocked if we manage a win for the remaining games. Hopefully we have a complete clear out in the summer and that includes the manager.

The board need to take a long hard look at themselves also. They have to take a large part of responsibility for this season.

MOTM Block. None of the rest of them deserve it

Rooney is wasted at Centre Half, he should be playing further forward.
Was chatting with Tommy Blocks dad and he was our best player by a mile in the first 10 mins really feel for the lad and he was devastated when he got injured. Hopefully he can sort out the injury and we can build the team around him next season…

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:52 pm
by Mark Sweet
KentC wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:48 pm
Mark Sweet wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:37 pm How much abuse will I get for this post I wonder. How anyone can have an ounce of positivity left in them after what I saw today I don't know. That could have been 5-0 we got lucky it was only 2.

Absolutely woeful. Never looked like scoring and MOST of the players simply do not care and aren't good enough. Box the first to clap the fans at the end of the game, Coulson actually made an effort to go over and have a conversation with a group which shows those two do care. Other than that the rest of them made it look like an effort to come over and clap us and cannot make a case for any of them actually caring for the shirt they put on.

Pennock on the other hand, what an awful appointment he's turning out to be. We look worse than we ever did under Dowson and Burman. The board should be ashamed in taking 2 months to appoint him. Whatever recruitment process they had in place has clearly been a massive failure. We don't look like scoring, the players don't have any idea what their roles are half the time. There's no off the ball movement, they're too slow in tracking back etc etc I could go on all day.

We seemed to have got another keeper with poppadom wrists. Couldn't catch anything today, no command of his area whatsoever and a massive error for the first. I questioned Beeney at the start of the season, however aside from Sandford he's the best keeper we have had all season.

That's us down. I'll be shocked if we manage a win for the remaining games. Hopefully we have a complete clear out in the summer and that includes the manager.

The board need to take a long hard look at themselves also. They have to take a large part of responsibility for this season.

MOTM Block. None of the rest of them deserve it

Won’t disagree with any of it, I’d add that Wall, Rooney, Block until he got taken off early and Box all give everything and leave nothing in the pitch.
There are one or two others who put in a shift but there are a few too many who don’t put it in.
But let’s be fair to those that do.
Greenidge needs to take a long hard look at himself, it’s criminal what he can not be bothered to do including regularly just standing off side when the game is going in around him. Jogs, strolls and walks.
Not good enough and is stealing a living and AP is shocking at starting him against Chelmsford and today.
However good people think Wall is or isn’t we definitely improved slightly when he was on, he again puts everything in and never gives up.
Actually yes, I'll edit and add Rooney to the players that care. He always puts in 100% and is played out of his best position. He was actually my vote in the player of the season ticket.

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:00 pm
by oranj
Well that was an absolutely atrocious performance by a team who, while not mathematically relegated, are mentally already in the Ithsmian league. Contrast that with an Eastbourne team who believe and play like they can save themselves.

I’m severely unimpressed with Pennock. I’m assuming the board appointed him on the basis that he wouldn’t get sacked if we go down. There’s nothing about his management, tactics or recruitment that suggests he’s under any pressure to keep the club in the NLS. We are sleepwalking towards relegation.

And finally, I could count on one hand the number of players that I’d want to see wearing the shirt next season. The only positive of relegation would be the chance to clear the club of the dead wood.

Worthing will be a cricket score. The end of the season cannot come soon enough.

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:09 pm
by KentC
Mark Sweet wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:37 pm How much abuse will I get for this post I wonder. How anyone can have an ounce of positivity left in them after what I saw today I don't know. That could have been 5-0 we got lucky it was only 2.

Absolutely woeful. Never looked like scoring and MOST of the players simply do not care and aren't good enough. Box the first to clap the fans at the end of the game, Coulson actually made an effort to go over and have a conversation with a group and Rooney always puts in 100% effort despite being played out of his position, which shows those three do care. Other than that the rest of them made it look like an effort to come over and clap us and cannot make a case for any of them actually caring for the shirt they put on.

Pennock on the other hand, what an awful appointment he's turning out to be. We look worse than we ever did under Dowson and Burman. The board should be ashamed in taking 2 months to appoint him. Whatever recruitment process they had in place has clearly been a massive failure. We don't look like scoring, the players don't have any idea what their roles are half the time. There's no off the ball movement, they're too slow in tracking back etc etc I could go on all day.

We seemed to have got another keeper with poppadom wrists. Couldn't catch anything today, no command of his area whatsoever and a massive error for the first. I questioned Beeney at the start of the season, however aside from Sandford he's the best keeper we have had all season.

That's us down. I'll be shocked if we manage a win for the remaining games. Hopefully we have a complete clear out in the summer and that includes the manager.

The board need to take a long hard look at themselves also. They have to take a large part of responsibility for this season.

MOTM Block. None of the rest of them deserve it

Rooney is wasted at Centre Half, he should be playing further forward.

Disagree on looking worse than under Dowse or TB.
No way.
But I’m not saying that as a positive.

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:11 pm
by The Duke
Rooney and Block are 2 of the 4 I would keep for the Isthmian League but I doubt they would sign as they are NLS standard, the other 2 are v good potential , [ no reason to believe/loyalty would / should come into it ?]
Over the 65 mins I toughed it out , Rooney was my MOTM but Block did play very well for circa 18 mins !!!!

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:13 pm
by Sennocke
The fat lady is singing out loud! Its all over for this year for me .A total clearout needed with a new young enthusiastic team for next season .This really hurts .....see you all in august .. :)

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:18 pm
by Babylon
Old man babylon here.
This is without doubt one of the WORST Dartford teams
I have Ever seen in the 66 years that I have followed the club

Absolute Shambles and s disgrace to the shirt .

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:18 pm
by Sleightly Deceptive
I’m also one of the unimpressed by, first, Ade’s appointment, and second, the dismal performances since. But, we all knew what he was up against in a ‘no-win’ situation. I’m hanging on to the belief that the has a plan for next season when his remit HAS to be, get us back up. If we’re challenging then the Board can be patted on the back for a masterstroke. If our plummet continues, then it’s not just the manager that needs to be ‘looked at.’ The Isthmian ain’t the walk in the park that it was!

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:20 pm
by KentC
Our demise has understandably overshadowed the poor referee and diabolical cheating from them.

Re: Dartford v Eastbourne Borough Mon 1 Apr 2024

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:22 pm
by MickW
Oh dear, yet another bad day at the office and another game we got what we deserved ie nothing.
The Gods don't shine on those at the bottom of the league and we lost two of our most effective players far too early in the game.
Given 2 forced substitutions, we didn't have much room for tactical changes - not that we have proved to be adept at that this season - so we huffed and puffed and were grateful that the ball chose to hit the woodwork rather than the back.of our net on three occasions.
Trying to be positive - we did look better with Wall and Box on the pitch and certainly showed some spark in the closing minutes, unfortunately it was far too late by then.