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Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:49 am
by Lars Resort
Booked, should I point out

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:00 am
by DA Mikey
So relieved to get that win. Tonbridge, like Dover, are poor and will need to make big improvements to stay up.
We were worth the 1-0 score line, but no better.
Nice to see some smiles back at PP!

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:04 am
by KentC
“ Charlie couldn’t be here today “

I hope he’s ok and not absent for a reason too serious

I’m a big fan of his however as a supporter Im curious to know why he’s not at another game and it could be personal reasons I know but it’s not the first time he’s missing games.

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:28 am
by ozymandias
Was pleased we got the win but I don't think it was a great game of football. More like a local derby between two poor sides. having said that I hope it is the first of a winning run, although I don't see many teams being as poor as Tonbridge. Awful side.
We made hard work of it even though we far away, were the better of the two sides we still almost managed to throw away a win.
I liked Brandon, Tyrell and Joash, who I think, would be the better Club Captain and that is no disrespect to Luke. I'd much sooner he concentrate on his own game than worry about what is going on around him. I think Joash is much more vocal and see's the game better from the back. i hope that Sam's injury is slight.
I also thought that Baris had his best game for us as he was putting some quality crosses in in the first half. But then in the second we seemed to stop playing and resorted to hoof ball and was quite lucky with the break from Tonbridge with Beeney losing out to Greenidge. Thankfully Moussa helped out
As a game, I've seen a lot better and I think Tonbridge will struggle this season.
Let's hope the lads pick up from this win.
My MOTM Tyrell.

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:31 am
by ozymandias
I do have a concern regarding Mitch Beeney. Seem's slow at times reacting in situations.

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 12:18 pm
by Lennylenny
I too am concerned about the keeper , I think we will be better when Block is back .Is Wall injured as we didn’t have a striker on the bench?

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:24 pm
by Park Life

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:37 pm
by The Duke
I didnt go yesterday so do NOT have any views on the match but the one thing that stuck out was that we had no strikers on the bench , Alex Wall still injured and has not/hardly figured this season and Charlie Sheringham once again absent [ reason ??] and that is just not acceptable at our level

Dowse signing them has proved to be bad decisions so he really needs to get rid of and the Board should back him with some extra budget to get a couple of [ historically free from injury] decent strikers , we are a well run club surely not skint and able to do this ??????

Pleased we got 3pts and seemingly a better [ footballing] performance , lets hope it continues !!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:59 pm
by Jonty
The Duke wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:37 pm I didnt go yesterday so do NOT have any views on the match but the one thing that stuck out was that we had no strikers on the bench , Alex Wall still injured and has not/hardly figured this season and Charlie Sheringham once again absent [ reason ??] and that is just not acceptable.
You are right Dave. I think the problem with Dowse is that he is too soft and sentimental as manager. He likes to be viewed as this hard nose northerner but in fact is just a pussycat. As much as I like Alex and Charlie, they are both relying on past reputations and are rarely available. The same could be said about Luke Allen, even if he is one of my favourite players...that is when he is available!

I'm not sure what contracts were drawn up with our unavailable players but if there is something in there that gives us the option to let them go then now is that time. We just need to bring in a different type of forward and one that is ideally available to play football on a regular basis. By seasons end this could be the difference between making the playoffs and being mid-table mediocre.

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 6:13 pm
by KentC
Jonty wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:59 pm
The Duke wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:37 pm I didnt go yesterday so do NOT have any views on the match but the one thing that stuck out was that we had no strikers on the bench , Alex Wall still injured and has not/hardly figured this season and Charlie Sheringham once again absent [ reason ??] and that is just not acceptable.
You are right Dave. I think the problem with Dowse is that he is too soft and sentimental as manager. He likes to be viewed as this hard nose northerner but in fact is just a pussycat. As much as I like Alex and Charlie, they are both relying on past reputations and are rarely available. The same could be said about Luke Allen, even if he is one of my favourite players...that is when he is available!

I'm not sure what contracts were drawn up with our unavailable players but if there is something in there that gives us the option to let them go then now is that time. We just need to bring in a different type of forward and one that is ideally available to play football on a regular basis. By seasons end this could be the difference between making the playoffs and being mid-table mediocre.

Didn’t someone say something about a “ nippy no. 9” ?

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 6:34 pm
by Lars Resort
Wall and Sheringham should not have been signed in the summer. All the rave about these two were high hopes having signed. Just a couple of injury prone end of career hopefuls.
Both should go. The quicker the better for me.

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:15 pm
by LA Dart
We should NOT have signed these two the previous summer either ! Maybe one of them but not both and as for signing them this summer again - that defies belief IMO !

...but whenever you dare question the logic you get the old 'he's good in the dressing room' line...whatever that means ????

All teams are looking for pace up front and we sign two players with a combined age of 80 odd and then we're surprised when they're 'not available'...

Presumably, these decisions are not just made by Dowse but the Board too... :o

Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:01 pm
by KentC
LA Dart wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:15 pm We should NOT have signed these two the previous summer either ! Maybe one of them but not both and as for signing them this summer again - that defies belief IMO !

...but whenever you dare question the logic you get the old 'he's good in the dressing room' line...whatever that means ????

All teams are looking for pace up front and we sign two players with a combined age of 80 odd and then we're surprised when they're 'not available'...

Presumably, these decisions are not just made by Dowse but the Board too... :o


Re: Dartford v Tonbridge Angels Sat 23 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:20 pm
by ozymandias
Blimey, I've just watched the highlights and even the highlights were cut.