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Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 7:24 am
by KentC
When you’ve got your loyal but diplomatic Spikes and Park Lifes of the world both struggling then it sounds bad.

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 8:29 am
by Undercover Elephant
It’s becoming a frustrating watch, whatever dowse is smoking I will have some because we are terrible to watch. Is it any wonder we cannot fill a coach to a game now when you saw what we saw yesterday!

Moving Golding from the defence yesterday was a big mistake since he came in he settled well and the defence looked more solid.

There number seven had so much room yesterday, he could have made a cup of tea and then drank it, and this was the side of the dugouts if I could see it why couldn’t the management team and that’s the whole team including Christian.

Is it any wonder the crowds are down this year when you get served with this type of football all the time, Dowse said this is his team so judge him on the performance. And for me it’s a C- needs to try harder, I like the guy he comes across well and does a lot for the club.

But come on “We are Dartford” that used to mean something we was a force to reckoned with a team that could run and run and run and still be able to run more, fight for the club, their team mates, and the shirt.

After 60 minutes yesterday half the team looked knackered, so if we have a fitness coach they need to look at what is going on?

Now no one fears playing Dartford now as we are route one football long high balls in the area for a lone striker to pick up on, sorry but this style of football is boring.

Archie is someone who is young and hungry to do well and what a player he will be in the future when he came on we had a good 10 crosses into the box!

I will be there on Tuesday night, more because of what Parklife said about going with my mates, and at the moment the banter is more enjoyable than the football!

I think I heard someone say we have used 29 player so far this season and another striker to come in as well that could be 30 then and we are only six games in, we could be heading for a new record that I thought that would never be broken of over 60 players in a season which I believe was held by Tommy Sampson.

Rant over going to enjoy my Sunday now!

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:34 am
by rick
Undercover Elephant wrote: Sun Sep 03, 2023 8:29 am
I think I heard someone say we have used 29 player so far this season
I make it 22 players in the league (no cup matches have been played yet).
But, I stand to be corrected - I'm only human :D
I don't count friendlies, bench warmers (like Herschel) or people like Adebowale and Wall who haven't played yet.

Beeney (GK)
Diarra (loan)
Golding (loan)
McIntyre (GK - loan)
Rabbetts (loan)
Woods (loan)

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:45 am
by Park Life
Listened to Dowse's interview and the first thing he said was we'll all agree performance wise no problem at all. well i don't agree.
IMO it was not a good game with neither side looking that great or deserving to win.

We started with a different back four and i understand why as Dowse wants to get Diarra in the side as we have him until January and he did ok for his first game. However i was surprised he moved Golding alongside Wynts in midfield as he has been our most consistent player this season?

Attacking wise If we continue to launch 40-50 yard balls into outer space in the hope poor old Harvey can do anything with it 20 yards from goal with his back to it we are all deluded. The only other time we get balls in the box is with long throws or corners. We create hardly anything from open play but when you look at our players individually, they are all comfortable on the ball so why play like this? It's ineffective and boring to watch.

We have four forwards all in the number 9 mould which gives us no different options and to just keep switching them around will make hardly any difference if we don't provide them with quality balls in the box. It's okay for Dowse to now say we need something different but we all knew that when he signed all four of them them and it was obvious to every man and his dog that two of them would probably miss half the season, AGAIN.
Our two wide players tend to come inside a lot so we have very little width and the only time i can recall we have put a few decent balls in the box from wide positions came from Tommy Block. Barzey has also been suspended for the last three games and the only other real wide option we have is Herschel but he's not even made the bench? If Dowse doesn't feel he can trust him or he's ready that's fine but he either needs to go on loan somewhere or be released, the same with Adebowale?

We have signed 28 players this season (5 loans) and as Rick said, using 22 already so the budget can't be that bad!! It's like we are doing our pre-season now and this was the same last season. The only ray of sunshine is that Dowse did manage to turn things around then and i hope he can do the same again. But it's very frustrating atm and not a great watch.

MOTM for me Archie Woods. He was like a breath of fresh air as he played more quality passes and crosses in the few minutes he was on than the we did for the rest of the game.

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:51 am
by Tony H
Wasn’t at the game yesterday, (couldn’t possibly justify taking a whole day out of my weekend for football), but from what I’ve seen so far this lot is very tedious to watch. It was made slightly more digestible by the two wins over the BH weekend though. Winning games is all-important and if we do that ugly and win most games by the odd goal then so be it! We have to start winning games though and, stating the obvious, we need to put the ball in the oppositions goal.

As many have said on here, this isn’t going to be a long, hard season. Roll on Tuesday night when bottom of the League visit PP.

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:52 am
by Tony H
PS We’ve discussed exactly the same in our own circle of mates that the camaraderie makes Saturdays and Tuesdays worthwhile.

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:57 am
by KentC
Park Life wrote: Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:45 am Listened to Dowse's interview and the first thing he said was we'll all agree performance wise no problem at all. well i don't agree.
IMO it was not a good game with neither side looking that great or deserving to win.

We started with a different back four and i understand why as Dowse wants to get Diarra in the side as we have him until January and he did ok for his first game. However i was surprised he moved Golding alongside Wynts in midfield as he has been our most consistent player this season?

Attacking wise If we continue to launch 40-50 yard balls into outer space in the hope poor old Harvey can do anything with it 20 yards from goal with his back to it we are all deluded. The only other time we get balls in the box is with long throws or corners. We create hardly anything from open play but when you look at our players individually, they are all comfortable on the ball so why play like this? It's ineffective and boring to watch.

We have four forwards all in the number 9 mould which gives us no different options and to just keep switching them around will make hardly any difference if we don't provide them with quality balls in the box. It's okay for Dowse to now say we need something different but we all knew that when he signed all four of them them and it was obvious to every man and his dog that two of them would probably miss half the season, AGAIN.
Our two wide players tend to come inside a lot so we have very little width and the only time i can recall we have put a few decent balls in the box from wide positions came from Tommy Block. Barzey has also been suspended for the last three games and the only other real wide option we have is Herschel but he's not even made the bench? If Dowse doesn't feel he's can trust him or he's ready that's fine but he either needs to go on loan somewhere or be released, the same with Adebowale?

We have signed 28 players this season (5 loans) and as Rick said, using 22 already so the budget can't be that bad!! It's like we are doing our pre-season now and this was the same last season. The only ray of sunshine is that Dowse did manage to turn things around then and i hope he can do the same again. But it's very frustrating atm and not a great watch.

MOTM for me Archie Woods. He was like a breath of fresh air as he played more quality passes and crosses in the few minutes he was on than the we did for the rest of the game.

Didnt Dowse say pre season he only wants players who are going to tough out a full season and not carry injury prone players like last season. Or something similar to that.

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:58 am
by DA Mikey
At least pre-season didn’t lull us into any false sense of security!

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 10:05 am
by KentC
Tony H wrote: Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:52 am PS We’ve discussed exactly the same in our own circle of mates that the camaraderie makes Saturdays and Tuesdays worthwhile.
As someone who watches on his own 95% of the time I now understand why I struggle to make that extra effort on some occasions with the point you make.
Ill never be as die hard as many in here but I always felt less of a supporter if I miss a game , though I never miss Saturday home or local games, but example is I’m working Tuesday and again in Swindon Wednesday so will I make that extra effort to come Tuesday? Maybe with the emergence of Woods it may tip the balance.

So I see your point on what you say entirely.

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 10:45 am
by Mark Sweet
At least we have the cup draw to look forward to tomorrow, maybe this is finally the year for a cup run?!

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 10:47 am
by Undercover Elephant
Mark Sweet wrote: Sun Sep 03, 2023 10:45 am At least we have the cup draw to look forward to tomorrow, maybe this is finally the year for a cup run?!
At least it will not be Beckenham!

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 12:01 pm
by The Duke
I hate the way we are playing Football [ Hoofball ] and whilst I want us to win I also want see see some really good football [which usually equates to winning ] , 2023 has served us the worst football I think I have ever seen by a Darts team and I really do make the effort to go to the Home games [
once again I bought a season ticket] and enjoy the banter etc but I really cant be [[currently] bothered to go to away games until the class of football improves
Obviously I didnt go on Saturday but to see the Fans Forum MOTM go to the new Lad [Archie Woods ] who only played 15mins or so says it all from the guys who did !!!!

I am fed up with listening to Dowse excuses , we have 4 strikers , 1 of 2 only starts , the other 2 hardly play and as fans we see Greenidge , a regular goalscorer , go to Tonbridge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 12:57 pm
by Ajaxman DFC
The Duke wrote: Sun Sep 03, 2023 12:01 pm I hate the way we are playing Football [ Hoofball ] and whilst I want us to win I also want see see some really good football [which usually equates to winning ] , 2023 has served us the worst football I think I have ever seen by a Darts team and I really do make the effort to go to the Home games [
once again I bought a season ticket] and enjoy the banter etc but I really cant be [[currently] bothered to go to away games until the class of football improves
Obviously I didnt go on Saturday but to see the Fans Forum MOTM go to the new Lad [Archie Woods ] who only played 15mins or so says it all from the guys who did !!!!

I am fed up with listening to Dowse excuses , we have 4 strikers , 1 of 2 only starts , the other 2 hardly play and as fans we see Greenidge , a regular goalscorer , go to Tonbridge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With reference to Tonbridge, they've been on the up for the past few seasons.
They've also made some big decisions both on and off the field to get to where they are and are attracting some quality players.
Their attendances have increased 100% since promotion to the NS. Most notably the 1,200 who attended a midweek game at home to Concord last season.
And don't let anyone fob you off about the state of the economy as attendances fall at Princes Park, when the footfall at other clubs is increasing dramatically around our ears.
People still have money but are being more shrewd when it comes to how they spend it.
Basically they want value for money more than ever in the current climate.
The evidence is everywhere. The majority of pubs are empty while coffee shops are thriving.
A good quality shot of caffeine is still a fare price in comparison to paying a fiver for a bog standard pint of bitter, or even worse £6+ for a lager that's often lifeless through a severe lack of gas. (Can't blame Putin for that one).
As for Aveley, I was delighted to see someone had actually contacted the Non-League Paper, condemning the inflated bar prices for away supporters. I'm glad to see they recognised this is in the public interest in today's edition.

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:16 pm
by rick
Ajaxman DFC wrote: Sun Sep 03, 2023 12:57 pm As for Aveley, I was delighted to see someone had actually contacted the Non-League Paper, condemning the inflated bar prices for away supporters. I'm glad to see they recognised this is in the public interest in today's edition.

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 3:33 pm
by ozymandias
Talking of Manny Adebowale, I've asked this before. Is he injured or is Dowse just not playing him?
I for one sponsor a player each season and not making every home game now it's my way of still showing my support for the club.
I have asked on here twice before on this matter and have had no clarification on the situation with Manny?
I hope he's still at the club and if he is injured, what is his status?
But I shall be thinking twice about throwing my money at kit sponsorship.
Can anyone give me an answer to my question?
I am hoping to make Tuesdays game and a quick response to what seems a dour 90 minutes at Taunton.
The stuttering start seems to be a continuation of last season and as I've only witnessed two performances this season so far even I can make out a blunt attacking side from down in Faversham.
I must admit that I too am beginning to lose patience with the football being played or not as the case maybe.
I'm hoping for some goals Tuesday but am finding it hard to see where from. If Dowse has no intention of playing Herschel I can see three players that needs to be on their way out the door.
We may be idiots on the website but he is now having to react to 'an attacking problem ' that has been highlighted on here for a few weeks now.

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 4:24 pm
by rambo
I agree totally re Marvin Herschel, I have only seen good in him in the games I have seen play , he must be given a chance , he has pace and skill and can finish. what is the problem.
Marvin is different you can fill a team with clones of the same player

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 6:58 am
by DA Mikey
After all these years, who knew Colin Hunt was a Dartford fan?
With the crazy barnet and multi-coloured shirts, you’d think we’d have spotted him on the terraces!

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 9:16 am
by ozymandias
Rambo, by 'Marvin is different' did you mean Manny?
I thought I would sponsor him as I thought he is young and in the one match we saw him in last season at Hampton he coped quite well alongside Tom Bonner. When he signed for us in pre-season I thought great. Here was a lad who was interested in making a move to the club to try and make a go of things at this stage of his career. Of course, having come to us on loan he only had the one game anyway. But he wanted to play for us.
If he's down in the pecking order in the space of five minutes, what was the point in signing him?
Bloody hell, I'm all for youth in a Dartford side, get rid of the 'has been's'. With young player's it'll take time, we know. But a little patience is what's needed and no one seem's to have that nowadays. :shock:

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:44 am
by The Futures White
ozymandias wrote: Mon Sep 04, 2023 9:16 am Rambo, by 'Marvin is different' did you mean Manny?
I thought I would sponsor him as I thought he is young and in the one match we saw him in last season at Hampton he coped quite well alongside Tom Bonner. When he signed for us in pre-season I thought great. Here was a lad who was interested in making a move to the club to try and make a go of things at this stage of his career. Of course, having come to us on loan he only had the one game anyway. But he wanted to play for us.
If he's down in the pecking order in the space of five minutes, what was the point in signing him?
Bloody hell, I'm all for youth in a Dartford side, get rid of the 'has been's'. With young player's it'll take time, we know. But a little patience is what's needed and no one seem's to have that nowadays. :shock:
Manny Adebowale (who will be 26 in a couple of weeks) played alongside George Whitefield at Hampton last season, not Tom Bonner. As far as I know he is still at Dartford.

Re: Taunton Town v Dartford Sat 2 Sep 2023

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 12:13 pm
by rambo
ozymandias wrote: Mon Sep 04, 2023 9:16 am Rambo, by 'Marvin is different' did you mean Manny?
I thought I would sponsor him as I thought he is young and in the one match we saw him in last season at Hampton he coped quite well alongside Tom Bonner. When he signed for us in pre-season I thought great. Here was a lad who was interested in making a move to the club to try and make a go of things at this stage of his career. Of course, having come to us on loan he only had the one game anyway. But he wanted to play for us.
If he's down in the pecking order in the space of five minutes, what was the point in signing him?
Bloody hell, I'm all for youth in a Dartford side, get rid of the 'has been's'. With young player's it'll take time, we know. But a little patience is what's needed and no one seem's to have that nowadays. :shock:
Oz I have never seen Manny play but I am confused as to why the club have signed him and never been given a real chance to show what he can do
I do mean Marvin is different to the other strikers because he is a forward that us not just a target man
He can score goals and has pace and skill so he deserves a chance before he is gone forever as far as DFC are concerned